Chapter 7: Learning Part 2 Flashcards
classical conditioning is a _____ form of learning that ….
passive, does not involve the active participation of the learning because learning is involuntary
operant/instrumental conditioning
a form of associative learning whereby behaviour is modified depending on its consequences
operant/instrumental conditioning is ________, and acts on:
voluntary, acts on the environment to produce specific outcomes
law of effect
behaviours leading to rewards are more likely to occur again, while behaviours producing unpleasantness are less likely to occur again
a branch of psychological thought arguing that psychology should study only directly observable behaviours rather than abstract mental processes
associate Thorndike with….
INSTRUMENTAL LEARNING-learning is in response to the environment, there is one thing that is “instrumental” to learning
associate Skinner with….
OPERANT LEARNING-organisms exerted influence/”operated” on the environment
operant learning is based on the fact that behaviours are followed by….
favourable effects or consequences that will likely be repeated
an experience that produces an increase in a certain behaviour
are rewards and reinforcers the same thing?
positive reinforcement
presentation of a pleasant consequence following a behaviour to increase the probability that the behaviour will reoccur
negative reinforcement
removal of an unpleasant stimulus after a response to increase the probability that the behaviour will reoccur
an experience that produces a decrease in a particular behaviour
positive punishment
presentation of an unpleasant consequence following a specific behaviour to decrease the probability of the behaviour being repeated
negative punishment
removal of a pleasant stimulus as a consequence of a behaviour to decrease the probability of the behaviour being repeated
primary reinforcers
a stimulus that has survival value and is therefore intrinsically rewarding
secondary reinforcer
a neutral stimulus that becomes rewarding when associated with a primary reinforcer
primary punisher
a stimulus that is naturally aversive to an organism
secondary punisher
a stimulus that becomes aversive when associated with a primary discomfort
reinforcement is more effective than punishment because:
reinforcement changes behaviour while punishment only teaches how to avoid behaviour
what occurs when behaviour is reinforced every time it occurs-results in rapid learnings but can be easily extinguished
intermittent/partial reinforcement
a schedule of reinforcement where the behaviour is only followed by reinforcement some of the time- more slowly acquired but difficult to extinguish
fixed ratio schedule
schedule of reinforcement that occurs after a specific number of responses
variable ratio schedule
schedule of reinforcement where the number of responses required for reinforcement is unpredictable
in a ratio schedule, reinforcement is based on:
the number of behavioural responses
fixed interval schedule
schedule of reinforcement that occurs every time a specific time period has elapsed
variable interval schedule
schedule of reinforcement that occurs after varying amounts of time
in an interval schedule, reinforcement is based on:
elapsed time
introducing new behaviour by reinforcing small approximations of desired behaviour
biological constraints
biology plays a role in how easy/difficult a particular learning task will be for a certain species
behaviour modification
a systematic approach to change behaviour using principles of operant conditioning
learned helplessness
a situation in which repeated exposure to inescapable punishment eventually produces a failure to make escape attempts
observational/social learning
learning that occurs without overt training in response to watching the behaviour of others, called models
what occurs when an observer learns from the behaviour of another
observational learning is not imitation because:
the behaviour is not necessarily repeated or imitated
vicarious learning
learning that occurs when an individual observes the consequences to another’s actions and then chooses to duplicate the behaviour or refrain from doing so
mirror neurons
neurons fired when an animal or human performs an action or when they see another animal perform the same action
mirror neurons is the neural basis for:
imitation and observational learning
implicit learning
the acquisition of information without awareness (occurs without obvious reinforcement)
spatial navigation learning
learning that involves forming associations among stimuli relevant to navigating in space (a form of shaping)
latent learning
a form of learning that is not expressed until there is reward or incentive
latent learning demonstrates reinforcement is:
not necessary for learning to occur
insight learning
a sudden realization of a solution to a problem or leap in understanding new concepts