3 Flashcards


In which conflict resolution technique is the problem ignored or postponed?







Avoiding is either retreating from a problem or failing to address it.

Compromising attempts to find a common ground and resolve a conflict by having both parties concede a little.

Forcing is a win-lose solution, because one party must yield its position to the other party.

Confronting is facing a problem and attempting to find and solve its root cause.

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You are working on a project to upgrade the Human Resources Management System (HRMS). The sponsor on this project is the HR Vice-President, who is retiring in two months, three months before the project is completed.
This is a risk to your project because:

The new HR Vice-President may not support the project.

The HR department will be focusing on finding a replacement, not on the new system.

It is not a risk to the project.

You will need to reschedule the project to be completed before the HR Vice-President leaves.


The new HR Vice-President may not support the project.

The new Vice-President of Human Resources may have other ideas about how to run the organization, which do not necessarily include a new software system.

Departments always have things to focus on that compete with project work. This time delay should be included in the plan, not as a risk.

Nothing in the scenario suggests a need to change the schedule, so this is not a risk.

Anytime any key person of a project leaves, it should be considered a risk. This is true for the sponsor, the project manager, or a technical lead.

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The project manager for the WingTip Toys mini-drone project has been asked why he or she would use a lead in a project plan.

When a lead occurs in an activity, what is its effect upon other activities?

It delays a predecessor task.

It accelerates a predecessor task.

It accelerates a successor task.

It delays a successor task.


It accelerates a successor task.

A lead represents an overlap in two tasks, with the successor task starting earlier than if there were no lead.

A lead cannot delay a successor task because of the overlapping nature of the lead.

A lead cannot delay a predecessor task because the lead applies to the successor task.

A lead cannot accelerate a predecessor task because the lead applies to the successor task.

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You are working on a project to upgrade the Human Resources Management System (HRMS).
The sponsor on this project is most likely to be the:

Vice President of Information Systems

Senior Vice President of Human Resources

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

Chief Information Officer (CIO)


Senior Vice President of Human Resources

The Senior Vice President of Human Resources would be the sponsor for a human resources project as all the end users would report to him/her.

Although the finance area would fund the purchase of the new software, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) would not be the sponsor because the project affects human resources, not his/her reports.

A Vice President of Information Systems might serve as a sponsor of a technology infrastructure project, but not an HR system.

The Chief Information Officer (CIO) is normally the highest-ranking person responsible for the technology infrastructure and would be the sponsor for major infrastructure upgrades, but not a new HR system.

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During product testing, the team identifies a problem and needs to trace it back to its root cause.
Which quality tool would they use?

Scatter chart

Statistical sampling

Gantt chart

Fishbone diagram


Fishbone diagram

A fishbone diagram, also known as a cause-and-effect diagram or an Ishikawa diagram, can be used to trace an undesirable effect back to its root cause.

A scatter chart is used to examine the correlation between two variables. It is not used to determine the root cause of a problem.

A Gantt chart depicts project activities as a function of time.

Statistical sampling examines a subset of a population, where analysis of the entire population is not possible because the population is too large.

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When stakeholders change their minds about the project requirements, they submit change requests that are evaluated and reviewed by a:

Toll gate committee

Project manager

Change Control Board (CCB)

Steering committee


Change Control Board (CCB)

The generic term for the person or group who evaluates and approves or denies changes is the Change Control Board (CCB).

On small projects, a project manager may function as the Change Control Board (CCB), but the umbrella term is CCB.

Some companies may call their approval groups toll gate committees, but the industry standard term is Change Control Board (CCB).

Steering committees of senior managers may function as a Change Control Board (CCB), but the industry standard term is CCB.

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The project team has been working diligently to meet all of the milestones of their project. Acceptance of the interim and final deliverables is a key objective.
What should the deliverables be compared to?

The current baselines

The variance

The initial cost estimate

The actuals


The current baselines

Deliverables should be measured against the current baselines: scope, schedule, and time. Changes to the project will cause these baseline values to change, and the most recent approved baselines should be used.

Actuals represent the present state of a deliverable and not a comparison to anything.

Variances are the difference between planned and actual values and are an indication of deviations in scope, schedule, and time. They need to be compared to something, and that will be the current baselines.

The initial cost estimate was developed before much (if any) planning was done, and it is not indicative of the current state of the project. Also, cost is only one of the project objectives.

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You have taken over a project from another project manager and are deciding how to handle project risk.
The document you need to consult is the:

Risk Management Plan

Risk Probability and Impact Matrix

Risk Register

Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)


Risk Management Plan

The Risk Management Plan documents how you should handle the risk process.

The Risk Register lists each risk, as well as its corresponding probability, impact, and score, which may be updated in quantitative risk analysis.

A Risk Probability and Impact Matrix shows how you might evaluate the priority of risks and is a part of the Risk Management Plan.

A hierarchical chart that organizes risk categories by their sources is called a Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS).

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The project manager is evaluating a change request that appears warranted, but it will result in a large impact to the scope.
What should the project manager do next?

Evaluate the change request to determine if it is truly necessary

Get signoff on the change

Look for alternatives that might have less impact on the scope

Reject the change request


Look for alternatives that might have less impact on the scope

Look for alternatives that have less impact on the scope. The first solution to a problem might not be the best.

The change request has not gone through the change management process, and signoff cannot be obtained until that process is completed.

The change appears necessary, and more analysis will not change that conclusion.

The change request cannot be rejected until the change management process is completed.

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Which of the following documents are contracts between the organization and one or more external entities to work together?

Organizational process assets

Teaming agreements

Enterprise environmental factors

Risk-related contract decisions


Teaming agreements

Teaming agreements are legal contractual agreements between two or more parties to form a joint venture or any other arrangement as defined by the parties to meet the requirements of a business opportunity. The parties can be internal or external to the organization executing the project.

Risk-related contract decisions result when one party transfers or shares a risk with another party. The contract will specify how much of the risk is to be borne by each party.

Organizational process assets are entities that can be used to influence the success of a project. They include policies, procedures, guidelines, formal and informal plans, templates, lessons learned documents, and historical information.

Enterprise environmental factors are the internal or external factors that can have a positive or negative influence on the project outcome. They include organizational culture, the human resources pool, marketplace conditions, stakeholder risk tolerances, political situations, and project management information systems.

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Joe and Charlie are arguing about how to solve a technical issue on the database design project. After 15 minutes, Joe gets frustrated and leaves the room.
Which conflict management approach does this demonstrate?







Avoiding leaves the problem in place and simply does nothing about it. Joe avoided managing the conflict.

Forcing does not solve the root cause of a problem; it simply mandates a course of action.

Smoothing attempts to minimize a problem by convincing the parties that they do not really have a disagreement.

Confronting a conflict is the only technique that solves the root cause of a problem. The parties dig to explore and find the true cause of the problem, then to find a solution that removes the problem from further consideration.

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You are executing the project plan for a new Point of Sale system for your retail stores and the Steering committee has given you the go ahead to move forward to installation of the software and equipment.
You inform the team. What was the trigger for this?

