Chapter 2: Theories and Therapies Flashcards
Difference between psychological theories and therapies
Theories help us explain behavior while therapies are treatments based on these theories
Difference between conscious, preconscious, and unconscious
Conscious: feelings, perceptions, memories, thoughts, fantasies, feeling’s
Pre-conscious (Ego): material that can be retrieved easily through conscious effort
Unconscious (Id): Repressed memories, passions, unacceptable urges, trauma.
Define transference
unconscious feelings that the patient has towards a healthcare worker that were originally felt in childhood for a significant other. It could be affectionate or hostile.
Define countertransference
unconcious feelings the healthcare worker has towards the patient.
Difference between psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis
Therapy focuses on the now rather than the past. Easier to make breakthroughs but pt needs to be “worried well” (have clear area of difficulty and are intelligent, psychologically minded, and well-motivated for change).
Describe interpersonal therapy
Short term therapy that works by concentrating on improving social relationships. Ex: grief/loss, interpersonal disputes, role transition
Who is Hildegard Peplau?
First systematic theoretical framework for psychiatric nursing called Interpersonal relations in nursing. Nurse-pt relationship is the foundation of nursing practice. Nurses dont do things TO their patients they do things WITH their patients. Illness offers a unique opportunity for experiential learning, personal growth, and improved coping strategies.
Describe behavioral therapy (Watson)
Freud is wrong, your personality isnt set in stone by age 5. if you change your behavior through conditioning you change your personality. John Watson’s make a loud noise when a baby reaches for a rat
Whats classical conditioning
Pavlov’s dogs.
Difference between operant conditioning (Skinner) and classical conditioning
Operant: Skinner tortured rats in “Skinners Box”. positive reinforcement=switch hit food released. negative reinforcement =shocks a rat and switch turns it off
Classical: neural stimulus (bell, coleslaw smell) illicit physical response (salivating, wretching)
Define extinction
I try to tell a joke. No one laughs. I think I’m not funny so I stop telling jokes.
Rude teacher ignores a kid begging for attention because it’ll make the kid stop
Define modeling
Show how they should act so they can copy it. Can do role play.
Define operant conditioning
use positive reinforcements to increase desired behaviors. Child starts acting up in the grocery store:
Give them candy to shut them up=positively reinforce behavior
Scold them publicly=positively reinforce behavior
Ignore them and wait to give them attention when theyre acting appropriately= Positive reward for appropriate behavior
Define exposure therapy
Expose person to mental affliction little by little. Imaginal: remember your encounters with spiders In vivo: Go see live spiders in a museum. Virtual reality: VR goggles
Define aversion therapy
Pair target behavior with negative stimulus. Bitter substances on nails for nail biters. Vomit when you shoplift.
Define biofeedback
Use tech to monitor respirations, pulse, temp, muscle contraction, perspiration to get notifications when stressed and cognitively making it better with deep breathing, writing, ect.
Describe cognitive theory
People are not passively receiving new personalities based on their environment. Thoughts come before feelings, actions, and other thoughts. Everything is based on perspective, which may or may not reflect reality.
Differences between cognitive and behavior theories
Cognitive: you are your perspective Behavior: you are what society conditions you to be
Describe rational-emotive therapy
Albert Ellis wants you to stop worrying about the things you SHOULD do because its probable not accurate, sensible, or useful. Activating event, Beliefs, emotional consequences. Oh I need to study. I should’ve studied this morning. I suck.
Descibe cognitive behavioral therapy (Beck)
The live laugh love of psychology. If you’re depressed its because you tell yourself you suck. Give yourself some compliments. YOU DESERVE THAT TUB OF ICE CREAM
Whats a cognitive distortion?
If i don’t do everything perfect then I’m a failure. Obviously not true.
Describe dialectical behavioral therapy
Lineham. Made for people with extreme retaliations (chronically suicidal and self injuring in retaliation to small mistakes). Basically long term CBT. Discusses mindfulness, distress tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, and emotional regulation.
Describe humanistic theory
You can’t box the human mind into these overarching generalizations
Whats up with Maslow
Theory of human motivation: Physiological need’s, safety, love and belonging, esteem, self-actualization, self transcendence
Describe the biological model
Mental illness is caused by a physical problem. Locates problem’s with the limbic system/synapse receptor sites of CNS and interventions regarding diet, drugs, or surgery
What is chlorpromazine
Otherwise known as thorazine, it controls psychosis, mania, depression, and anxiety. Discovered by french drug firm in the 50s. Started pharmacotherapy
What are the stages of Freuds psychoanalytic theory?
Oral (0 to 1 year)
Anal (1 to 3 years)
Phallic (oedipal) (3 to 6 years)
Latency (6 to 12 years)
Genital (12 years and beyond)
What are some brain stimulation therapies?
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation—repetitive (rTMS)
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
Who developed the theory of psychosocial development? What are the stages?
Trust vs. Mistrust 0-1
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt. Age developed: 2 to 3 years
Initiative vs. Guilt. 3-6
Industry vs. Inferiority. 6-12
Identity vs. Confusion. 12-20
Intimacy vs. Isolation. 20-35
Generativity vs. Stagnation. 35-65
Integrity vs. Despair 65+