Chapter 10 - Ancient Greece Flashcards
Ch. 10: This king of Athens united Athenians and lead Athenians to war with Sparta, a war they lost.
Ch. 10: This term means the return of someone or something to a “natural state”.
Ch. 10: What page can you find the period divisions of Greek art and Architecture (from Neolithic to Hellenistic)?
Pages 96 - 97
Ch. 10: The Temple of Athena Polias is also known as what?
The Parthenon
Ch. 10: Hippocrates turned this building into a place of secular healing, seeking and employing biological answers to medicinal ailments (possibly one of the first hospitals?).
Ch. 10: The priestess Pythia advises Croesus, the King of Lydia on action regarding the Persians, saying if he were to “wage war agains the Persians, he would destroy a great empire” - what does he end up doing?
He wages war and destroys his own empire.
Ch. 10: What does kleos mean?
Glory (as in quest for)
Ch. 10: Which leader oversees the construction of the Temple of Athena Polias (Parthenon)?
Pericles, the King of Athens
Ch. 10: An ‘optical refinement’ that deliberately bows columns or other parallel lines (of structure) so that they ‘appear’ parallel.
Ch 10: Phidias is the most famous of all the Greek ___________.
Ch. 10: Erechtheion has columns that are Caryatids, which are what? What do they symbolize?
They are columns of 6 female figures. They represent women of the city in W. Turkey, Carya, who were subjugated to Athens after the people of Carya supported the Persians in war.
Ch. 10: An Atlas is the male equivalent of this female-shaped columnar structure.
Ch. 10: In the Athena Nike, Nike represents what? What is depicted in the frieze?
Represents victory. The Greeks fighting the Persians.
Ch. 10: The Agora is basically equivalent to what?
The mall or living room. It’s a hangout for citizens and a place to hear the philosophers.
Ch. 10: Manga Grecia is region of greek colonies in southern ____________ where the Temples of Concord and Segesta can be found.
Italy and Sicily
Ch. 10: What is the Riddle of the Sphinx?
What walks on 4 feet in morning, 2 in afternoon, 3 at night?
A man (baby, adult, old).