Chapter 19: Sonographic Assessment of the Ectopic Pregnancy Flashcards
gestation located in the intraperitoneal cavity, apart from tubal, ovarian, or intraligamentous sites
abdominal pregnancy
A number of techniques used to aid fertilization, including in vitro fertilization, intracytoplasmic sperm insertion, follicle aspiration, sperm injection, and assisted follicular rupture
assisted reproductive techniques
glycoprotein hormone produced in pregnancy made by developing embryo soon after conception and later by the placenta
gestation located within the endocervical canal
cervical pregnancy
gestation located within a rudimentary uterine horn or one horn of a bicornuate or septated uterus or a gestation located within a rudimentary horn of a uterus with a mullerian anomaly
cornual pregnancy
level of beta-hCG at which a normal intrauterine pregnancy can be seen with sonography
Discriminatory cutoff
two concentric hyperechoic rings (representing the echogenic base of the endometrium and the decidua capsularis/chorion laeve) surrounding the anechoic gestational sac in a normal IUP
double decidual sac sign
implantation of a fertilized ovum in any area outside of the endometrial cavity
ectopic pregnancy
concomitant intrauterine pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy
heterotopic pregnancy
life-threatening condition due to a decrease in blood volume
hypovolemic shock
gestation located in the intramyometrial segment of the fallopian tube
interstitial pregnancy
gestation located within the myometrium of the uterus
intramural pregnancy
form on birth control; small, plastic or copper, usually T-shaped device with a string attached to the end that is inserted into the uterus
intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD)
Laboratory procedure in which sperm are placed with an unfertilized egg in a petri dish to achieve fertilization; the embryo is then transferred into the uterus to begin a pregnancy or cryopreserved for future use
in vitro fertilization
hepatorenal recess; deep recess of the peritoneal cavity on the right side extending upward between the liver and the kidney; gravity dependent portion of the peritoneal cavity when in supine position
Morison pouch
Gestation located within the ovary
ovarian pregnancy
infection of the female reproductive tract resulting from microorganisms transmitted especially during sexual intercourse, or by other means such as during surgery, abortion, or parturition
pregnancy in which no signs of an intrauterine pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy are seen on sonography
pregnancy of unknown location (PULS)
when gentle pressure from the transducer moves he gestational sac
sliding sac sign
hyperechoic ring of trophoblastic tissue that surrounds an extrauterine gestational sac
tubal ring sign
Ectopic pregnancy accounts for ___ of all pregnancies in the US.
Leading cause of maternal death in the first trimester
ectopic pregnancy
Where is the fallopian tube derived from?
Mullerian duct system
Only connection between peritoneal and endometrial cavity
fallopian tube