Chapter 3 Flashcards
Cognitive System
A conscious, rational, and controlled system of thinking.
Experiential system
An unconscious, intuitive, and automatic system of thinking.
Dual Process theories
Theories that are used to explain a wide range of phenomena by positing two ways of processing information.
Mental short cuts, rules of thumb, that we use when making judgments and decisions.
Implicit attitudes
Automatic associations based on previous learning through the experiential system.
Explicit attitudes
Attitudes people are consciously aware of through the cognitive system.
Somatic marker hypothesis
The idea that changes in the body, experiences as emotion, guide decision making.
Mental “containers” in which people place things that are similar to each other.
A mental structure, stored in memory, that is based on prior knowledge.
Schemas about an event that specify the typical sequence of actions that take place.
Schemas people have about other individuals.
A schema people have about themselves.
The ease with which people can bring an idea into consciousness and use it in thinking.
The aspect of a schema that is active in one’s mind and, consciously or not, colors perceptions and behavior.
The process by which exposure to a stimulus in the environment increases the salience of a schema.
Associative networks
Models for how pieces of information are linked together and stored in memory.
Semantic associations
Mental links between two concepts that are similar in meaning or that are parts of the same category
Experiential associations
Mental links between two concepts that are experienced close together in time or space.
Chronically accessible schemas
Schemas that are easily brought to mind because they are personally important and used frequently.
Assimilation effects
Occur when priming a schema (ex reckless) changes a person’s thinking in the direction of that primed idea (perceiving others as more reckless).
Contrast effects
Occur when priming a schema (reckless) changes a person’s thinking in the opposite direction of the primed idea (perceiving others as less reckless).
Self-fulfilling prophecy
The phenomenon whereby initially false expectations cause the fulfillment of those expectations.
A cognitive tool that allows people to understand an abstract concept in terms of a dissimilar, concrete concept.