Chapter 3 - Culture Flashcards
define culture
a system of behaviour, beliefs, knowledge, practices, values and concrete materials including buildings, tools, and sacred items.
what are the three types of culture
dominant culture
and counterculture
which of the following statements is false
- everyone has culture
- you can only have one culture
- all cultures are subject to change
- Sometimes culture is not accepted by everyone in that group, so it is “contested”
- everyone can claim more than one culture
what is dominant culture
is the one that through political and economic power and impose its values, languages and ways of behaving and interpreting behavior on a given society
people associated with dominant culture are called _______
what is the dominant culture in cananda
Canadian dominants are white, english speaking, heterosexul make university graduates of european background between the ages of 30 and 55, in good health, who own homes in middle-class neighbourhoods in cities in Ontario and Quebec
what is a minority culture
those who fall outside of the cultural mainstream
minority cultures fall between 2 subcategories which are
counter culture - minority cultures that feel the power of dominant culture exist in opposition to it
subculture - minority cultures that differ in some wau but dont directly oppose the dominant culture
what is high culture
the culture of the elite, a distinct minority
Associated with theatre, opera, classical music, ballet, and serious works of literature
Also referred to as elite culture
_____ _______ coined the term cultural capital
pierre bourdieu
what is culture capital
knowledge and skills needed to acquire the sophisticated tastes that mark someone of high culture
Ie. the more “cultural capital” the higher your “cultural capital”
what is popular culture
the culture of the majority, particularly of those who do not have power (the working class, less educated, women, and radicalised minorities)
high and popular culture differ in terms of ______
They differ in terms of agency; the ability of people to be creative or productive with the materials made available to them by dominant culture
who are the 2 sociologists that called mass culture the output of the culture industry
Said that movies and radio shows are mass produced to keep society happy and submissive
Thodor Adrno and Max Horkheimer
who called a feature of mass culture simulacra
Jean Baudirillard
define simulacra
are stereotypical cultural images produced and reproduced like material goods or commodities by the media and sometimes by scholars
Eg. innuit people are represented by describing practices like building igloos
what is decipherment and who coined it
Decipherment- looking in a text for the definitive interpretation for the purpose the culture industry had in mind for creating the text (mass culture sociologists use this)
Micheal de Certeau
What is reading in sociological terms and who came up with it
Reading - is the process in which people treat what is provided by the culture industry as a resource, a text to be interpreted as they see fit, in wats not necessarily intended by the creators of the text (popular culture sociologists use this)
Micheal de Certeau
What are Sanctions
People react to how others follow or don’t follow the norms
escribe positive and negative sanctions
Positive - a reaction that supports the behavior (a high five or smile)
Negative a reaction designed to tell offenders that have violated a norm ( an eye roll or parking tickets)