Chapter 43 Vocab Flashcards
loss of pregnancy from any cause prior to 20 weeks gestation
Abruptio placentae
premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall
Braxton-Hicks contractions
mild, irregular uterine contractions prior to the onset of labor
Breech position
fetal presentation in which the feet or buttocks are the presenting part
visibility of the fetus at the vaginal opening
the opening of the os cervix in preparation for childbirth
hypertensive disorder of pregnancy characterized by the onset of seizure or coma
Ectopic pregnancy
implantation of a fertilized ovum outside of the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube
the thinning or flattening of the cervix
human organism from day four after fertilization through the 8th week
developing human organism from 60 days gestation to birth
the length of time from conception to birth
the number of pregnancies
Hyperemesis gravidarum
abnormally persistant, severe nausea & vomiting of pregnancy
descent of the presenting part of the fetus into the maternal pelvis, which may occur up to 3 weeks prior to labor, or not until after labor begins
contents of the first fetal or neonatal bowel movement
a woman who has given birth more than once
an infant from birth to one month of age
posterior pituitary hormone that plays a role in labor and lactation
a woman who has delivered an infant of greater than 20 weeks gestation
process of expelling a fetus through the birth canal
temporary organ of pregnancy that allows the exchange of nutrients, gases, and waste between the mother and fetus
Placenta previa
condition where the placenta partially or completely covers the cervix
Precipitous delivery
delivery that occurs within 3 hours of the onset of labor
hypertensive disorder characterized by high blood pressure, edema, protein in urine, headache, visual disturbances, and hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
Premature newborn
infant delivered at 20 weeks gestation, weighing at least 500g
prior to birth
Preterm labor
the onset of labor prior to 37 weeks gestation
Prolapsed umbilical cord
condition where the umbilical cord comes before the fetus in delivery
Shoulder dystocia
condition in which labor and delivery are complicated by large fetal shoulders, becoming wedged between the pubis and sacrum
Spontaneous abortion
the loss of a pregnancy from natural causes prior to 20 weeks gestation
infant of 20 wks gestation or more born without signs of life
Supine hypotensive syndrome
decreased CO and hypotension when the weight of the fetus compressed the inferior vena cavae when the mother lies on her back
cell formed by the union of a sperm and egg