Chapter 23-Great Depression & New Deal Flashcards
What public works project was “too little, too late” started by Herbert Hoover in 1932?
Hoover Dam
What ecological disaster struck the nation’s mid-section during the 1930s?
Dust Bowl
Which state, dominated by the coal mine industry, was devastated by the collapse of that industry during the Great Depression?
West Virginia
Who was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1928 but was defeated by Herbert Hoover?
Al Smith, from New York City and a Catholic
How was Franklin Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt related?
Distant cousins, though Eleanor Roosevelt was Teddy’s niece.
What disease did Franklin Roosevelt have to deal with as president?
Franklin Roosevelt was an experienced politician, serving in the ______ administration as a progressive and Secretary of the Navy.
Woodrow Wilson’s Administration
How did Hoover and FDR cooperate during the winter of 1932-1933?
No cooperation after the election until March 1933 when FDR becomes president…The Depression was Hoover’s fault says FDR!!!
What did FDR proclaim during his first hours as president to calm peoples fears?
A Bank Holiday to save from bank runs leading to panic.
What is commonly called the 15 big laws passed during FDR’s __________ providing nationwide relief in 1933?
FDR’s Hundred Days
FDR uses _______ to speak directly to the American people to calm and inform them of his plans to ease the suffering of the Great Depression.
Fireside Chats on the radio
What is FDR’s economic plan called to solve the Great Depression?
New Deal
This was a Relief programs for artists, musicians, and writers.
Who led the controversial make work program called the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?
Harry Hopkins
What was the law passed and the administration created that used the “Blue Eagle” as a national symbol for industry and labor working together to solve the Great Depression
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) and National Recovery Administration (NRA)