Chapter 20 Review Flashcards
The compound proposition “A or not-A” is always true. Or, “Either A is true or not-A is true.” A proposition always has the opposite truth value of its negation.
Law of the Excluded Middle
Something that appears clear to the eye or mind, though it may not be.
An argument in which the conclusion is certainly true if the premises are.
deductive argument
A positive mental attitude toward a proposition; something a person accepts as true
Comforming to the mind of God
To go beyond
A proposition in an argument that is taken as an accepted fact.
A series of propositions where the truth of one is said to follow from the others
To provide reasons for proposition.
the definition of a word found in a dictionary
lexical definition
The negation of a proposition, or the combination of the proposition and its negation. “A and not-A” is a contradiction.
Applicable everywhere.
An informal argument is cogent if the conclusion is likely to be true.
An argument in which the conclusion is likely to be true if the premises are.
inductive argument
A fallacious definition, not found in any dictionary, that is intended to persuade someone.
persuasive definition
A philosophy advocating the repression of emotion and indifference to pleasure or pain.
not changing over time
Practical; based on what works regardless of theoretical considerations, principles, moral implications, or truth.
A good argument has true ___, and the conclusion follows from them.
Those things that are required in advance; that which is necessary to a particular end.
The compound proposition “A and not-A” is always false. Or, “You cannot have A and not-A at the same time and in the same sense.”
Law of Non-contradiction
The disclosure of information from God to man
revelation (divine)
independent of the person; something that is the same for all people
Pertaining to the belief or conviction that there is one and only one God.
In accordance with the laws of Logic: logical
___ is having confidence (or proof, or good reasons) for what you have not experienced with your senses. It is a confident expectation in that which is unseen (Hebrews 11:1).
The art or skill of speaking or writing effectively and persuasively (regardless of considerations of logic or truth).
Disobedience to God
having supreme power or authority and not required to answer to any higher authority
To project or expand beyond known data or experiences based on patterns exhibited in known data or experiences; to infer unknown values or properties based on known values or properties.
“A thing is itself” or “if A then A.”
Law of Identity
A common error in reasoning.
The Bible reveals that human beings are made in God’s image, and therefore reflect some of His attributes, including the ability to ___.
Abstract; existing within the mind such as a thought or idea
To copy or imitate; to match the characteristics of another.
Pertaining to the belief that there are multiple gods.
Contrary to the mind of God
The tendency to induce belief or behavior in a person. An argument is one in which most people will accept the conclusion as true
The object or idea to which a word points or symbolizes.
The disclosure of information from God to man contained in the Bible.
special revelation
The quality of being unclear in meaning; the capacity to be understood in two or more ways
In accordance with our feelings or expectations
to not have a specific reason for a belief or action; not having a reason
Having confidence in something not perceived with the senses.
A declaration of the meaning of a word or phrase that does not already have an established one.
stipulative definition
true, justified belief
The definition of a word that is consistent with its lexical definition, but which adds further restrictions for the purpose of clarification or scientific precision.
precising definition
Independent of arbitrary standards; being without exception or qualification
Inclined or prejudiced to a particular position
Pertaining to the quality, kind, or nature of a thing, regardless of the amount or degree.
God always thinks correctly, and the Bible commands us to think like Him (Isaiah 55:7-8) and emulate His ___. (Ephesians 5:1)
Pertaining to the amount, degree, or number of something.
A written or spoken symbol that represents something else.
linguistic token
Existing in thought as an idea but having no physical or material existence.
At variance or not compatible; two things that do not go well together
Opinions formed from evidence; what people reason to be true or likely true from evidence or reason.
___ is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. It is the way God thinks
That which is suggested by evidence or reasoning. That which follows logically from something else
Conjecture, guess, or hypothesis, without sufficient supporting evidence.
Unbelievers too are made in the image of God, and hence have the capacity for ___ reasoning, God has given them knowledge as well.
Dependent on the thoughts or feelings of the individual.
The proposition in an argument that the person is attempting to prove
A truth claim, may be true or false
Able to exist or exert power at all locations in space at the same time.
A stipulative or lexical definition that is associated with a particular scientific theory.
theoretical definition
universal, invariant, abstract rules of correct reasoning
laws of logic
That which shows itself to be wrong. A self-refuting argument is one in which the conclusion is inconsistent with one or more of the premises.
The opposite proposition is formed by adding “it is not the case that” to the original proposition. It always has the opposite truth value of a given proposition.
To be ___ is to reason incorrectly. But god, by His nature always reasons correctly.
The study of the principles of correct reasoning that focuses on the structure (or form) of the argument.
formal logic
The study of the principles of correct reasoning which does not focus on the structure of an argument.
informal logic
An argument that is valid and also has true premises; always has a tru conclusion
A categorical argument containing two premises and one conclusion that uses words like “all, some, no, not.”
An argument in which the conclusion follows logically from the premises, regardless of whether the premises are true.
A logical ___ is a common error in reasoning.
A logical ___ is a common error in reasoning.
An argument with an unstated premise or an unstated conclusion
A category of logical fallacy in which the argument has used words or phrases in a way that is confusing or vague.
fallacy of ambiguity
A category of logical fallacy in which the argument has assumed something that is unproved or doubtful.
fallacy of presumption
A category of logical fallacy in which the conclusion of argument is not strongly relevant to the premises.
fallacy of relevance
Shifting from one meaning of a word to another within an argument
Attributing a concrete characteristic to something abstract.
Changing the meaning of proposition by placing undue emphasis on a word or phrase
fallacy of accent
The use of “all” that means “all together” or taken as a whole - in contrast to distributive
Falsely assuming that what is true of the parts/individuals must also be true of the whole/group
fallacy of composition
Falsely assuming that what is true of the whole/group must also be true of the parts/individuals
fallacy of division
The use of “all” that means “each and every one” taken separately - in contrast to collective
Drawing a generalization from too few specific examples.
hasty generalization
Applying a generalization to an exception.
sweeping generalization