Chapter 5 Review ~ Infection Control: Principles and Practices Flashcards
Submicroscopic particles that infect cells of a biological organism are known as ___.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registers many different types of ___.
Organisms that grow, feed, and shelter on or in another organism are known as ___.
Pus-forming bacteria that grow in bunches or clusters are ___.
A contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite is ___.
The HIV virus is spread mainly through ___.
The sharing of needles
Nonpathogenic bacteria are ___.
Pathogenic bacteria may produce ____.
____ is a level of decontamination which is second only to sterilization.
OSHA stands for ___.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Completely destroying all microbial life including bacterial spores is called ___.
Quats is a short term for the salon disinfectant known as ___.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
Sodium Hypochlorite is also known as ___.
Household Bleach
All disinfectants are ___ in the presence of oils, lotions, creams, and dust.
The division of a bacterial cell into two new cells is called ___.
Binary Fission
An example of a local infection is ___.
Products used to kill microbes on contaminated tools and other nonliving surfaces are ___.
The process that eliminates most, but not necessarily all, microorganisms on nonliving surfaces is called ___.
The effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills germs when used according to the label is known as ___.
Phenols may ___ certain rubber and plastic materials.
There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria, but they are classified into the following two primary types: ____
Pathogenic and Nonpathogenic
Nonpathogenic bacteria may perform useful functions and ___.
Not cause disease
Break down food
Protect against infection
The bacteria responsible for food poisoning and toxic shock syndrome are ___.
The OSHA act of 1970 established the Hazard Communication Rule which requires chemical manufacturers to ____ and importers assess the hazards associated with their products.
Publish MSDS
MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet
To use a disinfectant properly, read and follow the manufacturer’s directions and ___ implements for proper disinfection.
Completely Submerged
Pus-forming bacteria that grow in curved lines resembling a string of beads are known as ___.
The number of viable organisms in or on the object or surface or organic material on a surface or object prior to decontamination or sterilization is known as ___.
An infectious agent smaller than bacteria and capable or replication through taking over the host’s cell’s reproduction machinery is known as ___.
A virus
The ability to destroy or resist infection is known as ___.
The condition which is developed after the body has overcome a disease or has been inoculated for the disease is known as ___.
Acquired Immunity
The Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is caused by the ___.
HIV Virus
Bacteria are one-celled microorganisms also known as microbes or ___.