Chapter 7 Flashcards
Brand Ambassador
is a person who is paid or given free products by a company in exchange for wearing or using its products and trying to encourage others to do so.
two or more individuals who share a set of norms, values, or beliefs and have certain implicitly or explicitly defined relationships to one another such that their behaviors are interdependent.
Reference group
is a group whose presumed perspective or values are being used by an individual as the basis for his or her current behavior.
Primary groups
such as family and friends involve strong ties and frequent interaction
Secondary Groups
such as professional and neighborhood associations, involve weaker ties and less-frequent interaction
Dissociative reference groups
groups with negative desirability
Aspiration reference groups
nonmember ship groups with a positive attraction
Consumption subculture
is a distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class, brand, or consumption, activity
Brand community
non-geographically bound community, based on a structured set of a social relationship among owners of a brand and the psychological relationship they have with the brand itself, the product in use and the firm
characterized by consciousness of kind, shared rituals and traditions and a sense of moral responsibility
Online community
a community that interacts over time around a topic of interest on the internet
Online social network situate
a web-based service that allows individuals 1) to construct a public or semipublic profile within a bounded system 2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection and 3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system.
Information Influence
occurs when an individual uses the behaviors and opinions of reference group members as potentially useful bits of information
Normative influence
sometimes referred to as utilitarian influence, occurs when an individual fulfills expectations to gain a direct reward or to avoid a sanction
Identification Influence
also called value expressive influence, occurs when individuals have internalized the group’s values and norms’
Asch Phenomenon
of group consensus and social pressure that influence an individual to change a correct answer in reaction to group member’s incorrect answer to same question.
Word of mouth (WOM) communication
individuals sharing information with other individuals in verbal form, including face-to-face on the phone and over the internet
Opinion leader
these individuals actively filter, interpret, or provide product- and brand relevant information to their family, friend and colleagues
Two-step flow of communication
process of one person’s receiving information from the mass media or other sources and passing it on to others
Multistep flow of communication
involves opinion leaders for a particular product area who actively seek relevant information from the mass media as well as other sources
Enduring involvement
most salient characteristic of opinion leaders is greater long-term involvement with the product category than the non-opinion leaders in the group
Market Mavens
generalized market influencers
the exponential expansion of Word of Mouth WOM
Guerrilla marketing:
marketing with a limited budget using non conventional communication strategies.
is an idea, practice, or product perceived to be new by the relevant individual group
Adoption process
individual consumers presumably go through a series of distinct steps or stages
Diffusion process
is the manner in which innovations spread throughout market
are venturesome risk takers
Early Adopters
tend to be opinion leaders, like market maven, in local reference groups
Early majority
consumers tend to be cautious about innovations
Late Majority
members are skeptical about innovations
are locally oriented and engage in limited social interaction