Chapter 2: The Planting Of English America: 1500-1733 Flashcards
Henry VIII
*broke with the Roman Catholic Church in the 1530s
Catholic Ireland
- sought help from Catholic Spain to over through Queen Elizabeth
- was crushed by the Protestant Queen
Queen Elizabeth
- was a Protestant that ascended to the English throne in 1558
- crushed the Catholic Irish uprising: confiscated land and planted them with new Protestant landlords
- financial backer of Francis Drake, knighted him
Francis Drake
- famous semi-piratical sea dog from England
- invaded Spanish boats and in 1580 returned with lots of Spanish booty
- was knighted by Queen Elizabeth
Sir Walter Raleigh
- 1585, North Carolina’s Roanoke Island
- tried to colonize the area, but the colony vanished
- credited with introducing tobacco and the potato to England.
- named in honor of Elizabeth the “Virginia Queen”
* 1624, became a direct colony under control of James I
Spanish Armada
- marked the beginning and the end of Spanish imperial dreams
- ships originally used to invade England
- was beaten by the English sea dogs and were wiped out by a storm
- defeat gave England control of seas
- law that said only oldest son could inherit land
ex: Gilbert, Raleigh, and Drake - created the need for a joint-stock company
Joint-stock Company
- enabled “adventures” to pool their capital
* provided financial means for settlers in New World
Virginia Company
- joint-stock company, received charter from King James I of England to settle in New World
- intended to take profits only, not long term
- charter guaranteed overseas settlers same rights as Englishmen
- landed near James river, called the place Jamestown
- town settled by British Virginia Company, 1607
- original intent to make money
- only few settlers survived after starvation, disease and malnutrition
- flourished when tobacco was introduced
- Indian chieftain
- captured and almost executed captain John Smith
- father of Pocohantus
Starving Time
*winter of 1609-0610
*many deaths in Jamestown
*people were forced to eat dogs, cats, mice, dead bodies, one man ate his wife
only 40/100 survived
Lord De La Warr
- governor that headed relief party for Jamestown
- ordered settlers to go back to colony
- undertook aggressive military action (declared war) against the Indians
- leader of the English in the Anglo-Powhatan wars
Powhatan’s Confederacy
- the grouping of tribes that Powhatan gained power of
* lack unity to make effective opposition to the whites
Anglo-Powhatan Wars
- wars between De La Warr and the Powhatan
- Powhatan were severely defeated both times
- peace treaty in 1646 eliminated chance for peaceful co-existance
John Rolfe
- husband of Pocohantus
- 1st interracial marriage in Virginia
- died in a series of Indian attacks in 1622
- was father of tobacco and economic savior of Virginia colony
- introduced into Jamestown by John Rolfe
- became major crop sold to England for huge profits
- gave Virginia back its economic stand
House of Burgesses
- authorized the settlers to summon an assembly
* one of the first mini parliaments to flourish on American soil
Lord Baltimore
- founded Maryland, 1634
- used Maryland to live with his fellow Catholics that were being persecuted
- permitted unusual freedom of worship to gain toleration
Indentured Servents
- found in Maryland for tobacco farms
* penniless people that worked off their travel fees for years
Act of Toleration
- guaranteed toleration to all Christians in Maryland
* death penalty for those who denied the divinity of Jesus (atheists and Jews)
West Indies
- economy completely based on sugar
- colonized by British
- predominatly black slaves, few English authority and land owners
- depended on America for food-stuff and common items
- rich mans crop used as cash crop in West Indies
* very labor intensive
Barbados Slave Code
- denied the most fundamental rights to slaves
* inspired other slave codes (such as that in Carolina in 1670)
Oliver Cromwell
*Puritan soldier and ruler of England for nearly a decade after Charles I was beheaded
Charles II
- son of King Charles I that restored the throne in 1660
* granted 8 of his court favorites (Lords Proprieties) an expanse of land
- the principal export crop in Carolina
* premium prices were paid to those slaves who knew rice irrigation
- American Indian tribe crushed by North Carolina
* joined the Iroquois confederacy
James Oglethorpe
- soldier-statesman that founded Georgia
- originally wanted Georgia to be a debtors state
- saved the colony by his leadership and heavily mortgaging his own personal fortune
The Iroquois Confederacy
- bound together 5 Native American nations: Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas, Cayugas, and Senecas (later absorbed Tuscaroras)
- lived side by side in long houses
- dominated fur-trade with white settlers
- founded by Deganawidah & Hiawatha
*founded the Iroquois Confereacy
*founded the Iroquois Confereacy
Five Nations
- banded together to end generations of violent warfare
- joined Iroquois confederacy but kept their own separate lives
- vanquished their rivals (Hurons, Eries, Petuns)