Chapter 25 Review Flashcards
A fallacious definition, not found in any dictionary, that is intended to persuade someone.
persuasive definition
The study of the principles of correct reasoning that focuses on the structure (or form) of the argument.
formal logic
The quality of being unclear in meaning; the capacity to be understood in two or more ways
A philosophy advocating the repression of emotion and indifference to pleasure or pain.
Something that is based on speculation or conjecture for the sake of discussion or argument.
A proposition in an argument that is taken as an accepted fact.
A series of propositions where the truth of one is said to follow from the others
“A thing is itself” or “if A then A.”
Law of Identity
Arbitrarily assuming what one is attempting to prove as part of the proof.
Begging the question
The tendency to induce belief or behavior in a person. An argument is one in which most people will accept the conclusion as true
The use of “all” that means “all together” or taken as a whole - in contrast to distributive
To provide reasons for proposition.
Conjecture, guess, or hypothesis, without sufficient supporting evidence.
That which shows itself to be wrong. A self-refuting argument is one in which the conclusion is inconsistent with one or more of the premises.
A category of logical fallacy in which the argument has used words or phrases in a way that is confusing or vague.
fallacy of ambiguity
An argument that has some degree of unavoidable circularity due to the essential nature of the claim, and yet is self-consistent and non-arbitrary.
virtuous circle
Able to exist or exert power at all locations in space at the same time.
not changing over time
The Bible reveals that human beings are made in God’s image, and therefore reflect some of His attributes, including the ability to ___.
The compound proposition “A and not-A” is always false. Or, “You cannot have A and not-A at the same time and in the same sense.”
Law of Non-contradiction
Attempting to persuade by asking a loaded question.
complex question
An argument in which the conclusion is likely to be true if the premises are.
inductive argument
Applying a generalization to an exception.
sweeping generalization
The proposition in an argument that the person is attempting to prove
An argument with an unstated premise or an unstated conclusion
Pertaining to the quality, kind, or nature of a thing, regardless of the amount or degree.
“After this, therefore because of this.” The (false cause) fallacy of assuming that event. A caused event B solely on the basis that B came after A.
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy
A way of reasoning that arbitrarily assumes what the person is attempting to prove. They commit the fallacy of begging the question.
vicious circle
An argument in which the conclusion is certainly true if the premises are.
deductive argument
Those things that are required in advance; that which is necessary to a particular end.
Unbelievers too are made in the image of God, and hence have the capacity for ___ reasoning, God has given them knowledge as well.
To project or expand beyond known data or experiences based on patterns exhibited in known data or experiences; to infer unknown values or properties based on known values or properties.
___ is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. It is the way God thinks
An argument in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises, regardless of whether the premises are true.
Something that appears clear to the eye or mind, though it may not be.
That which is suggested by evidence or reasoning. That which follows logically from something else
the definition of a word found in a dictionary
lexical definition
The error of attributing a cause-and-effect relationship between two events that do not actually have such a relationship
false cause fallacy
The definition of a word that is consistent with its lexical definition, but which adds further restrictions for the purpose of clarification or scientific precision.
precising definition