Chapter 5: Skeletal System - Test Review Flashcards
What are the minerals stored in the bones
Phosphorus and calcium
What is the function of phosphorus
What is the function of calcium
What are the 4 types of bones
Short, long, irregular, flat
What is an example of a short bone
Carpals and tarsals
What is an example of a long bone
Femur, tibula, fibula
What is an example of an irregular bone
vertebrae and hip bones
What is an example of a flat bone
Ribs, sternum, skull
What are the sharpey’s fibers
Secure the periosteum to the underlying bone
What is the function of yellow marrow
It is mostly fat so it provides energy
What is the function of red marrow and where can it be found in adults
confined in cavities in the spongy bone of flat bones and the epiphysis of some bones - blood cell formation
What is blood cell formation called
What are the 2 types of bone
Spongy and compact
Where is compact bone found
Where is spongy bone found
What is the epiphyseal line
thin line of bony tissue spanning hte epiphysis that looks a bit different from the rest of the bone in that area
What is the epiphyseal plate
A flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young growing bones - cause lengthwise growth
What are the holes in bones called?
What are the bone forming cells called
What are the bone cells called
What are the bone destroying cells called
What are the lacunae
Cavities containing bone cells - arranged in concentric rings
What are the 5 types of bone fractures
compound, simple, communative, impressive, greenstick
Where are osteons located
Central canal