Chapter 15 Flashcards
Free association
When the psychologist merely told the patient to relax and say whatever came to mind no matter how nursing a trivial. He assumed that a line of mental dominoes had fallen from the patients distant past could I trouble present
M unconscious
Below the surface region which contains that’s wishes feelings and memories of which we are unaware
The Id
Reservoir of unconscious psychic energy constantly striving to satisfy basic guys to survive a produce and the grass
Young crowd learn to cope with the real world you go operating on the reality principle
The voice of punches going to be able to be ideal
Psychosexual stages
Oral anal phallic, latency, genital
From 0 to 18 months when the pleasure centers on the mouth sucking biting chewing
From 18 to 36 months from pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control
From 3 to 6 years on the pleasure zone is the genitals: coping with the incestueous sexual feelings
6 to puberty- dormant sexual feelings
Puberty on when mature ration of sexual interest
Oedipus complex
When a boy supposedly has feelings for his mother at a young age causing him to compete against his father for his mothers affection
Children’s super egos games drinks as the incorporate many of their parents values. Why believe that identification of the same-sex parent provides what psychologist now call our gender identity
And Floyd you conflicts are resolved a drink earlier psychosexual stages could set this as maladaptive behavior in the adult years. And any point in the world and or phallic stages, strong, but could block or fixate pleasure seeking energies in that stage
Defense mechanisms
Tactics that reduce or redirect anxiety by distorting reality
Finishes anxiety arousing thoughts and feelings from consciousness depression disguises threatening impulses and keeps them from reaching consciousness. What believe that repression explains why we do not remember our childhood last for a parents of the other sex
Allows us to retreat to an earlier more infantile stage of development. Facing the anxious first days of school, a child may regret to the oral comfort of thumb suckin
Reaction formation
The ego unconsciously makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposites. On route to consciousness, the unacceptable proposition I hate him because I love him
Disguises threatening impulses by attributing them to others that he doesn’t trust me maybe a production of the actual feelings I don’t trust him
Occurs and we unconsciously dinner at self justifying explanations to hide from ourselves the reason for our actions
Deverts sexual or aggressive impulses toward an object or person that is psychologically more acceptable than the one that aroused the feelings
Collective unconscious
Hey, reservoir of images derived from our species is a universal experiences
Projective test
Ain’t provide such a view by presenting an ambiguous stimulus and then asking to take her to describe it or tell a story about it
Thematic apperception test
People view and they do these pictures and then make up stories about them
Rorschach ink lot test
Test assumes that what we see in the 10 blocks reflect our inner feelings and
Terror management theory
It shows that thinking about one’s mortality for example by writing a short essay on dying and it’s associated emotions, provokes enough anxiety to intensify prejudices. Death anxiety motivates contempt for others and esteem for oneself
What is the false consensus effect
What is the main reason why freuds theories are flaud
Provides after the fact! Any characteristic. But a good theory makes testable prediction which he did notv
What is the hierarchy of needs and who proposed it
Rogers Muslo supposed it and it says that it’s our physiological needs are met you become concerned with personal safety: if we achieve a sense of security we been seek to love, to be loved and to love ourselves: what are love you need satisfaction, we seek self-esteem. Having achieved self-esteem we ultimately seek self actualization, process of fulfilling our potential
Self actualization
The process of the fulfilling our potential
Unconditional positive regard
This is an attitude of grace, and attitude that valleys us even knowing our feelings. It is a profound relief to drop our pretenses, confess our worst feelings, and discovered that we are still expected
All the thoughts and feelings we have in response to the question who am I by self-concept is positive we tend to act and perceive the world positively if it is negative in our own eyes the fall for short about ideal self said Rogers we feel dis satisfied and Unhappy
Peoples characteristic behaviors unconscious motives such as the professional curiosity that actually motivated Alport to see Floyd.
What did Alport describe personality as
Identifiable behavioral patterns
What is factor analysis
The statistical procedure described in chapter 11 to identify clusters of test items at tap basic components of intelligence such as special ability or verbal skill.
Personality inventories
Longer questionnaires covering a wide range of feelings and behaviors that are designed to assess Several traits at once
Minnesota Multiphasic personality inventory
Although it assesses abnormal personality tendencies rather than normal personality traits, the MMPI illustrates a good way of developing a personality inventory
Empirically derived
Derived from a large pool of items, Hathaway and his colleagues selected goes on which particular diagnostic groups Differed
What is the big five
A test that specifies where you are on the five dimensions of conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, extroversion
The social cognitive perspective
Proposed by Albert Bandura, emphasizes the interaction of persons under situation. Much as nature and nurture always work together, so do persons and their situations
Reciprocal determinism
The process of interacting with our environment
Personal control
Whether we are going to see ourselves as controlling or as controlled by our environment
External locus of control
The perception that chance or outside forces determine their fate
Internal locus of control
Those that believe that to a great extent they control their own destiny
Spotlight effect
Experiment in which we think that everyone is paying attention to us when and actuality very few people are
A feeling of self-worth
Self-serving bias
Our readiness to perceive ourselves favorably
The self reference fact
The ability to better recall information if we related to our person or life