Chapter 13: The Rise Of Mass Democracy: 1824-1840 Flashcards
Henry Clay
- also ran in election of 1824
- put in his own words in the house of rep. when attempting to choose president
- practically made John Quincy Adams president
- made secretary of state after Adams won presidency
Andrew Jackson
- hero of New Orleans
* ran in election of 1824 but lost
John Quincy Adams
- made president in 1824
* winner of the “corrupt bargain”
King Caucus
*idea that the presidents had to come from two political parties before 1824
Corrupt Bargain
- election of 1824
* bargains between John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay
Old Hickory
- referring to Jackson and his old hickory self
* planted hickory trees to represent him
*people against Jackson that printed out flyers against him and said his mother was a prostitute and his wife was an adulteress
Rachel Robards
- Jackson’s wife, never made it to first lady
* was ensured a divorce that never happened
Inaugural Brawl
- Jackson’s inauguration in 1828
* white house was open to the public and people went a little haywire
King Mob
- described the followers of Jackson
* people who were a this inauguration
Rotation in Office
*rewarding political supporters even if they are incompetent for the job
Tariff of Abominations (1828)
- tariff of 1828 that the old south detested
* south were tired of selling to non tariff protected and buying tariff protected items
Denmark Vesey
- failed revolt by a free black named Denmark Vesey in Charleston 1822
- tried to steal arms and lead slaves to freedom
- failed due to loyal slaves
- group that was under Jackson’s presidency that tried to muster the necessary 2/3 vote for nullification in South Carolina legislature
- blocked by “submission men”
Tariff of 1833
- proposed by Henry Clay and John Calhoun that gradually lowered the tariff to the level of the Tariff of 1816
- avoided civil war and prolonged the union for another 30 years.
Force Bill
- passed by Congress
* authorized the president to use the army and navy, if necessary, to collect tariffs
- group of native americans
- sent out on trail of tears
- apart of five civilized tribes
Five civilized tribes
- Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles
- they tried to live in harmony with their white neighbors, who called them this name
- many Indians had given up nomadic hunting and had adopted a more settled way of life
Indian Removal Act
- passed by Congress
- provided for the resettlement of all 100,000 Native Americans (including all of the Five Civilized Tribes) east of the Mississippi to a newly defined Indian Territory in what is now Oklahoma.
Trail of Tears
- Cherokee Indians were forced to make a grueling march in the winter of 1838-39
- many died under the poor management and atrocious conditions
- one of five civilized tribes
- fought a bitter and protracted war with the United States Army, killing 1.500 US soldiers in seven years
- forced to relocate to Oklahoma in a bitter forced march
Bank of the United States
*the “moneyed monster” that Clay tried to preserve and that Jackson killed with his veto in 1832
Nicholas Biddle
- head of the Second Bank of the United States
- forced smaller banks to refrain from excessive printing of banknotes, a major contributor to inflation
- some people believed bank had too much power to restrict the speculative and potentially profitable business dealings of smaller banks
Anti-Masonic Party
*brought many evangelical Christians into politics and showed that others besides Jackson could stir up popular feelings
Election of 1832
- Clay vs. Jackson
- “Freedom and Clay”- “Jackson forever: Go the whole hog”
- anti-Masonic party joined which opposed secrecy of Masonic order
- national nominating conventions
- Jackson won
*the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election
Pet Banks
*the repositories for government funds were quickly dubbed this name by their rivals.
Specie Circular
- forced the payment for federal lands with gold or silver
* impossible for settlers to buy government lands because few possessed the necessary specie
- worked to get Jackson elected
- accordance with the “common man” ideals
- denounced Henry Clay’s “American System” and supported states’ rights
- democrats also defended the Spoils System as a necessary element of an efficient government.
Favorite Son
Favorite Son
*presidential candidates who were nominated by their own state, primarily out of local loyalty.
William Henry Harrison
- given the Whig nomination
* won fame as the hero of the battle at Tippecanoe and possessed few known political convictions.
Panic of 1837
*investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss
Divorce Bill
- passed by Van Buren in 1837
- divorced the government from banking altogether
- established an independent treasury, so the gov. could lock its money in vaults in several of the larger cities
- proposal to establish an independent treasury
Stephen Austin
Stephen Austin
*original leader of American settlers in Texas who obtained a huge land grant from the Mexican government
Davy Crockett
- frontier hero & Tennessee Congressman
* died in the Texas War for Independence.
Sam Houston
- United States politician and military leader who fought to gain independence for Texas from Mexico and to make it a part of the United States
- first president of Texas
Santa Anna
- Mexican president and General
- dictator who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War
- attack on Alamo in 1836; defeated by Sam Houston at San Jacinto
- Santa Anna’s force of 4000 men laid siege to San Antonio
- 200 Texan defenders retreated into an abandoned mission, the Alamo
- Texans were completely wiped out
W. B. Travis
- Commander of the defenders of the Alamo
- was determined to hold his position and managed to send messages through Mexican lines asking for assistance, but none came
- was killed in the Battle of the Alamo
- his death made Texas fight harder for their independence
Lone Star Republic
Lone Star Republic
- Texans led by Sam Houston that stormed into Texas (1836)
- Houston captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign two treaties to withdraw Mexican troops and recognize Rio Grande as a part of Texas
- he denied its legality since it was under force *Jackson gave Houston and Texas recognition of independence
San Jacinto
*place where Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna
Moses Austin
- born in CN
- although determined to be Spanish & pledged allegiance to the King of Spain
- asked to establish a colony of 300 families in Texas
*a white, English-speaking American as distinct from a Hispanic American.
Log Cabin
*popular symbol of the bogus but effective campaign the Whigs used to elect “poor-boy” William Henry Harrison in 1840
Hard Cinder
*popular symbol of the bogus but effective campaign the Whigs used to elect “poor-boy” William Henry Harrison in 1840
“Tippecanoe and Tyler Too”
- slogan from the presidential election of 1840
* Tippecanoe was the Whig presidential candidate William Henry
Election of 1840
- Martin van Buren was re-nominated by democrats and Tyler
* lost to Harrison and the Whig’s “log cabin and hard cider” campaign
Fredrick Jackson Turner
- historian who stressed the role of the western frontier in American history
- claimed that American history had been a study of expansion and settlement of a succession of “Wests,” and that prolonged frontier experience had affected the thinking of the American people
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr.
*a specialist in American history
Richard Hofstadter
*believed jacksonian was not a rejection of capitalism, but the effort of inspiring entrepreneurs to secure their own policies against their competitor