Stakeholder changes

Schedule changes

Gate reviews

Risk register updates


Gate reviews

Gate reviews are periodically scheduled assessments of progress that often include go/no go decisions, which are then communicated to the team.

Risk register updates are part of risk reassessment and are communicated to the sponsor and team when they occur.

A stakeholder change would be communicated to the team and affected stakeholders, but that has not happened at this point.

A schedule change would be a trigger to communicate with the sponsor, functional manager, and client, but that has not happened yet.

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The manager of the TailSpin Toys robotic cat laser project is reviewing the project management plan prepared by the team, and something does not look right. Some of the subsidiary plans appear correct, but others do not.
Which of the following are correct subsidiary plans?

Scope management plan, budget management plan, procurement management plan, process improvement plan

Risk response plan, quality management plan, communications management plan, process improvement plan

Scope management plan, risk management plan, procurement management plan, human resource plan

Time management plan, cost management plan, requirements management plan, human resource plan


Scope management plan, risk management plan, procurement management plan, human resource plan

Scope management plan, risk management plan, procurement management plan, human resource plan are all subsidiary plans.

There is no time management plan; the correct plan is schedule management.

The risk response plan is not a separate subsidiary plan; it is included in the risk management plan.

There is no budget management plan; the correct plan is cost management.

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You are nine weeks into a three-month project, and your schedule has increased by three weeks. Your sponsor has asked you to hire more resources for the critical path tasks to get back on schedule.
This is known as:







Decreasing the schedule by adding more resources is known as crashing.

Fast-tracking is compressing the schedule by overlapping tasks.

Smoothing is removing resource over-allocation within slack/float.

Leveling is removing resource over-allocation regardless of schedule changes.

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A team member is confused about the difference between two work packages with similar names.
The best document to have that team member consult is the:

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Dictionary

RACI Matrix

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)


Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Dictionary

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) dictionary describes many different attributes of a work package, including a more detailed description of the component, specific guidelines to meet, accounting codes, etc.

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) shows the hierarchy of the work packages, but does not provide additional detail on them.

The Requirements Traceability Matrix shows where the requirements on a work package came from, but does not provide additional detail to differentiate between work packages.

A RACI Matrix shows the roles and responsibilities various resources have on a work package, but does not provide additional clarifying detail on the work package itself.

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During the course of a project, resources might be needed on an “ad hoc” or occasional basis.
To whom do these resources report in a projectized organization?

Determined by Human Resources Department because of the ad hoc nature of the assignment

Determined by senior management; could be either project manager or functional manager

Functional manager unless there is a specific agreement with the project manager, because of the ad hoc nature of the assignment

Project manager


Project manager

All project resources in a projectized organization are under the direction of a project manager.

The Human Resources Department does not make project staffing assignments.

The functional manager does not make project staffing assignments in a projectized organization.

Senior management does not make project staffing assignments.

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A stakeholder approaches the project manager with an idea for a new project.
What document will be prepared as a result of this meeting?

Stakeholder register

Project charter

Business case



Business case

The business case justifies the investments made for a project, and how the investments comply with the organization’s policy. It is prepared very early in the project.

The charter authorizes the project to begin. It names the project manager and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities. It is prepared after a business case has been written.

The stakeholder register lists information about the stakeholders. It is prepared after the project has begun.

The scope is written after the project has begun.

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You are working on a six-month project to redesign the corporate website and add product purchasing functionality. You are two months in when you get a $20,000 grant toward the project.
This is an example of what type of change?

Requirements change

Funding change

Timeline change

Scope change


Funding change

This request will decrease internal expenses by $20,000, so it will require a funding change.

Timeline changes increase or decrease the schedule.

Requirements changes affect the parameters that define the deliverables.

A scope change increases or decreases the work the project must accomplish.

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You are working on a new purchasing system project and are getting ready to start executing the project.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of holding the kick-off meeting in person?

The content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients.

Stakeholders need to be in the same physical location at the same time.

Stakeholders need to have the communication technology installed in their locations.

It is an outdated form of communication.


Stakeholders need to be in the same physical location at the same time.

For in-person meetings such as proposed here, everyone attending needs to be in the same place at the same time, which may be difficult and expensive to accomplish.

Stakeholders do not need any specific type of technology for an in-person meeting.

With email, not in-person meetings, content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients.

Faxes are often considered outdated methods of communicating, but in-person meetings are not.

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Which administrative unit or department in an organization distributes project management tools to projects under its control?

Each project team provides their own tools

Project Sponsors Group

Project Management Office (PMO)

Senior management of the organization


Project Management Office (PMO)

The Project Management Office (PMO) within an organization provides the tools that projects can use so projects within the organization have the same “look and feel.”

Sponsors are champions for their projects, but they do not provide tools. Also, there is no Project Sponsors Group.

Senior management resolves conflicts between projects and day-to-day business operations.

Project teams will frequently use their own tools. However, in addition, they will use PMO tools if available.

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In which type of organization does the authority of the project manager range from weak to strong?







In a matrix organization, authority is shared between the project manager and the functional manager. In a strong matrix, the project manager has relatively more authority than the functional managers; in a weak matrix, relatively less; and in a balanced matrix the level of authority is similar.

In a projectized organization, authority rests with the project manager.

In a functional organization, authority rests with the functional manager.

A composite organization is a blend of the other three types.

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Trey Research, Inc. begins approximately 100 projects a year, and the Project Management Office (PMO) reviews every charter before it reaches a sponsor’s desk for approval.
Which of the following items should the PMO insist be in every charter?

Historical information that led to the decision to start a project

Business need of the project

Detailed cost estimate

Charter management plan


Business need of the project

The primary purpose of the charter is to authorize a project, and the business need provides the reason for the project. If there is no business reason to launch a project, there should be no project.

The detailed cost estimate is prepared after the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is prepared, which is after the scope is written, which is after the charter is approved.

There is no charter management plan.

The historical background that led to the project is not included in the charter.

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You are moving the corporate servers to a new building in Buffalo, NY in January and February. You have included snow in your risk list. Your sponsor asks you what your contingency is for this risk.
What is she asking?

What you’ll change the move date to so snow will not affect it.

What your plan is if it does snow and it impacts the move.

To what other city you considered relocating the servers.

What resources are in place to monitor the risk.


What your plan is if it does snow and it impacts the move.

A contingency is a special type of risk response you follow only if the risk event occurs; it snows in this case.

Changing the date of the move out of the typical snow period would be an example of an avoid response; i.e., it would not snow in July.

Having resources monitoring risks, in this case snow, is important but is not a contingency.

What other locations are considered is part of alternatives analysis before a specific location is selected.

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The manager of the AdventureWorks Cycles high-speed braking system project has decomposed the scope to produce the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Which of the following statements is not true about a WBS?

The WBS includes all of the work that must be done to satisfy the scope.

The WBS represents progressively smaller pieces of work.

Activities should appear in the WBS in the order they will be performed.

Every element in the WBS should have a unique number or other identifier.


Activities should appear in the WBS in the order they will be performed.

