Chapter 34 Vocab Flashcards
Blunt trauma
Trauma that has a wide impact area that does not penetrate
grinding sound due to bones grinding together, subcutaneous air, or arthritis
Mnemonic for conditions to look for during a trauma assessment
Destination decision
the determination of the most appropriate mode of transport and facility based on the patient’s needs
Direct Injury
Injury that occurs at the point of contact with an object
the patient’s LOC during the assessment
In a MVC, being thrown from the car
Frontal impact
aka, head on collision
Indirect injury
injury that occurs away from the point of contact with an object through transfer
Kinetic energy
the energy of objects in motion
physics of how an object in motion is affected by outside forces and how energy is distributed when objects collide
Lateral impact
aka, T-bone collision
Law of conservation of energy
Law that states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transffered forms
Law of intertia
Law that states an object at rest or in motion will remain so until acted on by outside force
Mechanism of injury (MOI)
the force and energy that causes trauma
Mode of transport
method used to move patient to most appropriate facility
Newton’s second law of motion
Law that shows how forces are distributed during a collision
Penetrating trauma
injury caused by a object that creates an opening in the tissues
Primary blast injury
trauma caused by pressure wave from an explosion
Quaternary blast injury
4th phase of injuries from a blast, such as contamination
Rear impact
collision where vehicle is struck from behind
collision where turns over before coming to rest
Rotational impact
collision where the impact causes the vehicle to spin around
Secondary blast injury
trauma caused from debris that is thrown as a result of the explosion
Significant MOIs
forms of energy transferred to the body associated with life threatening injuries
Tertiary blast injury
trauma caused by the person hitting the ground or other object as a result from the pressure wave
energy caused by the movement of energy to the tissues