chapter 13-Settling the west Flashcards
Before the Civil War, the area west of the 100 meridian was considered the ____.
Great American Desert
most settlement in the west was located ___.
along the railroads
Railroads received huge ______ from the government in order to raise money to build the train tracks.
Land Grants
many western settlers were enticed to move west by the government’s ____
Homestead Act
Before local government was organized in western settlements, law and order was enforced by ____.
The ____ industry would lead the way for settlements in the mountain west.
____ mining was big business.
Quartz mining
lone prospectors operated small ____ mines.
Placer mines
The city of ____ became the supply depot for miners in the Rockies.
Denver City
What precious metal was found in Leadville, Colorado?
This was a huge silver find in Colorado?
Comstock Lode
The Great Plains’ industry in the late 1800s was ____.
Ex civil war soldiers, freedmen, Mexicans were all ____ of the West’s Great Plains.
The first _____ occurred along the cattle trail from Texas to Sedalia Missouri in 1866.
Long-drive of cattle
The most famous cattle trail of the west was the ___.
Chisholm Trail
The most famous of all the cow towns of Kansas was ___.
Abilene Kansas
Barbed Wire was used by ____ to keep cattle out of their crops.
wheat farmers
Ranchers relied on ____ to feed their cattle.
the open range
____ were conflicts between farmers and ranchers on the Great Plains in the 1870s.
Range Wars
The tools of the Great Plains dry farmers were :
steel plows
the problems of the Great Plains farmers were
intense summer heat
intense winter cold
prairie fires
insects devastating crops
the Great Plains became know as the ____ Belt
Wheat Belt
large commercial farms on the Great Plains were called ___
Bonanza Farms
the hunting ground and holy sites for many Indian tribes on the Great Plains was the ____ mountains.
Bighorn Mountains
The _____ massacre in southeast Colorado killed Black Kettle in 1864
Sand Creek Massacre
I n 1867, the Sioux and other Plains Indians met with the Peace Commission at ____ to reach a settlement that established certain reservations.
Fort Laramie
Colonal _____ was surprised, cut off, surrounded, and completely annihilated in 1876 at the Little Bighorn River in Montana
George Armstrong Custer
the Nez Perce leader _____ was defeated by US troops and sent to a reservation in Oklahoma in 1877 but not before being allowed to address Congress
Chief Joseph
the massacre at ______ brought an end to Indian uprisings in 1890.
Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota
The ______ included an extended family network and a nomadic lifestyle.
Great Plains Indian culture
Many Indians were forced to remove from their homelands and be placed on _____.
Rather than hunting ____, many Great Plains Indians were forced to accept food annuities yearly from the Government.
The last hope for Great Plains Indian culture was the ____ by Sitting Bull.
Ghost Dance
The ____ Act would forcibly assimilate Native American Indians into white culture by limiting their movement and forcing land ownership rules.
Dawes Act