Chapter 10: Launching The New Ship of State: 1789-1800 Flashcards
- going across the Appalachian mountains
* only about 5% of the entire U.S. lived west of the Appalachian mountains
George Washington
- first and only President to be elected unanimously by all 13 states
- ruled by strength of character rather than arts of the politician
- created the Cabinet
- created by George Washington
- group of executive branch heads that help the President in making decisions
- not mentioned in the Constitution
Thomas Jefferson
*Secretary of State for George Washington in his Cabinet
Alexander Hamilton
*Secretary of Treasury for George Washington in his Cabinet
Henry Knox
*Secretary of War for George Washington in his Caninet
James Madison
*drafted the Bill of Rights that guaranteed certain rights to the citizens ex. right to bear arms
Judiciary Act
- created by the first Congress
- created effective federal courts
- organized a Supreme Court with a chief justice and 5 associates, as well as federal district and circuit courts
- established the office of attorney general
John Jay
*became the first chief justice of the United States
Funding at Par
- means that the federal government would pay off its debts at face value, plus accumulated interest
- introduced by Alexander Hamilton
- helped shape the economy and fund for a new capital in the District of Columbia
Assumption of State Debts
- when the government took on the debts of the states
* some states with lots of debts were eager/thrilled (Massachusetts), others were not (Virginia)
Revenue Tariffs
- meant to pay off government debt
- a tax on an import/export
- depended on a vigorous foreign trade
Protective Tariffs
- a tariff imposing 8% on the value of dutiable imports
- designed to protect small industries just getting started
- part of Hamilton’s economic plan to support the industrialists
Bank of the Untied States
- introduced by Alexander Hamilton
- located in Philadelphia
- had a capital of $10 million (one-fifth of that owned by the federal government)
- bank that Jefferson fought Hamilton over, this created strict construction and loose construction
Strict Construction
- people like Thomas Jefferson that took the Constitution literally
- if it was not in the Constitution, it was not accepted
Loose Construction
- people like Alexander Hamilton that took the Constitution as a guideline
- if it was not in the Constitution that means it did not forbade it
- believed some things were “necessary and proper” even if they weren’t written in the Constitution
Elastic Clause
- made laws that were “necessary and proper”
* created due to the fact no one knew what the future would be like, so this allowed congress to adjust to the times
Whiskey Rebellion
- whisky distillers that rebelled against the excise tax
- just a few men in the foothills of the Appalachians
- President Washington formed a militia to conquer the rebellion and was super over effective
- also known as Jeffersonian
- believed people should have political power
- favored strong state governments
- pro-French during their revolution
- wanted a strong central government
- supporters of the Constitution that were led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams
- firmly believed the national government should be strong
- not happy with French during their Revolution
French Revolution
- began in 1789
- had strong ties with Americans
- Federalists and Democratic-Republicans had differing opinions over it in America
Reign of Terror
- occurred in France after their Revolution
- sparked when the Kind was guillotined and the church was attacked
- turned Federalists against the French revolution
Franco-American Alliance
- formal alliance with French recognizing American Independence
- agreeing not to negotiate with Britain without consultation
- arose again when French was enduring their Revolution
Neutrality Proclamation
- Washington’s proclamation that stated America was to stay neutral and out of the war with France
- irritated Jeffersonians and made Federalists happy
Citizen Genet
- representative of the French Republic
- came to South Carolina to persuade the citizens to come and fight for them
- unauthorized by French government
- citizens became tired of him and he was replaced
Anthony Wayne
- defeated the Miamis at the Battle of Fallen Timbers
* Indians offered Wayne the peace pipe
Battle of Fallen Timbers
- where Anthony Wayne defeated the Miamis
- British refused to shelter Indians fleeing from the battle
- Indians eventually offered Wayne peace pipe
Treaty of Greenville
- signed in August of 1795 between Americans and Miamis
- Confederacy gave up vast tracts of the Old Northwest, including most of present-day Indiana and Ohio
- Indians received a payment of $20,000, annual annuity of $9,000
- Indians also gained rights to hunt the lands and recognition of their sovereign status
Jay’s Treaty
- made up by John Jay
- Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793
- Americans had to pay debts owed from before the revolution
- Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley
Farewell Address
- Washington was wanting to retire
- his choice influenced the coin of a maximum two term presidency
- his actual address was never said, only printed
- advised against permanent alliances
John Adams
*delegate from Massachusetts
*became second president w/ Jefferson as the Vice
*hated by Hamilton
*binherited a violent quarrel w/ France
*man of stern principles, did his duty with
stubborn devotion
High Federalists
*lead by Hamilton, the head of the war faction of the Federalist party
John Marshall
- future chief of justice
- went to France with two others in order to try and negotiate an agreement
- became hero from XYZ Affair
“Millions for Defense, But Not One Cent for Tribute”
- a response to the XYZ Affair
* John Adams would spend millions of dollars for the army,but not a penny for bribery
Napoleon Bonaparte
*ambitious Corsican that had reached dictatorial power in Europe
Convention of 1800
- Agreement which freed America from its alliance with France
- forgave French $20 million in damages
- resulted in a lose of Adams 2nd term of presidency
Alien Laws
*consisted of:
+Naturalization Act- increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years
+Alien Act- empowered the president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens
+Alien Enemy Act- allowed for the arrest and deportation of citizens of countries at war with the US
*response to the XYZ Affair; aimed at French and Irish immigrants
Compact Theory
- idea advanced by Rousseau, Locke, and Jefferson
- idea that the Constitution was a compact of sovereign states, & when the government exceeded its limited powers, the states had the right to take action
- reflected in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
- written anonymously by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts
- declared that states could nullify federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional
*states’-rights doctrine that a state can refuse to recognize or to enforce a federal law passed by the United States Congress if they believed it violated the Constitituion
XYZ Affair
- 1797, Adam’s envoys hoped to meet talleyrand, the crafty French minister
- were secretly approached by 3 go-betweens, later referred to as X,Y,&Z who demanded money from the Americans; negotiations quickly broke
- John Marshall became hero for his steadfastness
Sedition Acts
- made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials
- an attempt to stifle Democratic-Republican opposition
- mainly unconstitutional