Chapter 10 Flashcards
ratiocinor, -ari
reckon, compute, calculate
intellectus, -us, M.
intelligence, sense, meaning, insight, understanding, intellect, the capacity of intuitive knowledge
scientia, -ae, F.
knowledge, science, skill
intellegibilis, intellegibilis, -is, -e
intelligible, intellectual
mediate (adv.)
indirectly, by steps
immediate (adv.)
directly, immediately
decursus, -us, M.
downward path, descent
quocirca (conj.)
on that account, therefore
intercedo, -ere, intercessi, intercessum
to go between, to be between, to intercede, intervene
sortior, -iri, -itus
cast lots, decide by lot, choose, distribute, select, obtain, get
habitus, -us, M.
habit, condition, disposition, clothing, religious garb
ad + gerundive
A common way of expressing purpose. A gerundive is a verbal adjective and thus agrees in case and gender with the noun it modifies. In English, we typically use the infinitive to express purpose.
by what road? how? where?
quacumque (adv.)
wherever; howsoever
qualis, -e
of such a kind
qualiscumque, qualecumque
of whatever kind
quam (adv.)
how, how much; than (w/ comparative); as (w/ superlative)
quamdiu (interrog. & conj.)
how long?; as long as
quam ob rem (quamobrem) (adv.)
for what reason, why
quamquam (conj.)
quamvis (adv.)
however; no matter how;
quamvis (conj.)
quando (adv.)
quando (conj.)
when, because, since
quandocumque (conj.)
whenever; as often as
quantus, -a, -um
how great, how much
quantuscumque, -acumque, -umcumque
however great, however much
quare (qua re) (adv.)
by what means; how; why; therefore
quasi (adv.)
as it were, so to speak; as if; nearly, almost
how far; to what point; as far as; insofar as
quemadmodum (quem ad modum)
in what way, how; just as
qui, quae, quod
who, which
because; that (introducing noun clauses and indirect statements)
quicumque, quaecumque, quodcumque
how?, why?
quidam, quaedam, quiddam (pron.)/quoddam (adj.)
a certain
quidem (adv.)
indeed, in fact
quin (adv. & conj.)
(adv.) why not?; (conj.) so that not
quippe (adv. & conj.)
(adv.) of course, naturally; (conj.) since, for
quisque, quaeque, quidque (pron.)/quodque (adj.)
each, all
quo? (adv.)
to what place? where?
quoad (adv. & conj.)
(adv.) how far, to what extent; (conj.) as long as, until
quocirca (conj.)
on that account; therefore
quocumque (adv.)
quod (conj.)
because; as for the fact that; that (introducing noun clauses or indirect statements)
quodsi (conj.)
but if
quomodo? (adv.)
how? in what way?
quondam (adv.)
once, formerly
quoniam (conj.)
because, that (introducing noun clauses and indirect statements)
quoque (adv.)
how many?
quotannis (adv.)
every year
quotidie (adv.)