Chapter 4 [Skeletal System] Diseases Flashcards
Joint pain
Inflammation of a bursa
Mass of bone tissue that forms at
fracture site during its healing
Softening of cartilage
Noise produced by bones or cart
rubbing together in conditions st
as arthritis; also called crepitus
Bone pain
Inflammation of synovial membrane
closed fracture
Fracture in which there is no open skin wound
Colles’ fracture
Common type of wrist fracture
comminuted fracture
Fracture in which bone is shattered,
splintered, or crushed into many small
pieces or fragments
compound fracture
Fracture in which bone has broken
through skin
compression fracture
Fracture involving loss of height of
a vertebral body; may be result of
trauma, but in older people, especially
women, may be caused by conditions
like osteoporosis
Broken bone
greenstick fracture
Fracture in which there is an incom-
plete break; one side of bone is bro-
ken and other side is bent; fracture
type commonly found in children due
to their softer and more pliable bone
impacted fracture
Fracture in which bone fragments are
pushed into each other
oblique fracture
Fracture at an angle to bone
pathologic fracture
Fracture caused by diseased or weakened bone
spiral fracture
Fracture in which fracture line spirals
around shaft of bone; can be caused
by twisting injury and is often slower
to heal than other types of fractures
stress fracture
Slight fracture caused by repetitive,
low-impact forces, like running, rather
than single, forceful impact
transverse fracture
Complete fracture that is straight
across bone at right angles to lon,
axis of bone
Tumor, usually benign, that forms in
Ewing’s sarcoma
Malignant growth found in shaft of
long bones that spreads through
periosteum; removal is treatment of
choice because tumor will metasta-
size or spread to other organs
Bony, outward projection from sur-
face of a bone; also called bone spur
Tumor that forms in bone marrow tissue
Tumor, usually benign, that consists
of both bone and cartilage tissue
osteogenic sarcoma
Most common type of bone cancer;
usually begins in osteocytes found
at ends of long bones;
Tumor found in bone tissue
Softening of bones caused by deficiency of calcium; thought to be caused by insufficient sunlight and vitamin D in children
Inflammation of bone and bone
General term for bone disease
Decrease in bone mass producing a thinning and weakening of bone with resulting fractures; bone becomes more porous, especially in spine and pelvis
ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory spinal condition resem-
bling rheumatoid arthritis and results
in gradual stiffening and fusion of ver-
tebrae; more common in men than in
Abnormal increase in outward curva-
ture of thoracic spine
Abnormal increase in forward
curvature of lumbar spine; also known
as swayback
Abnormal lateral curvature of
spine; see again Figure 4-19 for illus-
tration of abnormal spine curvatures
spina bifida
Congenital anomaly occurring
when vertebra fails to fully form
around spinal cord
spinal stenosis
Narrowing of spinal canal causing
pressure on cord and nerves
Forward sliding of lumbar vertebra
over vertebra below it
Specifically refers to ankylosing of spine, but commonly used in reference to any degenerative condition of 1 vertebral column
Inflammation of bursa of first metatar-
sophalangeal joint (base of big toe)
Occurs when bones in a joint are
displaced from normal alignment
and ends of bones are no longer in
osteoarthritis (OA)
Arthritis resulting in degeneration of
bones and joints, especially those
bearing weight; results in bone rub-
bing against bone;