Activities should appear in the WBS in the order they will be performed is not true. Sequencing is not part of the WBS process.

Every element in the WBS should have a unique number or other identifier as they will be referenced throughout the project and unique identifiers will prevent confusion.

The WBS must include all of the work to be done to satisfy the scope.

The WBS represents progressively smaller pieces of work. It does not list activities in order of their required completion time.

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The term “baseline” is confusing the engineer who is working on the project plan for the Awesome Computers wireless network upgrade project.
What are the components of the scope baseline?

Scope statement and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Scope statement, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), and WBS dictionary

Scope statement

Scope statement, list of work packages, and list of activities


Scope statement, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), and WBS dictionary

The scope baseline consists of the scope statement, Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), and WBS dictionary.

The WBS dictionary must be included in the scope baseline. It contains descriptions of the work in each WBS component.

The WBS and WBS dictionary must be included in the scope baseline.

Lists of work packages do not contain enough detail to describe the WBS, and lists of activities are too much detail for the scope baseline.

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Which schedule format depicts the duration of a task as a horizontal bar and shows the task’s predecessors and successors?

Milestone chart

Network diagram

Gantt chart

Critical Path Method (CPM) chart


Gantt chart

A Gantt chart shows the project schedule in bar-chart form, where the lengths of bars correspond to the durations of tasks. Bars are connected with lines that represent links to predecessor and successor tasks.

A network diagram shows tasks as boxes, with lines connecting the boxes to represent links to predecessor and successor tasks. Unlike the Gantt chart, all tasks are the same physical size on the diagram, and task duration is written in the boxes.

A milestone chart shows tasks with zero duration (milestones) as diamonds rather than bars, since milestones have zero duration.

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a schedule network analysis method that estimates the minimum project duration and determines the amount of scheduling flexibility that exists in a project. It is not a type of chart.

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Meetings are an important component of a project that is using the Agile methodology.
When should these meetings be held?

At the beginning of each sprint

At the end of the work day

At the end of each sprint

At the beginning of the work day


At the beginning of the work day

Brief stand-up meetings should be held at the beginning of each work day, to summarize the tasks that were completed yesterday and must be completed today, and any roadblocks that each team member might be facing.

Meetings at the end of the day will not adequately prepare for the next day’s tasks because memories will not be fresh the next morning.

The Agile methodology is built upon frequent iterations and feedback among the team members. Each iteration can last for several weeks, and changes can occur during that time. Meetings at the beginning of each sprint will not capture the changes that can occur on a day-to-day basis.

End-of-sprint meetings are a good way to review what the sprint accomplished, but they will not help the team respond to changes that the team will need to make during the sprint.

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The Lucerne Publishing Co. project manager is reviewing the project dashboard. Which of the following are examples of dashboard items?

Number of change requests approved last month, date of next scheduled project meeting, issues closed out last month

Project cost variance, schedule variance of a milestone, remaining budget

Communication plan updates last month, initial budget at completion, revised budget at completion

Number of late activities, activities completed last month, names of project team members who were hired last month


Project cost variance, schedule variance of a milestone, remaining budget

Project cost variance, schedule variance of a milestone, and remaining budget are all valid dashboard examples.

The date of the next scheduled project meeting is not a dashboard item; the other choices are valid examples.

Communication plan updates last month are not dashboard items; the other choices are valid examples.

The names of project team members who were hired last month are not dashboard items; the other choices are valid examples.

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You are developing a new purchasing system for a client and want to know which constraint will have the greatest impact on the success of the project.
Which risk technique should you use?

Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

Monte Carlo Simulation

Decision-tree analysis

Sensitivity analysis


Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis looks at how sensitive various constraints (time, cost, scope) are to the success of the project.

Decision-tree analysis is used to determine best options, not to see which parameters are most important.

Monte Carlo Analysis is a special type of simulation that creates a range of, and probabilities for, potential results for time, cost, etc.

Expected Monetary Value (EMV) attaches quantifiable incomes and costs as impacts, allowing you to select the best option, not to see which parameters are most important.

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The project manager is beginning to prepare the scope. At this time, which is the most important activity of this process?

List project risks.

List the resources.

Confirm that key stakeholders have provided their input.

Create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).


Confirm that key stakeholders have provided their input.

Input from stakeholders is needed before the scope can be prepared. This input can include requirements documentation, meeting notes, and other correspondence.

The WBS will follow the scope, so it is too early to begin its preparation.

Resources cannot be determined until the WBS has been prepared.

Some preliminary determination of risks can begin, but very little can be done until the scope and the WBS are complete.

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You are working on creating a chart that displays which resource is working on which task.
What are you developing?

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Pareto chart

Resource Allocation Matrix (RAM)

Requirements Traceability Matrix


Resource Allocation Matrix (RAM)

A RAM, or Resource Allocation Matrix, is a generic document used to show who is working on which tasks. A specific type of RAM is a RACI.

A WBS, or Work Breakdown Structure, shows the hierarchical organization of the project’s work.

A requirements traceability matrix is used to show the source of each requirement in the requirements definition document.

A Pareto chart is a special vertical bar chart used in quality control to find the source of defects.

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What circumstance can cause the cost baseline to change?

The cost baseline does not change once it has been approved

A change request

An approved modification to the project

Actual costs exceeding planned costs


An approved modification to the project

The cost baseline represents the approved time-phased budget for a project. It will change if a change request that affects project cost is approved.

A change request that affects project cost is only a request; the cost baseline is not modified until the change is approved.

The cost baseline will change if the approved planned cost of the project changes.

When actual costs exceed planned costs, the management team should determine the root cause of the discrepancy. They should then initiate a change to the project, which will result in a change to the cost baseline.

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Who should sign off on the completion of the project?

Project manager

Senior management

Sponsor and an external client, if there is one

Organization’s manager of quality assurance


Sponsor and an external client, if there is one

One of the responsibilities of the project sponsor is to confirm that the objectives and requirements were met. This is accomplished with a formal signed document. If an external client was involved, a member of that organization should also sign a statement that the project met the organization’s project objectives.

Senior management is not in the formal chain of command for the project.

The project manager should not sign off that the project was completed successfully; this is a sponsor responsibility.

The manager of quality assurance is not in the project’s chain of command.

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Which statement best describes a portfolio?

A set of repetitive ongoing tasks

A set of projects managed in a coordinated way

A collection of projects that are grouped to achieve the strategic business objective of an organization

A temporary endeavor that is undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result


A collection of projects that are grouped to achieve the strategic business objective of an organization

A portfolio is a collection of projects that relate to a strategic business objective.

A set of repetitive ongoing tasks is defined as an operation.

A temporary endeavor that creates a unique product, service, or result is a project.

A program is a set of projects that are managed in a coordinated way. Projects within a program do not have to share any objectives.

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You are working on a project to upgrade the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes a purchasing system and a new sales system. The project will take nearly a year, and three months in, the vendor informs you that their planned upgrade to one of the critical modules is behind schedule.
This is an example of what type of change?

Quality change

Resource change

Funding change

Risk event


Risk event

This is a new risk event and can affect a number of the project’s constraints.

