Chapter 4 Flashcards
mendacium, mendacii, N.
lying, falsehood, untruth
that is
abstraho, abstrahere, abstraxi, abstractus
to abstract, to remove from
induco, inducere, induxi, inductus
induce, influence; introduce
abstractio, abstractionis, F.
supra (adv.)
above, previously
ut supra dictum
as said previously
one thing…the other
nego, negare
to deny, refuse, negate
adeo (adv.)
to such an extent
dummodo (conj.)
provided (that…)
affingo, affingere, affinxi, affictus
add to, attach
quamvis (conj. or adv.)
siquidem (conj.)
accordingly; if indeed
item (adv.)
likewise, besides
mentior, mentiri, mentitus sum
to lie, deceive
Guessing vocabulary
Thousands of Latin words have come directly into English, so it is often possible to correctly guess the meaning of a Latin word when it is encountered in context. However, pay close attention to the context; the meaning of the English words derived from Latin are often similar but not 100% the same as their cognates. For verbs, a good rule of thumb is to work from the present infinitive.
- Sometimes Latin verbs ending in -are have the ending -ate in English. E.g., separare => separate, elevare => elevate, resuscitare, supplicare, illuminare, immolare, liberare, communicare, celebrare, cooperare, creare, donare, expiare, cogitare, congregare, cremare.
- Sometimes verbs ending in -are or -ere change to an -e in English. E.g., observare => observe, praeparare => prepare, inclinare, implorare, evadere, intercedere, praecedere, praesumere, absolvere, adorare, salutare, residere.
- Sometimes verbs simply drop the Latin infinitive ending. E.g., errare => err, abstrahere => abstra[ct], considerare => consider, manifestare, visitare, convertere, descendere, discernere, ascendere, respondere, formare, reformare.
- Verbs ending in -ficare in Latin have the ending -fy in English. E.g., sanctificare => sanctify, vivificare => vivify, justificare, pacificare, glorificare.