Chapter 4 Flashcards
Short-term memory
Information and input that is currently activated.
Long-term memory
Information from past experience that may or may not be currently activated.
Misinformation effect
The process by which cues that are given after an event can plant false information into memory.
Availability heuristic
the tendency to assume that information that comes easily to mind (or is readily available) is more frequent or common.
Ease of retrieval effect
Process whereby people judge how frequently an event occurs on the basis of how easily they can retrieve examples of that event.
Locus of causality
Attribution of behavior to either an aspect of the actor (internal) or to some aspect of the situation (external)
Correspondent inference
The tendency to attribute to the actor an attitude, desire, or trait that corresponds to the action.
Fundamental Attribution Error
The tendency to attribute behavior to internal or dispositional qualities of the actor and consequently underestimate the causal role of situational factors.
Actor-observer effect
the tendency to make internal attributions for the behavior of others and external attributions for our own behavior.
Covariation Principle
The tendency to see a causal relationship between an event and an outcome when they happen at the same time.
Discounting principle
The tendency to reduce the importance of any potential cause of another’s behavior to the extent that other potential causes exist.
Magical thinking
The tendency to believe that simply having thoughts about an event before it occurs can influence that event.
Fusiform Face area
A region in the temporal lobe of the brain that helps us recognize the people we know.
The inability to recognize familiar faces.
Theory of mind
A set of ideas about other people’s thoughts, desires, feelings, and intentions based on what we know about them and the situations they are in.
Mirror neurons
Certain neurons that are activated both when one performs an action oneself and when one simply observes another person perform that action.
A process whereby we activate schemas of a person we know and use the schemas to form an impression of someone new.
False consensus
A general tendency to assume that other people share our own attitudes, opinions, and preferences.
Halo Effect
the tendency of social perceivers’ assessments of an individual on a given trait to be biased by the perceivers’ more general impression of the individual.
Representativeness Heuristic
The tendency to overestimate the likelihood that a target is part of a larger category if it has features that seem representative of that category.
Primacy effect
The idea that what we learn early colors how we judge subsequent information.
Upward counterfactual
Imagined alternative where the outcome is better than what actually happened.
Downward counterfactual
Imagined worse alternative outcomes to something that actually happened.