A quality change increases or decreases the work needed to assure and control quality.

A resource change can affect a number of the project’s constraints but is referring to personnel changes.

Funding changes increase or decrease the budget/cost.

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The project manager and the project team are closing a successful project. They are collecting project documentation, status reports, correspondence with the client, and contracts with vendors.
What are they preparing to create?

Project variance report


Project sign-off

Lessons-learned document



The materials being gathered will be used to create the project archives, which will be available for other projects to reference.

Project documentation, status reports, correspondence with the client, and contracts with vendors would be used to create the lessons-learned document throughout the project.

The project variance report is created throughout the project based on performance measures.

All of the documentation being gathered is not needed for project sign-off.

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You are developing a new purchasing system for a client and you are starting to identify and prioritize risks. You have performed qualitative analysis and are now using a part of your Risk Management Plan to decide the priority of responses to each risk event.
The piece you are using is known as a(n):

Ishikawa diagram

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Risk Probability and Impact Matrix

Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS)


Risk Probability and Impact Matrix

A Risk Probability and Impact Matrix shows how you might evaluate the priority of risks and is a part of the Risk Management Plan.

Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) are hierarchical charts that organize a project’s work by deliverable, phase, or type of work.

An Ishikawa diagram shows the cause and effect of a variety of problems.

The hierarchical chart that organizes risk categories by their sources is called a Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS).

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Which of the following is a benefit of daily meetings of the scrum team?

Review of budget and schedule

Sign-off on past sprints

Continuous feedback

Planning for future sprints


Continuous feedback

Daily scrum team meetings are intended to briefly review the previous day’s work, and this includes sharing feedback on what worked well and what did not.

Daily team meetings will discuss the present day’s planned work, but nothing further forward than this.

Sign-off is not an agenda meeting for daily meetings because the entire team does not need to be present and the focus of the meetings is on technical work done during yesterday and planned work for today.

Budgets and schedules should not be discussed in daily team meetings.

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The project is in the Initiation phase, and the sponsor has just signed a document that authorizes the project to begin.
What is this document called?

Requirements document

High-level scope


Business case



The charter authorizes the project to begin. It names the project manager and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities.

The business case justifies the investments made for a project and how the investments comply with the organization’s policy.

The requirements document lists the needs of the customer and the expectations that must be met in order to meet the project’s objectives.

The high-level scope presents an early vision of what a project is to accomplish. It is prepared before any detailed planning of the work occurs.


Project performance has been slipping over the past three months, and the project manager suspects that the project team is losing confidence in his or her management skills. The project sponsor has not heard any rumors to this effect.
What can the project manager do to try to restore the trust of the team?

Send a memo to the team, pointing out the perceived problem and proposing a set of solutions.

Meet with the team as a group, then hold formal, documented, one-on-one meetings with as many team members as practical.

Have the sponsor meet with the team and ask why they do not trust the project manager.

Meet with the team as a group, then hold informal one-on-one meetings with as many team members as practical.


Meet with the team as a group, then hold informal one-on-one meetings with as many team members as practical.

The best solution would be to meet with the team as a group, then hold informal one-on-one meetings with as many team members as practical. The team meeting should define how the individual meetings work. Individual meetings should be constructive and the manager should be open to suggestions.

Formal, documented meetings with individual team members will not result in candid views about how the manager can change. The individuals will be too concerned that their comments might be used against them in the future.

Written memos with suggested changes will not get to the root of the problem, which the manager is not likely to be aware of.

Team members might not be comfortable meeting with the sponsor, as they may appear to be complainers. Also, the sponsor might not have frequent contact with the team, which can lead to team members not knowing how their views will be perceived.


You are developing the communication plan for a new Human Resources Management System (HRMS) for your organization.
Which of the following is not a trigger you need to plan for?

Gate reviews

Business continuity response

Task initiation/completion




Outsourcing is a business change, not a communication trigger.

Task initiation and completion are triggers for communication with the team about any effects on upcoming tasks.

Gate reviews are periodically scheduled assessments of progress that often include go/no go decisions, which are then communicated to the team.

A business continuity response is a trigger to communicate with the team and sponsor.


You are executing the project plan for a new Point of Sale system for your retail stores and you inform the sponsor and client that the system has been installed.
What was the trigger for this?

Business continuity response



Project planning



Meeting a milestone is a communication you need to have with both the sponsor and the client.

Audits are communicated just to the team.

Project planning is a communication trigger for communicating with the sponsor and client.

Business continuity response is a trigger to communicate with the team and sponsor


You are working on a project to upgrade the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes a purchasing system and a new sales system. Two months after you have signed the contract with the vendor, it announces that it is being acquired by another software firm that markets a competing ERP system.
Which of the following is not likely to happen to your project?

The acquisition will not affect your project.

You may need to extend the implementation date.

You will need to renegotiate the contract with the new vendor.

The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system you purchased will be pulled by the acquiring vendor.


The acquisition will not affect your project.

An acquisition will have some effect, even if it is just a change in salesperson.

It is quite common for the vendor acquiring the other one to no longer offer the acquired product.

The implementation will likely be delayed as the acquiring company decides what it is doing with its products and personnel.

Depending on the terms of the original contract, you may need to renegotiate the contract.


What is the name of a group of projects that are managed in a coordinated manner?







A program is a set of projects that are managed in a coordinated way.

A portfolio is a collection of projects that relate to a strategic business objective.

There is no project management term “ensemble.”

Operations is work that goes on indefinitely.


You are working on the installation of a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system and the marketing manager has submitted a change request.
What is the next step in the process?

Evaluate impact and justification

Implement the change

Validate change/quality check

Document the change


Evaluate impact and justification

After a request is submitted, subject matter experts and you evaluate its impact and justification.

The marketing manager documented the change prior to submitting it.

The change cannot be implemented unless it has been approved.

A change is validated after it is implemented.


What term describes the lowest level of detail in a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?


Work packages




Work packages

The lowest level of a WBS is the work package; costs and durations of tasks at the work package level can be estimated and managed.

Task is a synonym for activity, which is not always the lowest level of detail.

A sub-task is a decomposition of a task; the term is not often used.

Accounts have no meaning with reference to a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).


Who is responsible for managing the quality assurance aspects of a project?

Project manager


Functional managers

Project manager of quality assurance


Project manager

The project manager is responsible for all elements of a project, including quality assurance.

The project sponsor is not involved with day-to-day work on the project.

There is no standard “project manager of quality assurance” role.

Functional managers provide resources to the project; they do not manage the work of these resources.


In reviewing the project deliverables to date, the clients discover that there is a missing piece of work.
To formally ask for this work to be added to the project, they need to submit a:

Change log

Scope change

Requirements change

Change request


Change request

The formal document submitted to ask for any type of modification to a system is a change request.

You use a change log to list the change requests of the stakeholders.

The type of change is a scope change, but the document submitted is a change request.

A requirements change is a specific type of change, but the document submitted is a change request.


A project has been spending approximately $50,000 each month for the past year.
What is this amount called?

