Chapter 6 Flashcards
Consumer skills
those capabilities necessary for purchases to occur such as understanding money, budgeting, product evaluation and so forth
Consumer socialization
the process by which young people acquire skills, knowledge and attitude relevant to their functioning as consumer in the marketplace
Consumption-related attitudes
cognitive and affective orientations toward marketplace stimuli such as advertisement, salespeople, warranties, and so forth
Consumption- related preferences
the knowledge, attitudes and values that cause people to attach differential evaluations to product, brands, and retail outlets
Family decisions making
The process by which decisions directly or indirectly involve two or more family members are made
Family household
having at least two members related by birth, marriage or adoption, one of whom is the householder (a householder owns or rents the residence)
HLC/ Occupational category matrix
The vertical axis is the particular stage in the Household life cycle HLC which determines the problem the household will likely encounter; the horizontal axis is a set of occupational categories which provide a range of acceptable solutions
all the people who occupy a housing unit a house, apartment, group of rooms, or single room designed to be occupied as separate living quarters
Household life Cycle (HLC)
the family life cycles model describe the stage through which consumers pass through their lives when they have families.
Instrumental training
occurs when a parent or sibling specifically and directly attempts to bring about certain response through reasoning or reinforcement
occurs when a parent alters a child’s initial interpretation of or response to a a marketing or other stimulus
occurs when a child learns appropriate, or inappropriate, consumption behavior by observing other
Nonfamily Household
householder living alone or exclusively with other to whom they are not related to
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
widely set of stages of cognitive development
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development Stage 1
the period of sensorimotor intelligence (0-2 years): During this period the behavior is primarily motor. The child does not yet think conceptually though cognitive development is seen
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development Stage 2
The period of preoperational thoughts (3-7 years): this period is characterized by the development of language and rapid conceptual development
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development Stage 3
The period of concrete operations (8-11 Years): during these years the child develops the ability to apply logical though to concrete problems
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development Stage 4
The period of formation operations (12-15 years): during this period, the child’s cognitive structure reach their greatest level of development and the child becomes able to apply logic to all classes of problems.
Step Family
married couple family household with at least one child under the age of 18 who is a stepchild (ex a son or daughter through marriage)
Traditional Family
a married opposite-sex couple and their own or adopted children living at home