Chapter 4 Section 1 Flashcards
What is a constitution?
“…document that set[s] out basic laws, principles, organization, and processes of a government.”
What is a confederation?
A confederation is an alliance of independent states (each state is like its own country)
What is an economic depression?
“…a period when business activity slows, prices and wages fall, and unemployment rises.”
What has to happen for it to be considered an economic depression?
It has to be a 4 cycle of down growth, which means a full year of constant down growth with no rising. One cycle is 3 months, so 4 cycles is one full year.
Why did each of the 13 colonies create a constitution?
Each state had different beliefs/opinions on things, such as slavery. Each state also wanted to be independent.
What is a bill of rights?
“A list of freedoms that the government promises to protect.”
What did the Virginia bill of rights protect?
It included freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and trial by jury
What were the voting requirements for each state?
White man over 21 who owned land and paid taxes
What were the articles of confederation?
An alliance between all 13 colonies. It was the first constitution, and a MASSIVE failure. This caused America’s economy to go down, since America was in big debt after the war.
What power did the federal government have in the Article of confederation?
The federal government had very little power–all of it was in the states. However, the government could declare war, appoint military officers, coin money, operate post offices, conduct foreign affairs, and sign treaties
Why was the federal government weak under the Articles of confederation?
It had no power—all the power was in the states. Since each was like its own country, the states didn’t care about each other. Additionally, Congress could not do anything without the states’ permission, and needed to ask the states for money.
How long did the Articles of Confederation last?
About 4 years
How many votes did each state have in the Federal Congress under the Articles of Confederation?
1 each (13 total)
What issues did the new nations have? (5)
- Debt (France, Spain, Dutch, citizens, soldiers)
- States fought over Ohio (expand old states or make new state)
- Congress couldn’t pay back debt
- British didn’t leave Ohio forts
- Spain closed New Orleans to U.S.
What was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787?
It established New States in Ohio
What were the rules to become a new state?
- 60,000 people living in an area
- public schools up until 4th grade
- no slavery (for north)
What was Shay’s rebellion?
A rebellion (started by Daniel Shay) against taxes in Massachusetts. People lost their land and couldn’t pay tax. The rebellion stopped, but everyone was pardoned because Shay was right. The states met up in Philadelphia to discuss the issue.
What did Shay’s rebellion cause?
When the states met up they created the Constitution
Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
- The states had too much power
- Federal government couldn’t raise taxes or raise an army