Cash depletion rate

Cash spending rate

Budget depletion rate

Burn rate


Burn rate

The burn rate is defined as the rate at which the budget is being consumed.

The term cash depletion rate is not a valid project management term.

The term budget depletion rate is not a valid project management term.

The term cash spending rate is not a valid project management term.


When are the requirements for a project using Agile methodology determined?


Before the project begins

Before high-level design

At the beginning of each sprint



Requirements for Agile projects are gathered continuously, from project inception through completion and acceptance of each product feature. The iterative and incremental aspect of Agile projects fosters this continuous examination of new and changed requirements.

Only high-level requirements are known at the beginning of an Agile project. One of the goals of Agile projects is to get product features into the hands of the customer quickly, and thus there is no attempt to collect all requirements before development work begins.

Requirements-gathering is a constant process, not limited to the beginning of each sprint.

Some, but not all, requirements are known before high-level design begins. The very nature of Agile projects encourages requirements to be proposed and changed frequently.


You are working on a project to install a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes a Customer Resource Management (CRM) component. The system selected needs to increase customer retention by at least 10%.
This is considered which type of requirement?







Business requirements are the strategic reasons for the project.

Functional requirements define WHAT a system must do, not WHY it must do it.

User requirements are synonymous with functional requirements, which don’t involve the why of the business strategy.

Technical/non-functional requirements define HOW the system must work, not WHY it must work.


You are working on a project to upgrade the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes a purchasing system and a new sales system. During the original risk planning, there was concern that the new system will not be implemented in time to meet the July demand for Halloween candy orders, which is historically your biggest sales season. Your implementation date was set to June 15th. It is now March and you have learned that your largest competitor has gone bankrupt.
As you are reviewing your risk register, what is true about that risk now?

You can lower the probability that it will happen.

You need to raise the impact if it happens.

You can change your contingency.

You can delete the risk.


You need to raise the impact if it happens.

The impact has increased because the company will lose even more money if the system does not function correctly.

The probability has not lowered.

The impact has increased, and you still need to keep your contingency plan in place. You might even add a new proactive risk response.

The risk event has an even higher risk score now so you cannot delete it.


The new project manager of the WingTip Toys mini-drone project is meeting with the planning team after the charter was approved. One of the team members has asked what they will be doing before actually getting started designing the mini-drone.
Which deliverable is the main output of the Planning phase of a project?



Project management plan



Project management plan

The project management plan describes how the project will be executed, monitored, and controlled.

A contract is an agreement between two parties. It is not created during project planning.

The charter is the main output of Initiation; it authorizes the project to begin and names the project manager.

Deliverables are outputs of project execution.


Early in the planning phase of a project, the project manager identifies a critical work package that needs the expertise of the company’s most senior database developer. The project manager and the functional manager agree that this person can be assigned exclusively to the project.
Which type of resource is this?







A dedicated resource is one that has been committed for a project. The agreement between the two managers has made the database developer a dedicated resource.

A shared resource is available for multiple projects, and the involved project managers negotiate for when and how much time the resource can be used on any project.

A benched resource is a skilled resource that is retained during downtime but is not performing “billable” tasks. The benefit is that they can be put into service immediately when the need arises.

A low-quality resource does not possess specialized skills or qualities.


In which order are backlogs generated in an Agile project?

Sprint backlog then product backlog

Product backlog then sprint backlog

Either order

Project backlog, then product backlog, then sprint backlog


Product backlog then sprint backlog

A product backlog is a prioritized list of customer requirements and it is the first step of the scrum process. A sprint backlog is a list of user stories selected from the product backlog that the scrum team chooses and commits to complete in that sprint cycle.

The product backlog must be completed before the sprint backlog.

The order of backlog creation is important because until information is known about the product, the features that are defined in the sprint backlog cannot be determined.

There is no project backlog.


The Volcano Coffee Company is testing a new coffee bean roaster. The Quality Control manager wants to see a line graph of the number of batches of beans roasted each day.
Which type of chart is this?

Fishbone diagram

Scatter chart

Run chart

Control chart


Run chart

The QC manager wants to see a run chart. It is a line graph showing plotted data points in chronological order. It can show trends in a process or improvements over time.

A Pareto chart is a type of histogram that is used to display the relative importance of the causes of a problem.

A scatter chart, or scatter diagram, is used to examine the correlation between an independent variable and a dependent variable.

A fishbone diagram is a diagram that illustrates how various factors may be associated with possible problems. It is also called a cause-and-effect diagram or an Ishikawa diagram.


You are executing the project plan for a new Point of Sale system for your retail stores and the testing team has just finished developing the test plans. A new tester has been assigned to help with the actual tests. You inform the team and their functional managers that the new tester will be available when needed, decreasing the effort of the rest of the testers.
What was the trigger for this?

Task initiation/completion

Incident response

Resource changes

Project changes


Resource changes

Resource changes are triggers for communicating with the team and functional managers about the changes’ effects on time, cost, and risk.

Incident response is a trigger for communicating with the team about any effects on time, cost, or risk.

Task initiation and completion are triggers for communication with the team about any effects on upcoming tasks.

Project changes are triggers for communicating with the team about the changes’ effects on time, cost, and risk.


You are developing the project plan for a new Human Resources Management System (HRMS) for your organization.
Which of the following is a type of change that you might need to plan for?

Business process change



Project planning


Business process change

A business process change involves changes to any internal procedures, so they might affect your project.

Audits are a communication trigger for communicating with the team.

Milestones are a communication trigger for communication with both the sponsor and the client.

Project planning is a communication trigger for communicating with the sponsor and client.


You are working on the project plan for a new website design project and you are finalizing the communication plan.
Which of the following is not considered a communication trigger?

Task initiation/completion

Stakeholder changes

Face-to-face meetings

Gate reviews


Face-to-face meetings

Face-to-face meetings are a communication type, but not a trigger for communication.

Task initiation and completion are triggers for communication with the team about any effects on upcoming tasks.

Stakeholder changes are triggers for communicating with the team and stakeholders about any bearing on the time, cost, or risk.

Gate reviews are triggers for communicating with the team about the go/no-go outcome of the review.


A project produces many artifacts, including project management documents and the deliverables of the project’s product or result.
Who is responsible for the overall quality of these artifacts?

Work package owners who produced the artifacts

Manager of project quality


Project manager


Project manager

The project manager is responsible for all elements of a project, including the individual work elements that the project generates.

Work package owners should strive to produce quality results, but the ultimate responsibility for quality rests with the project manager.

The project sponsor is not involved with day-to-day work on the project.

There is no manager of project quality.


What is the primary role of a functional manager in a matrix project?

To deliver the technical results of their functional specialty

To act as the project manager if the project manager is not available

To sign off on the scope

To provide human resources to the project


To provide human resources to the project

In a matrix type organization, the functional manager loans staff members from his or her department to the project.

The functional manager has no authority for managing a project. In the absence of the project manager, someone from within the project will take over.

The technical results of a project are the responsibility of the project manager.

The functional manager does not sign off on the scope of a project; this is the responsibility of the project sponsor.


