Chapter 14. Lymphatic and Immune Systems - Medical Terms Flashcards
acquired immunity
formation of antibodies and lymphocytes after exposure to an antigen
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
depression or suppression of the immune system after exposure to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV); marked by opportunistic infections, secondary neoplasms, and neurologic problems
masses of lymphatic tissue in the nasopharynx
substance capable of causing a specific hypersensitivity in a body; an antigen
abnormal hypersensitivity acquired by exposure to an antigen (allergen)
exaggerated or unusual hypersensitivity to foreign protein or other substance
protein produced in the bloodstream by lymphocytes in response to a specific antigen, such as a bacterium or toxin; antibodies destroy or weaken antigens
substance (usually foreign) that stimulates the production of an antibody
no spleen
intense allergic reaction (such as asthma) influenced by hereditary tendency or predisposition
autoimmune disease
chronic disabling disease caused by the abnormal production of antibodies to normal body tissues; multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus are examples
axillary nodes
lymph nodes under the arm
B cell
a lymphocyte that originates in bone marrow and transforms into a plasma cell to secrete antibodies
CD4 cell
Helper T cell that carries the CD4 protein antigen on its surface
cervical nodes
lymph nodes in the neck
complement system
proteins in the blood that help antibodies and T cells kill their target
proteins that aid cells to destroy antigens; examples are interleukins and interferons
cytotoxic T cell
T cell lymphocyte that directly kills foreign cells; T8 cell
dendritic cell
a type of macrophage that captures antigens and presents them to T cells for destruction
test to detect anti-HIV antibodies in blood; this is a screening test for AIDS
helper T cell
lymphocyte that aids a B cell lymphocyte in recognizing antigens and stimulating antibody production
Hodgkin disease
malignant tumor of lymphatic tissue in the spleen and lymph nodes
human immunodeficiency virus
virus (retrovirus) that causes AIDS
abnormal condition characterized by an exaggerated response of the immune system to an antigen
syndrome of spleen enlargement (splenomegaly) and destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis)
body’s ability to resist foreign organisms and toxins; this includes natural immunity and acquired immunity
laboratory test that separates immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgD, IgE, and IgA)
antibodies (proteins) secreted by B-cell lymphocytes (plasma cells)
blocking or turning off the normal immune response
use of immunologic techniques to treat disease
inguinal node
lymph node in the groin region
anti-viral proteins secreted by lymphocytes
proteins (cytokines) that stimulate the immune system including B & T cell lymphocytes
interstitial fluid
fluid that fills the spaces in between cells
kaposi sarcoma
malignant tumor of skin and connective tissue; associated with AIDS
fluid that circulates within lymph vessels and lymph nodes
inflammation of lymph nodes
disease of lymph nodes
lymph capillaries
tiny lymph vessels that carry lymph through the body
abnormal collection of fluid in tissue spaces caused by obstruction of lymph vessels and backflow of lymph
lymph node
mass of stationary lymphatic tissue along the path of lymph vessels
white blood cells that develop primarily in lymph nodes and the spleen and fight against foreign organisms
increase in numbers of lymphocytes in the bloodstream
deficiency of lymphocytes
lymphoid organs
organs containing and derived from lymphatic tissue
malignant tumor of lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue
formation of lymphocytes
lymph vessel
carries lymph throughout the body
large phagocyte found in lymphatic tissues and connective tissues; derived from a monocyte
mediastinal nodes
lymph nodes in the mediastinum (central area between the lungs in the chest)
monoclonal antibody
antibody produced in a laboratory to attack specific antigens
multiple myeloma
malignant tumor of bone marrow cells (plasma cells that produce immunoglobulins)
natural immunity
person’s own genetic ability to fight off disease; it includes phagocytes and lymphocytes such as natural killer cells
non-Hodgkin lymphoma
malignant tumor of cells (lymphocytes and large macrophages called histocytes) found in lymph nodes and spleen
opportunistic infections
infectious diseases associated with AIDS; toxoplasmosis, tuberculosis, herpes simplex, and pneumoncytosis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
plasma cell
B cell lymphocyte that secretes antibodies
protease inhibitors (PI)
drugs used to treat AIDS by blocking production of protease, and enzyme that helps HIV to reproduce
right lymphatic duct
receives lymph from the right side of the body and empties lymph into a vein in the neck
severe combined immunodeficiency disease
infants are born with a deficiency of B cells and T cells resulting in a lack of immunity
organ adjacent to the stomach (in the LUQ) that produces, stores, and eliminates blood cells
removal of the spleen
enlargement of the spleen
suppressor T cell
lymphocyte that inhibits the activity of B and T cell lymphocytes
T cell
lymphocyte originating in the thymus gland and destroys antigens by direct action or production of cytokines such as interferons and interleukins
thoracic duct
large lymphatic vessel in the upper chest
removal of the thymus gland
malignant tumor of the thymus gland
thymus gland
lymphoid organ in the mediastinum that produces T cell lymphocytes and aids in the immune response
masses of lymphatic tissue on either side of the back of the mouth
pertaining to a toxin, which is a poison or harmful substance
poison or harmful substance
introduction of a vaccine (containing dead or weakened antigen) to produce immunity; it is a type of acquired immunity
weakened or dead antigens to induce antibody production
viral load test
measures the amount of HIV in the bloodstream
wasting syndrome
weight loss and decrease in muscle strength, appetite, and mental activity that occurs with AIDS
Western blot
specific test to detect presence of anti-HIV antibodies in the bloodstream