Chapter 12 - Ancient Rome Flashcards
Ch 12: The Roman poet Publius Vergilius Maro (Aka Virgil) cast Aeneas as the hero in his epic about the birth of the Roman Empire in this epic.
Ch 12: At the end of the siege of Troy, Aeneas puts his father, Anchises, on his shoulders, and leads his son, Ascanius, out of the city. What does this represent in Virgil’s Aeneid?
Anchises is the Trojan past, Ascanius is the Roman Future.
Ch 12: What does the story of Romulus and Remus represent?
The second Roman foundation myth.
Ch 12: Which twins were raised by a she-wolf, and later founded Rome?
Romulus and Remus
Ch 12: What was the Magna Grecia?
A Greek settlement in southern Italy and Sicily
Ch 12: What was the key element to Roman expansion?
A system of inclusion
Ch 12: Where did the Roman senate assemble?
Curia Julia
Ch 12: Rome’s contribution to architecture can be summed in what 2 ways?
Architectural spaces (such as baths) were invented, and monumental buildings were created for public use, not just for religious purposes.
Ch 12: Romans are credited with the arch and vault, but who really invented these?
Greeks and Etruscans, respectively.
Ch 12: Suetonius wrote The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, what was it about?
Emperors fro Caesar to Domitian
Ch 12: Which emperor established a means of dealing with disasters, such as fires and floods?
Ch 12: The altar of Augustan Peace celebrates what?
The Pax Romana, or peaceful period.
Ch 12: What did Nero do?
He was a douche who killed a lot of people and set fire to Rome.
Ch 12: What was the Roman advantage of using building materials like concrete, brick, and small stones in lieu of large stones that had to be dressed?
It was an “additive” process that cut down on material and time spent on construction.
Ch 12: What is considered the masterpiece of Roman architecture? What makes it unique?
The Pantheon. Each architectural achievement of Mediterranean civilizations, Greek, and Roman, coexist.
Ch 12: Describe the Pantheon and what its source of light is.
Front porch of Greek architecture with a rotunda of concrete in the rear. Light comes from the Occulus.
Ch 12: What’s remarkable about the dome of the Pantheon.
Aside from the Occulus, it was the largest concrete span until mid twentieth century.
Ch 12: With regards to the Roman baths, what are the natatio, frigidarium, caldarium, and palaestrae?
The Olympian-style pool, cold bath, warm bath, and exercise room.
Ch 12: How was the Colosseum funded?
Spoils of war from sacking of Temple at Jerusalem (gold and silver).
Ch 12: Name the Orders of the Colosseum.
From bottom to top: Tuscan, Iconic, and Corinthian.
Ch 12: What is the fifth Order, and what is the first example?
Composite Order. First seen at the Arch of Titus.
Ch 12: In relation to Roman infrastructure, what are the Cardo Maximus and Decumanus Maximum?
The are the main north-south and east west roads.
Ch 12: The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire lists the names of who? Why?
5 Good Emperors. They are emperors when much of the public architecture was built.
Ch 12: In an effort to save the empire, Diocletian formed what kind of rule?
Ch 12: In Diocletian’s tetrarchy, who ruled?
4 governors, 2 emperors, and 2 Caesars.