Chapter 6- Learning Flashcards
Tendency, after conditioning, to responding similarly to stimuli that resemble conditioned stimulus
Stimulus Generalization
Tendency to repeat or duplicate behaviors for which others are being rewarded.
Vicarious reinforcement
The process of observing and imitating a specific behavior
A learned response to a previously neutral (but now conditioned) stimulus
Conditioned response
Early childhood environments with high levels of aggression, TV, and videos are powerful sources of observational learning and can have “____” effects
Increased behaviors by presenting pleasant stimuli (rewards)
Positive Reinforcement
Punished behavior suppressed; punishing behavior is reinforced. Generalization occurs and fear is taught. Aggression can be increased by modeling
Major drawbacks of physical punishment
Learning that is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it
Latent learning
A type of learning that facilitates learning from others’ experiences. This is another form of cognitive learning
Observational learning
A type of learning in which we learn to link two or more stimuli to anticipate events
Classical conditioning
A type of reinforcement schedule that reinforces behavior after a specific number of responses
Fixed-ratio Schedules
A mental image of the layout of one’s environment
Cognitive Map
A type of learning where we associate a response and its consequence
Operant Conditioning
According to Bandura, modeling can have both antisocial and “_____” effects
A type of reinforcer that is unlearned; innate
Primary Reinforcer
A type of reinforcement schedule that reinforces behavior after an unpredictable period of time
Variable-interval Schedules
A type of reinforcement schedule that reinforces behavior after a fixed time period
Fixed-interval Schedules
Desire to perform a behavior for its own sake
Intrinsic Motivation
A type of reinforcer that have immediate rewards
Immediate Reinforcers
Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other irrelevant stimuli
Stimulus Discrimination
An originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response
Conditioned stimulus
An unlearned, naturally occurring response to an unconditioned stimulus
Unconditioned response
Reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response
Spontaneous Recovery
A type of reinforcer that are learned associations with primary reinforcers
Conditioned Reinforcers (Secondary)
A stimulus that naturally and automatically triggers a response
Unconditioned stimulus
Desire to perform a behavior to gain a reward or avoid a punishment
Extrinsic Motivation
A stimulus that evokes no response before conditioning
Neutral stimulus
An addition of an unpleasant stimulus to decrease behavior
Positive punishment
Pavlov and his associates explored 5 processes
Acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization and discrimination
The weakening of a conditioned response when an unconditioned stimulus does not follow a conditioned stimulus
A removal of a pleasant stimulus to decrease behavior
Negative punishment
A method of varying and influencing our learning by timing reinforcements
Reinforcement Schedule
Where a response is first established in learning. In classical conditioning, this is when the stimulus comes to evoke the conditioned response
A type of reinforcement good for behavior mastery and where extinction can occur quickly
Continuous Reinforcement
Learning that certain events occur together
Associative learning
Acquisition of mental information that guides our behavior
Cognitive learning
A method of decreasing behavior
Increased behaviors by stopping or reducing an unpleasant stimuli
Negative Reinforcement
A type of reinforcement schedule that reinforces behavior after an unpredictable number of responses
Variable-ratio Schedules