Chapter 2 Flashcards
Who is responsible for integrating all the components and artifacts of a project and applying the various tools and techniques of project management to bring about a successful conclusion to the project?
Project Manager
Project Managers spend about __% of ther time in the act of ____________.
Subject Matter Expert
ESG Factors
Environmental, Social, and Governance Factors
What may have a significant impact on your project, and your project itsself may have an impact on them which may affect your orgnaization’s reputation if not taken into consideration?
ESG Factors
Environment, Social, and Governance Factors
What refers to the impacts you project may have to the environment?
Environmental Factors
Which factor includes the interactions and relationships among the stakeholders?
Social Factors
Which factor refers to the way the project will be governed and how the governance will occur within the context of the overall organization?
Governance Factors
Protecting sensitive data and data types in order to protect individual identities and personal information relating to those individuals.
Data Confidentiality
Personally Identifiable Information
Personal Health Information
National Institue of Standards and Technology
A widely recognized federal agency that has created frameworks, processes, and controls to help the federal government protect information and information systems.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Any information about an individual maintained by an agency, including any information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity such as name, social security number, date and place of birth, etc.. Any information that is linked or linkableto an individual such as medical, educational, financial, and employmeny information.
Sensitive Persinally Identifiable Information (A subset of PII)
This form of PII data refers to the individual’s health information.
Personal Health Information (PHI)
Individually Identifiable Health Information
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
What was intropduced to provide regulations regarding the safekeeping of electronic protected health information?
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Electronic Protected Health Information
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canadian)
General Data Protection Regulations (EU)
California Consumer Privacy Act
According to NIST, there are three impact levels for a breach:
- Low
- Moderate
- High
Food and Drug Administration
Federal Transit Asdministration
HIPAA, PIPEDA, GDPR, CCPA are all examples of what?
Privacy Regulations
International Organization for Standardization
What involves the use of computers and computer networks to create, store, process, and transmit electronic information?
Information Technology (IT)
Consists of all the hardware, software, servers, networks, data centers, and more tha comprise and support IT activities for an organization
What refers to the infrastructure that provides computing capability to the organization or its customers?
Computing Services
What refers to physically seperating technology functions in their own modules?
Multitiered Architecture
What is the most common form of Multitiered Architecture and what does it consist of?
Three-tier Architecture
Presentation Tier
Processing Tier
Data Tier
Which tier collects and displays the information the user needs to interact with the system?
Presentation Tier
Which tier is where the information collected from the presentation tier is processed?
Application Tier aka Processing/Middel Tier
Which tier is where the information that was collected and processed stored?
Data Tier
The collection of devices connected to each other using cables or wireless communication to enable the sharing and exchanging of data and services
Devices when connected to each other via wired networks are referred to as ________.
Metroploitan Area Network
Global Area Network
Personal Area Network
Network Attached Storage
Storage Area Network
Is NAS or SAN cheaper and easier to setup?
A system that collects, organizes, centeralizes, and manages data.
Data Warehouse
What can analyze large mounts of data quickly without creating a degradation of service?
Data Warehouse
It is important that your ___________ is recorded, accurate, and kept up-to-date.
What should include diagrams of how the infrastructure is constructed?
What is a form of documentation that should capture any changes made to the infrastructure?
Capture Log
What allows for the sharing of software, information, data, and services to computers and technology devices on demand?
Cloud Computing
How many layers does Cloud Infrastructure consist of?
Name All
Physical Layer
Abstraction Layer
Which cloud infrastructure layer consists of the hardware resources needed to support the cloud services?
Physical Layer
Which cloud infrastructure layer consists of the software used to enable the cloud to perform its functions?
Abstraction Layer
Allows the cloud provider to use the same resources to serve multiple consumers using a multitenant model
Resource Pooling
The ability to respond to a consumers need for more or less memory, power, and more is known as _________?
Rapid Elasticity
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Anything as a Service
A model wherby a cloud consumer ca access appliations on demand that have been deployed and run on a cloud infrastructure
Software as a Service
A software model that allows application developers to build applications in the cloud
Platform as a Service
A software model that allows the cloud sonsumer to provision servers, storage, networking, operating systems, and other computing resources on demand.
Infrastructure as a Service
Any IT function that is converted to a cloud model for use by the organization
Anything as a Service
What are the four cloud deployment models?
Private Cloud
Community Cloud
Public Cloud
Hybrid Cloud
Which cloud deployment model is used exclusively by a single organization?
Private Cloud
Which cloud deployment model is used bu a community of consumers who have similar needs?
Community Cloud
Which cloud deployment model is intended for use by anyone?
Public Cloud
Which cloud deployment model is a combination of the other cloud deployment models?
Hybrid Cloud
ERP systems
Enterprise Resource Planning systems
A system that helps companies coordinate their back-office business activities, such as accounting, procurement, human resources, and more. The data and functionality reside on one system.
Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP)
What two primary functions do almost all Enterprise Resource Planing providers offer?
Financial and Human Resources
Customer Relationship Management
Software that helps business manage their relationships and interactions with their customers and future customers.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
A colection of data that is stored electronically in a computer sustem that can be easily accessed by other computer systems and by humans.
What two types of data can databases consist of?
Structured Data
Unstructured Data
Data that is organized in meaning ful ways so that it can be easily recieved and modified.
Structured Data
Data that does not have identifyable rules or structure and isn’t easily stored or processed.
Unstructured Data
Relational Database Management System
A collection of structured information that is related to each other
Relational Database (RDBMS)
Electronic Document and Record Management System
A software system that manages electronic documents, records, and data from creation to disposal. Stores your organization’s documents electronically.
Electronic Document and Record Management System (EDRMS)
Content Management System
Software that provides a way for users with little to no technical knowledge to create a website and manage, modify, share, and upload content to the website.
Content Management System (CMS)
What two components are Content Management Systems (CMSs) made of?
Content Management Application
Content Delivery Application
A content management system application that allows the user to add, edit, and manage the content they intend to post to a website
Content Management Application
A content management system application that publishes the content and makes it visible on the website
Content Delivery Application
Hypertext Markup Language
Cascading Style Sheet
A design language that helps you define the visual appearance of the web page
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)
Manages the accounting and budgeting aspects of a business
Financial Systems
Which system provides a means to report on the status of the organization’s financial standing and allows decision-makers to analyze and take actions based on the financial information and reporting contained in the system?
Financial Systems
What concerns recording and interpreting the monetary transactions of the organization?
Financial Accounting
What looks at what we should do, or bight happen in the future? It is a prediction of the amount of income we think the organization will generate and how that should be spread among the various needs of the organization over the coming time period.