Chapter 23: Urinary System Flashcards
What are the 5 functions of the kidney?
Formation of new glucose from glycerol and amino acids
What are the two endocrine functions?
- Erythropoietin- regulation of RBC production
- Renin- regulation of blood pressure and kidney function
any substance useless to body or present in excess body’s needs
waste substance produced by the body
metabolic waste
What are three nitrogenous wastes?
- urea formation
- uric acid
- creatinine
Explain the formation of urea
proteins -> amino acids -> removed -> forms ammonia -> liver converts ammonia to urea
product of nucleic acid catabolism
uric acid
product of creatine phosphate catabolism
What is the main function of the urinary system?
to filter blood and produce urine
What doe renal arteries do?
deliver 25% of cardiac output to the kidneys each minute
label the urinary organs
Label the urinary organ anatomy
Label the kidney anatomy
What are the two types of nephrons?
very long nephron looks, maintain salinity gradient in the medulla and help conserve water
Juxtamedullary nephrons
most common, contains short nephron loops, found in the cortex layer
cortical nephrons
structural and functional units of the kidney that form urine
What are the two main parts of the nephron and their functions
filters the blood plasma in the kidney
renal corpuscle
long, coiled tube that converts the filtrate into urine
renal tubule
Lable the nephron anatomy
Lable the nephron anatomy
What are the two layers of the renal corpuscle
Lable the renal corpuscle anatomy
conversion of glomerular filtrate to urine involves the removal and addition of chemicals by tubular_____ and ______
reabsorption and secretion
Explain the stages/ steps to urine formation
reabsorbs about 65% of glomerular filtrate, removes some substances from blood, and secretes them into tubular fluid for disposal in urine
proximal convoluted tubule
What part of the nephron has nonregulated reabsorption?
proximal convoluted tubule
What does the proximal convoluted tubule contain?
loop of henle contains what type of nephrons?
juxtamedullary nephrons
What is the function of the loop of henle?
What is the function of the distal tuble and collecting duct?
What hormone receptors are found in the distal tubule?
ADH, aldosterone, etc.
What are organs of the urinary system?
ureters, bladder, urethra
retroperitoneal, muscular tubes that extend from each kidney to the urinary bladder
muscular sack for storing urine
tube that conveys urine out of the body
Lable the urinary stuctures
Lable the urinary structures
the act of urinating
involuntary spinal reflex that partly controls urination
micturation reflex
What is invloved during voiding?