During the planning phase of the project, the team develops a document that details the ways in which the stakeholders will interact.
What is this document called?

Project management plan

Communication plan

Stakeholder register

Quality management plan


Communication plan

The communication plan assures that the right people will receive the right information in the most appropriate format at the right time.

The project management plan is the overall management plan that contains all of the subsidiary plans, including the communications management plan.

The quality management plan sets standards and defines how quality policies will be implemented.

The stakeholder register identifies the stakeholders, lists their major requirements and expectations, and documents their potential influences on the project.


An engineer on the TailSpin Toys robotic cat laser project is confused about issues and risks and wants to use the correct term.
Which of these statements best describes issues and risks?

Issues and risks are different, and they should be managed differently.

Issues and risks can be the same.

Issues and risks are the same, but they should be managed differently.

Issues and risks are the same.


Issues and risks are different, and they should be managed differently.

Issues are matters in question or dispute or under discussion, and risks are uncertain events that can have a positive or negative effect on project objectives. Issues are managed with an issue log, which is used to document and monitor issue resolution. Risks are managed through a formal risk management process.

Issues and risks are not the same.

Issues and risks cannot be the same.

Issues and risk are not the same and should be managed differently.


You are being interviewed for a job as a project manager, and the interviewer has asked you to list some of the key characteristics of a project.
Which of the following responses is correct?

A project must have at least three people involved in it.

A project does not need to have an end; it can continue indefinitely.

A project is temporary.

A project must last at least one month from beginning to end.


A project is temporary.

A project must be temporary.

There is no specific team size required for a project.

There is no specific duration for a project.

A project cannot continue indefinitely; it must have an end.


The manager of a project to develop a new math game for young children plans to create 10 interim and two final deliverables for the project. He or she now needs to decompose the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) deliverables.
Which activity will be performed during decomposition?

Assigning unique ID numbers to each deliverable

Organizing the deliverables based on which project team is responsible for their completion

Breaking the deliverables down into smaller components

Arranging the deliverables into categories based on risk


Breaking the deliverables down into smaller components

Decomposition is the technique for dividing and subdividing the project scope and deliverables into progressively smaller parts to facilitate management of the work.

Assigning unique ID numbers to each deliverable results in a code of accounts.

Arranging deliverables into categories based on risk might be useful, but it is not the definition of decomposition.

Organizing deliverables by who is responsible for completing them will yield a resource breakdown structure.


Which of the following is true of project archives?

Should be handed to the sponsor at the end of the project

Should be updated only at the end of the project

Should never contain computerized records because they may not be retrievable in later software versions

Should include key information such as baselines and performance data


Should include key information such as baselines and performance data

Archives should contain data that can be useful when re-visiting a project after it is closed. Baselines (original as well as changes that were made during the project) and performance data relating to schedule and cost should be included.

Computerized records should be retained, and, if possible, the software that generated them should be archived also.

The sponsor is not the recipient of the project archives. There should be a formal repository where they are kept.

Archives should be updated throughout the project.


Cost estimating is done by TailSpin Toys using a software application which uses detailed aspects of each project activity as inputs. The costs of the activities are then combined and used to determine the cost baseline.
Which type of cost estimate is used by the tool?

Top-down estimating

Bottom-up estimating

Parametric estimating

Analogous estimating


Bottom-up estimating

Bottom-up estimating is used to “roll up” the costs of each activity to yield a total project cost, which is then used to prepare the cost baseline.

Top-down estimating is used to produce an approximate estimate for a project based upon similar projects.

Analogous estimating is used at the activity level, based upon similar previous work; for example, a graphic image costs about $50 to produce.

Parametric estimating is also used at the activity level, based upon a simple mathematical relationship; for example, a chair can be rented for one dollar, therefore, 100 chairs will cost 100 dollars.


A project manager is in a meeting with the company’s external client and states that he or she will need to level the resources on the project.
Choose the appropriate task the project manager is referring to.

Extending the finish date

Manually determining where to adjust resources

Adding resources

Discussing a change in the project scope with the stakeholders


Manually determining where to adjust resources

Resource leveling is defined as adjusting start and finish dates based upon resource constraints without affecting the scope, with the goal of balancing demand with available supply. The project manager must determine where to add resources to an activity so it can finish earlier.

Extending the finish date is not the intent of resource leveling.

Adding resources is not resource leveling.

Discussing a scope change is not resource leveling. A scope change would not necessarily affect resources.


Which procurement document is commonly used when deliverables are commodities for which there are clear specifications and when price will be the primary determining factor?

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Statement of Work (SOW)

Request for Quote (RFQ)

Request for Information (RFI)


Request for Quote (RFQ)

An RFQ is commonly used when deliverables are commodities for which there are clear specifications and when price will be the primary determining factor.

An RFI is commonly used to develop lists of qualified vendors and gain more input for resource availability.

An RFP is commonly used when deliverables are not well-defined or when other selection criteria will be used in addition to price.

An SOW is a detailed description of the product or service that an organization intends to purchase. It is used to prepare an RFP


You are working on a six-month project to upgrade the operating systems on more than 4,000 corporate computers. You need to update the purchasing department computers before their new software can be installed, yet they weren’t scheduled until much later in the original plan.
This is an example of what type of change?

Scope change

Requirements change

Timeline change

Funding change


Timeline change

Timeline changes increase or decrease the schedule or change the sequence of work, which this does.

A funding change increases or decreases the budget/cost.

Requirements changes affect the parameters that define the deliverables.

A scope change increases or decreases the work the project must accomplish.


TailSpin Toys is investigating the feasibility of developing an educational math game for three-to-six-year-old children. The marketing department has explored the market to learn if there is any likely competition and has concluded that parents and young kids would welcome their game.
This characteristic of the game project can be considered a:







The project has an opportunity, which is characterized by something that has an external (to the organization) origin and is helpful to the objectives of the project. The lack of competition presents an opening for TailSpin to have some success.

A threat has an external origin and is harmful to the objectives of the project. There are no threats identified in the scenario.

A weakness is something that has an internal origin and is harmful to the objectives of the project. There are no weaknesses identified in the scenario.

A strength has an internal origin and is helpful to the objectives of the project. There are no strengths identified in the scenario.


You are finalizing the requirements on your new purchasing system project and you have some follow-up questions for some of the stakeholders.
They all work in your building with you, so which of the following would you not need to consider?

Inter-organizational communication patterns



Intra-organizational communication patterns


Inter-organizational communication patterns

Inter-organizational communication patterns are not a consideration because the stakeholders work for your company.

Intra-organizational communication patterns are a consideration when you are communicating within your organization as you are here.

Language is a consideration because some of the stakeholders may speak a different language.

Culture is a consideration because some of the stakeholders may be from another culture.


You are working on a six-month project to redesign the corporate website and add product purchasing functionality. You have noticed that several of the test cases are not finding the errors you know are in the data, so you update the assurance processes.
This is an example of what type of change?

Scope change

Quality change

Resource change

Risk event


Quality change

A quality change increases or decreases the work needed to assure and control quality, which in this case means redeveloping the assurance plan.

