Chapter 4: Neurophysiology Flashcards
Resting Neuron
Is Polarized
Different charge between inside and outside of cell
Resting cell is more negative on inside
Ion Movement
Diffusion: ions spread towards uniform concentration
electrostatic pressure: causes ions to glow towards oppositely charted areas
Ionic basis of resting membrane potential
1) Potassium ions (K+) accumulate inside cell and diffuse through membrane
2) Negative charge builds in cell, electrostatic pressure pulls K+ back in
For every 3 Na+ pumped out 2 K+ ions are pumped in
Action Potential
Brief but large change in membrane potential originating at axon hillock
Hyperpolarization: inside of cell becomes even more negative
Depolarization: decrease membrane potential interior becomes less negative
Graded Response
Magnitude of response is correlated to magnitude of stimulus
Local Potential
As potential spreads across membrane it diminishes
Action Potentials
Produces by sudden rush on Na+ into cell until equilibrium is reached
As inside of cell become positive voltage gated K+ channels open and potassium rushes out until resting potential is reached
Voltage gated sodium ion channels
Change shape and open in response to threshold depolarization
More voltage gates open means more Na+ rushes into cell
Happens until Na+ equilibrium is reached at around +40 mv
Refractory Phase
Membrane becomes temporarily unresponsive to subsequent stimuli after action potential is reached
Two phases:
1) Absolute
2) Relative
Saltatory Conduction
Potential traveling inside axon jumps from node to node
Postsynaptic Potentials
Brief changes in membrane potential of postsynaptic cell in response to neuro transmitter
Excitatory postsynaptic potentials
Small, local depolarization that pushes postsynaptic cell closer to action potential
Increases likelihood of neuron firing
Na+ channels
Inhibitory postsynaptic potentials
Hyper-polarizing postsynaptic potentials that pushes cell away from threshold
Decreases likelihood of neuron firing action potential
Cl- ions rush into cell
Spatial Summation
Summing of all potentials that reach axon hillock from locations across cell body
Temporal Summation
Summing of all potentials based on time of arrivals
Types of synapses
4 kinds:
1) Axo-dendritic
2) Axo-somatic
3) Axo-axonic
4) Dendro-dendritic
Important ions
Sodium Na+
Potassium K+
Calcium Ca2+
Chloride Cl-