Chapter 16 - Early Christianity Flashcards
Ch 16: Augustine of Hippo wrote The City of God where he mocks pagans by asking what?
How do humans appease opposing gods (using the bitch with the golden apple as an example).
Ch 16: Saul, a Pharisee who punished christians “often” and “compelled them to blaspheme” went on to become who? Why?
St. Paul the missionary. Because he saw “the light” and heard voices…. holy fuck.
Ch 16: What two things did christians refuse to take part in / recognize that caused Nero to go buck wild?
Pay homage to the Roman gods (sacrifice) or recognize the deification of emperors.
Ch 16: Christians started congregating in tituli, and it was at these tituli that we begin to see the first works of christian art (mosaics and paintings). What were the tituli?
They were just private homes.
Ch 16: What were catacombs, and what is there similarity with tituli? How were they different from tituli?
Underground rooms and passages used for tombs. Like tituli they had works of christian art. Unlike tituli, they were not meeting places.
Ch 16: Where did christianity originate from before coming to Rome? What catalyst sparked the movement in Rome?
Western Asia and Northern Africa. The martyrdoms of Peter and Paul in Rome started a chain reaction.
Ch 16: Emperor Diocletian did what major shit with the Roman Empire?
He divided it and formed a tetrarchy.
Ch 16: Which Emperor of the Western Empire had a vision of the Chi Rho, or christogram, and had his soldiers march with this symbol?
Ch 16: After his victory over Maxentius, Constantine signed the Edict of Milan with Licinius, the emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. What was the Edict of Milan?
Declaration formally establishing religious tolerance throughout the Roman Empire.
Ch 16: Under Constantine’s direction, 300 bishops met for the First Council of Nicaea and drafted the Nicene Creed which formalized what and why?
Christianity. Too many sects.
Ch 16: Constantine founded this city, formerly the Greek city of Byzantium, which later became the seat of the Eastern Empire.
Constantinople (presently Istanbul).
Ch 16: Early Roman christian churches had two main forms, what were they?
Basilica and centralized plan (circular or octagonal).
Ch 16: Basilicas were one of the two main forms of early christian churches - what purpose did these structures originally serve?
They were law courts of the Romans.
Ch 16: the christian mass had a significant effect on architectural development of the churches from previous Roman/Greek temples - why?
The ritual required interior space; no animal sacrificing like there was in Greece or Rome which required outdoor space.
Ch 16: The Basilica Church of St. Peter, or Old St. Peter’s, was a significant project under Constantine for what reason?
It was the largest.
Ch 16: What’s so special about the Church of the Holy Sepulcher?
It’s supposedly built near/on the location where Christ was buried.
Ch 16: This church had four main parts: a front atrium, an apsidal basilica, a courtyard, and a small rotunda on the site of the burial place of Jesus - which church is this?
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher.
Ch 16: The emperor Theodosius outlawed pagan ______ and ordered the closing of all pagan ________.
Sacrifice; temples.
Ch 16: The greatest contribution of art and architecture are during the Carolingian dynasties, especially under this person who was named king of the reborn Western Roman Empire by Pope Leo III.
Ch 16: Carolingian architecture is generally associated with medieval architecture, but it’s actually associated with _____ _______.
Late Antiquity.