A risk event that occurs can affect a number of the project’s constraints.

A resource change can affect a number of the project’s constraints but is referring to personnel changes.

A scope change increases or decreases the amount of work on a project.


A project manager must understand the sponsor’s priorities among the triple constraints because:

If time increases, cost decreases

A change in any one causes a change in at least one other

If scope increases, time increases

If scope increases, cost increases


A change in any one causes a change in at least one other

When the triple constraints are balanced, a change in one causes a change in at least one of the others.

Cost might increase when scope increases, but it is also possible to keep cost the same and increase time instead.

Time might increase when scope increases, but it is also possible to keep time the same and increase cost instead.

Cost might decrease when time increases, but it is also possible to keep cost the same and decrease scope instead.


A contract to procure goods or services involves a buyer and a vendor. Most types of contracts can be started by either party and submitted to the other.
Does this apply to a purchase order?

Yes, but it depends on whether the buyer is purchasing goods or services; if for goods, the buyer initiates it, and if for services, the vendor initiates it.

No, a purchase order is prepared by a vendor and sent to a buyer.

No, a purchase order is prepared by a buyer and sent to a vendor.

Yes, a purchase order can go in either direction.


No, a purchase order is prepared by a buyer and sent to a vendor.

A purchase order is initiated by the buyer and sent to the vendor.

A purchase order is not prepared by the vendor. The buyer prepares the purchase order.

A purchase order cannot be created by either party. The buyer needs to prepare the order to specify their needs.

It does not matter what the buyer is purchasing, the role of creating the purchase order falls on them.


What is the basic difference in appearance between a histogram and a control chart?

A statistical distribution can be plotted on a control chart.

A histogram includes time as one of its axes.

A histogram is a line chart, and a control chart is a bar chart.

A histogram is a bar chart, and a control chart is a line chart.


A histogram is a bar chart, and a control chart is a line chart.

A histogram is a bar chart, and a control chart is a line chart.

A histogram does not include time as one of its axes; a control chart does.

A statistical distribution of the data that underlies a histogram can be drawn on the histogram. A control chart does not yield a statistical distribution.


An engineer on the TailSpin Toys robotic cat laser project is still confused about what to do with project issues.
Which of the following does a project team keep in an issue log in addition to a description of the issue?

Closed risks

Open risks

Daily to-do items

Action items


Action items

In addition to a description of an issue, action items are kept in an issue log if an action is chosen to resolve the issue. Action items consist of work that can be done in a relatively short period of time, perhaps a week or so.

Closed risks are risks that are no longer pertinent. They might be due to a scope change, the implementation of a risk response or the passage of time. Risks are not kept in an issue log.

An open risk is a risk that can still happen, as opposed to a closed risk that can no longer happen. Risks are not kept in an issue log.

A daily to-do list is simply that: things that need to be done. To-do items are not included in an issue log.


You have been working for a month on a new web project and have developed a great relationship with the client. Last week, the client requested a change to the requirements, which was approved through change control, and yesterday the client e-mailed and asked for another change as an “addendum” to the earlier change request.
What should you do?

Ask the client to submit a new change request.

Add the task to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Tell the programmer to make the change.

Make a note on the old change request to document the new information.


Ask the client to submit a new change request.

Even a small change needs to be submitted formally as a change request.

Adding it to an existing request without formally approving the new change is scope creep.

Asking someone to do unapproved work is scope creep.

Adding an unapproved task to the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is scope creep.


You are developing a new website for your organization and you are starting to identify and prioritize risks. You are using a list of common risks to decide which might or might not be risks to your project.
What specifically are you doing?

Assumptions analysis

Checklist analysis


Root cause analysis


Checklist analysis

Checklist analysis is the identification technique that starts with a pre-defined list of potential risk events.

Brainstorming is an information gathering technique that allows groups to create a list of potential risk events, but it does not analyze those potential risks.

Root cause analysis examines the reasons for certain negative and positive outcomes to focus on responding to them.

Assumptions analysis reviews the validity of the project assumptions.


You are working on a new purchasing system project and are getting ready to start executing the project.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of printing and distributing the project plan?

Stakeholders need to have the communication technology installed in their locations.

Stakeholders need to be in the same physical location at the same time.

The content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients.

It is expensive to print and distribute, especially if it requires an external paid mail service.


It is expensive to print and distribute, especially if it requires an external paid mail service.

With hard copy materials, the cost of printing and distributing can be extensive.

Stakeholders do not need any specific type of technology for an in-person meeting.

While there is a minor concern that hard copied content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients, this is more a disadvantage for emails because it is so easy to do.

For in-person meetings, everyone attending needs to be in the same place at the same time, but that is not the case with printed documents.


You are developing the project plan for a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation for your organization. The project will take nearly a year, and you are trying to determine the type of communication to use with your various stakeholder populations.
Video conferencing would not be feasible with which stakeholders?

All employees

The sponsor

The entire team

Senior management


All employees

All employees are stakeholders in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation, and it would not be feasible to attempt video conferences with them all, even in a small business.

The entire team, especially if geographically dispersed, might enjoy video conference options.

Senior management, especially if geographically dispersed, might prefer video conference meetings.

The sponsor, especially if geographically dispersed, might prefer video conference meetings.


You are working on the project plan for a new website design project and you are finalizing the communication plan.
Which of the following is not considered a communication trigger?

Business continuity response


Incident response

Resource changes



Language is considered in selecting the method used to communicate with stakeholders but is not a trigger for communication.

Business continuity response is a trigger for communication with the team and sponsor about any impact on the project.

Incident response is a trigger for communicating with the team about any effects on time, cost, or risk.

Resource changes are triggers for communicating with the team and functional managers about the changes’ effects on time, cost, and risk.


You are working on a new purchasing system project and are getting ready to start executing the project.
Which of the following is a disadvantage of holding the kick-off meeting via video conferencing?

Stakeholders need to be in the same physical location at the same time.

Stakeholders need to have the communication technology installed in their locations.

The content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients.

It is an outdated form of communication.


Stakeholders need to have the communication technology installed in their locations.

Stakeholders need special hardware and software to participate in a video conference.

Everyone can attend a video conference from where they are.

With email, not virtual meetings, content might be forwarded to inappropriate recipients.

Faxes are often considered outdated methods of communicating, but video conference meetings are not.


A Pareto chart is a tool that is used to determine the relative impact each quality problem has on project performance.
Which statement best describes the philosophy of the Pareto Principle?

To minimize financial loss to the firm from quality problems, all problems that have a measurable cost should be corrected.

In general, 80% of the quality problems can be justified as correctable using a cost-benefit analysis. The remaining 20% are not financially worth fixing.

To achieve zero defects, all quality problems, including those that do not have a direct cost, should be corrected.

The vast majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable causes. Therefore, improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital few problems.


The vast majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable causes. Therefore, improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital few problems.

The vast majority of defects are caused by a small percentage of the identifiable causes. Therefore, improvement efforts should be reserved for these vital few problems.

The Pareto principle, most commonly referred to as the 80/20 rule, suggests that 80 percent of the effects come from 20 percent of the causes. It cannot be inferred that some problems are not worth fixing.

