Chapter 11: Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Democracy: 1800-1812 Flashcards
John Adams
- ran for president again but was not chosen due to taxes he had previously approved and his relationship with France
- last Federalist president of the US
Thomas Jefferson
- (1801-1809) democratic-republican
- 3rd President of the United States
- made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore it
Whispering Campaign
- Jefferson was accused of having an affair with one of his slaves
- leaked during his election for presidency
Aaron Burr
- a running mate with Thomas Jefferson
- third Vice President of the US
- killed Alexander Hamilton in a famous duel
- was tried and acquitted for treason involving a plan to separate the US and combine with Spain
*seating without regard to rank at the White House
Albert Gallatin
- Swiss Born treasury secretary who disliked national debt
* kept most Hamiltonian economic measures in effect
Judiciary Act of 1801
- passed by the expiring Federalist Congress
* created 16 new federal judgeships and other judicial offices
Midnight Judges
- Federal justices appointed by John Adams during the last days of his presidency
- positions were revoked when the newly elected Republican Congress repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801
John Marshall
- federalist supreme court justice whose brilliant legal efforts established the principle of judicial review
- federalist party lived on through him
Barbary States
- place where North African pirates commenced to plunder and blackmail American merchant ships
- led to Jefferson’s only navy exploits
Shores of Tripoli
*sight of the fighting between the US Navy and the Barbary pirates
New Orleans
*city at the mouth of the Mississippi River that was a vital port for the US during the Lousiana Godsend
James Monroe and Robert Livingston
*made a magnificent deal to purchase Louisiana territory when they only initially intended to purchase New Orleans
*convinced the king of Spain to give Louisiana land area to France in 1800
Toussaint L’Overture
*gifted black revolutionary whose successful slave revolution indirectly led to Napoleon’s sale of Louisiana
Lewis and Clark
- explorers who were sent to survey the land in Louisiana
* met Sacajawea who helped them through the land
*Shoshoni, first woman who aided Lewis & Clark in their expedition
Zebulun Pike
- American soldier and explorer whom Pikes Peak in Colorado is named
- his expedition mapped much of the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase
James Wilkinson
- the corrupt military governor of Louisiana Territory
* commanded two unsuccessful campaigns in the St. Lawrence theater during the War of 1812
Orders in Council
- edicts issued by the British Crown closing French-owned European ports to foreign shipping
- French responded by ordering the seizure of all vessels entering British ports, thus cutting off American merchants from trade with both parties
*British policy that stopped American trading shifts and forced sailors to work in the British Navy which helped to start the War of 1812
James Madison
- father of the Federalist party and the fourth President of the United States
- President during the war of 1812 and was also Vice-President under Jefferson
- a great statesman but was not a strong president
Macon’s Bill No. 2
- sparked war of 1812
* reopened American trade with the entire world
War Hawks
- Democratic-Republican Congressmen who pressed James Madison to declare war on Britain
- resented British constraints on American trade and accused the British of supporting Indian attacks against American settlements on the frontier
Henry Clay
- known for his efforts to keep the United States one nation despite sharp controversy among Americans over slavery
- known as the “Great Pacificator”
- Shawnee chief that took arms against American settlers moving into the Middle West
- supported the British in the War of 1812, in which he was killed.
The Prophet
*name given to Tecumseh’s brother and co-leader of the unification movement
William Henry Harrison
- Indiana territory governor who fought and beat the Prophet
* ended hope of a First American confederacy