Chapter 24: noninfectious respiratory disorder Flashcards
Agonist and beta-adrenergic drugs are ineffective in treating asthma in older adults because of
decreased sensitivity of receptors
how does montelukast help asthma?
it blocks leukotriene receptors, preventing the inflammatory mediator from stimulating inflammation.
cromolyn sodium
medication for asthma with elevated serum immunoglobulin IgE levels.
Late phase of asthma attack
is seen in patient who has low partial pressure of arterial oxygen and elevated c02.
which pain medication is safe for asthma patient?
Tylenol is safe.
But Ibuprofen can trigger asthma symptoms.
for a patient with asthma attack, what would be the expect ABG?
partial pressure of carbon dioxide (Paco2) 50
Pac02 increases during asthma attack, normal is 35-45
signs of overdose from ipratropium
blurred vision, HA and palpitations.
worsening of status asthmaticus
patients with status asthmaticus who suddenly have absence of wheezing may have a complete airway obstruction.
which diseases experience COPD?
chronic bronchitis
how does cystic fibrosis (CF) cause airway obstruction?
by secretion of thick and sticky mucus
what test can diagnose cystic fibrosis?
sweat chloride analysis
which two assessment findings are changes secondary to chronic COPD?
barrel chest and finger clubbing
what is cystic fibrosis caused by?
CF is a genetic disorder with the presence of B. cepacia bacterial infection
oxygen level acceptable for patients with COPD
acute emphysema
causes air hunger due to weakening of the diaphragm muscle.