The intent is not to remove all defects.

Pareto and financial considerations are not related.


You are working on moving the in-house Human Resources Management System (HRMS) to a cloud self-service provider. One of your team members submitted a change request that will increase the project budget by 15%. You consult the change control plan to see who needs to approve project cost changes of 15%.
What process are you performing?


Identify approval authority

Regression planning

Obtain approval


Identify approval authority

You are determining the levels of authority required for approving various sizes of changes.

You obtain approval after you identify approval authority.

You communicate throughout the change control process.

You perform regression planning as part of evaluating a change to determine how to back it out if it doesn’t work.


An analyst wants to plot variables against each other on a graph to determine the amount of correlation that exists between the variables.
What is the name of this tool?

Control chart


Scatter chart

Run chart


Scatter chart

A scatter chart, or scatter diagram, is used to examine the correlation between an independent variable and a dependent variable.

A run chart is a line graph showing plotted data points in chronological order. It could show trends in a process over time or improvements over time.

A control chart depicts the variability of process data over time. It includes a target mean value and upper and lower control limits; values that exceed these limits are indicative of an out-of-control process.

A histogram is a bar chart of variables. Each column symbolizes an element of a problem. The height of each column represents how frequently the element occurs.


You are working on moving the in-house Human Resources Management System (HRMS) to a cloud self-service provider. One of your team members submitted a change request and you have evaluated its impact and justification.
What is the next step in the process?

Implement the change

Validate change/quality check

Document the change

Identify the approval authority


Identify the approval authority

After you and appropriate subject matter experts have evaluated a change’s impact and justification, you need to consult the change control policy to determine who needs to authorize the change.

The team member documented the change prior to submitting it.

The change cannot be implemented unless it has been approved.

A change is validated after it is implemented.


The Coho Winery automated wine-bottle filling station project is in the Planning phase, and the project manager has started to write the communication plan.
Which of the following is a succinct definition of the plan’s purpose?

Ensuring that the project team receives the written documents to do their jobs

Ensuring that each stakeholder receives a copy of the project management plan

Ensuring that stakeholders receive information about the project

Ensuring that the right people receive the right information in the most appropriate format at the right time


Ensuring that the right people receive the right information in the most appropriate format at the right time

The communication plan should ensure that the right people receive the right information in the most appropriate format at the right time.

Ensuring that stakeholders receive information is too vague.

Ensuring that the project team receives written documents is not sufficiently complete.

Ensuring that the stakeholders receive the project management plan is unnecessary because not everyone needs it. The definition also does not discuss communications with the stakeholders.


You are working on a new purchasing system project and are getting ready to end the project. You want to have a meeting with your key team members and other stakeholders to review how the project went, to document lessons learned, and to celebrate project success, but most of them do not want to travel to your location.
Why might you still schedule and hold an onsite meeting?

You are the project manager and it is your decision.

Closing out the project in person helps build relationships needed for subsequent projects.

Only the stakeholders who can make it should be there anyway.

People who do not want to travel would not participate in a virtual meeting either.


Closing out the project in person helps build relationships needed for subsequent projects.

Even though you are closing the project, it is likely the stakeholders will work together again, and this is a good way to maintain positive relationships.

Although it is certainly true that you can do as you want, meeting in person is a better idea because it is likely the stakeholders will work together again, and this is a good way to maintain positive relationships.

The input from all the stakeholders is important and it is likely the stakeholders will work together again, so meeting in person is a good way to maintain positive relationships.

It might be the case that some of the stakeholders may not participate even in a virtual environment, but, more importantly, it is likely the stakeholders will work together again and meeting in person is a good way to maintain positive relationships.


A client has requested a three-week delay in the order-entry system project due to unanticipated hardware issues at their headquarters’ office. The project manager has incorporated the delay into the project management plan.
In which document will the delay be best shown?

Run chart

Work breakdown Structure (WBS)

Responsible Accountable Consult Inform (RACI) matrix

Gantt chart


Gantt chart

The Gantt chart depicts schedule information, with activities and links between them. The delay can be shown as a three-week lag between the last activity scheduled to finish before the delay and the first activity scheduled to start after the delay.

The WBS does not show time, so the delay will not be apparent.

The RACI matrix contains information about resources, not schedule data.

The run chart is a line graph showing plotted data points in chronological order. It is used in quality control and not for showing a project schedule.


You are working on the project plan for a new website design project and you are finalizing the communication plan.
Which of the following is not considered a communication trigger?


Impromptu meeting

Risk register updates

Schedule changes


Impromptu meeting

Impromptu meeting is a type of communication with stakeholders but is not a trigger for communication.

Risk register updates are triggers for communication with the team and sponsor about the impact on time or cost.

Milestones are triggers for communicating with the sponsor and client about meeting or not meeting the required milestones.

Schedule changes are triggers for communicating with the sponsor, client, and functional managers about the related effects on time, cost, and risk.


You are working on a new purchasing system project and are getting ready to start executing the project. A large number of the project team is located in a different location.
Which of the following is NOT an appropriate way of holding a status meeting?

In person with a voice dial-in option for traveling stakeholders

In person

A phone conference meeting for all participants

A virtual meeting with video for all participants


In person

An in-person meeting would not allow the traveling stakeholder to participate.

An in-person meeting with a voice dial-in option would allow the traveling stakeholder to participate.

A phone conference meeting would allow the traveling stakeholder to participate.

A virtual meeting with video would allow the traveling stakeholder to participate.


You are working on a project to upgrade the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which includes a purchasing system and a new sales system. The project will take nearly a year, and three months in, management decides that implementation can proceed with up to 10% of the code malfunctioning.
This is an example of what type of change?

Risk event

Resource change

Quality change

Scope change


Quality change

A quality change increases or decreases the work needed to assure and control quality, which in this case means allowing some defects.

A risk event that occurs can affect a number of the project’s constraints but in this case the change is a result of a decision made not a risk exhibited.

A resource change can affect a number of the project’s constraints but is referring to personnel changes.

A scope change increases or decreases the amount of work on a project.


The communication plan is a critical component of the project management plan.
What does the communication plan NOT contain?

Timing of when specific information should be delivered

Who should be given specific information

The feedback implementation process

The communication methods that should be used


The feedback implementation process

While communication plans can often define the communication methods used to acquire and record feedback, it they wouldn’t contain processes or actions for implementing that feedback.

Communication plans define who should be given specific information, what communication methods should be used, and when specific information should be delivered. A good communication plan will keep stakeholders informed and engaged and allow for more effective change management.


You are developing the project plan for a new Human Resources Management System (HRMS) for your organization.
Which of the following is a type of change that you might need to plan for?


Gate reviews

Business continuity response

Task initiation/completion



Relocation is a business change that could affect your project.

Task initiation and completion are triggers for communication with the team about any effects on upcoming tasks.

Gate reviews are periodically scheduled assessments of progress that often include go/no go decisions, which are then communicated to the team.

A business continuity response is a trigger to communicate with the team and sponsor.