Chapter 4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century: 1607-1692 Flashcards
Freedom Dues
- granted to indentured servants who completed their time
* usually consisted of: clothing, land, and food
Headright System
- land grants to those who brought laborers to America
* primarily benefited wealthy planters rather than the poor indentured servants.
William Berkeley
- governor of Virginia
* chased out of Jamestown by Bacon’s rebellion as the capital was set on fire
Nathaniel Bacon
*agitator who led poor former indentured servants and frontiersmen on a rampage against Indians and colonial government (Bacon’s Rebellion)
Royal African Company
*English company that lost its monopoly on the slave trade in 1698
Middle Passage
- transatlantic sea voyage that brought slaves to the colonies
- close quarters allowed disease to easily spread
- many slaves did not survive the 20% death rate
Slave Codes
- statuses that formally decreed the iron conditions of slavery for blacks
- when blacks and their children become the property for life of their masters
Chattel Slavery
*term referring to someones property of black slaves
*dialect developed by African American slaves that blended English with Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa
Stono Rebellion
- slave revolt in 1739
- slaves left South Carolina attempting to reach Spanish Florida
- was put down by local militia forces
- large lot of fields used for cultivating
- usually places where slaves and indentured servants did their main source of labor
- usually owned by a family or one person
Yeoman Farmers
- independent farmers living on smaller family sized farms
* usually did not own slaves
The Scarlet Letter
- book written by Nathaniel Hawthorn in 1850
* based on the capital “A” cut out and put on woman’s clothes that committed adultery
*school established in 1636 by Puritans in Massachusetts to train boys to become ministers
Town Meetings
- the basic local political institution of New England
* all freemen gathered to elect officials and debate local affairs
- new form of sermon heard from Puritan pulpits
* taken from the doom-saying Old Testiminte Jeremia
*the decline of religious devotion which inspired the Half-Way Covenant and jeremiad preaching
Half-Way Covenant
- allowed baptism to the children of existing members of the church
- this partial membership kept religious influence but weakened the power of the church
Yankee Ingenuity
- scratching a living from the protesting earth
* ex: palming off wooden nutmegs
Leisler’s Rebellion
*small New York revolt of 1689-1691 that reflected class antagonism between landlords and merchants