Chapter 14: Age of Exploration Flashcards
clashes between catholics and christian reformers who developed new christianity.
catholicism motive for exploration
responded by finding new places to spread cathoclism
protestants motive for exploration
explored places to find refuge and create new christian lands.
commercial motives
expanding markets
route easte
europeans looked for easier routes east towards asia.
water route motive for exploretion
sought a water route (faster) than land
generate wealth using goods and resources
balance of trades
more exports than imports
new economic theories and creating a colonial system around the world.
leadership wanted more power and access
better globals maps
sternpost rudder
drawing maps
star chart (navigation)
navigational (directional)
faster, sturdy ship.
lateen sail
sail against the wind
guns and gunpowder fight off enemies
trading empire of portugal
develop vast trading empire. spices goal to beat out muslim traders
vasco de gama
sail around coast of east africa and india and Arabian sea
first to sail around cape code
India (portugal)
created trading post goa city
portugal established malacca in malay
west africa(portugal)
began trading along west africa in spice and slave trafe
christopher columbus
traveled to new world thinking it was indiA
Hernan Cortes
spanish conquistadors that conquered the Aztec empire
new spain
council of indies and viceroys in mexico city and lima peru
ecomienda system
land granted to nobles and natives to work
asiento system
slaves granted land owners
ferdinand magellan
first to sail around the world
bartolome de las casas
saw the cruelty to the indians (famous priests)
francisco pizarro
inca empire (peru) spanish american empire by 1600 was 20x its own size. indigenous empire in people convert to christianity and subjects of spanish king.
spice islands
established the spice islands
trading port in manilla
dutch east india company
india asia
dutch west india company
north america
john cabot
explored newfoundland and north atlantic sea of North America
England overseas empires
north america : englush colonies jamestown
west indies: bahamas jamaica.
francis drake
attacked spanish ships
jacque cartier
sails to north america
samuel de champlain
establsih canada
west indies (france)
martinique and other islands
old world to new world
agricultural products:coffee, cane sugar, wheat,rice.
Animal: Cows, horses, pigs,sheep,goats, and chickens.
Diseases: Small pox, measles, dipntheria
Human population: European colonists, enslaved Africans
old world to new world
agricultural products:coffee, cane sugar, wheat,rice.
Animal: Cows, horses, pigs,sheep,goats, and chickens.
Diseases: Small pox, measles, dipntheria
Human population: European colonists, enslaved Africans
new world to old world
agricultural products: potatoes, maize, tomatoes, peanuts, tobacco, vanilla, abd chocolate.
Animals: turkey
Disease: syphillis
effects of the columbian exchange to the new world
european diseases destroyed indigenous populations. 90% of indigenous people died between 1492-1600.
Horse transferred plains indians.
effects of the columbian exchange in europe
crops and european diet carribbbean sugar, silver, gold mines in per gave inflation to spain. Western Europe dramatic wealth gain from colonies
slave trade
wealth promoted triangular trading system and transatlantic slave trade. 1580-1800 Africans were the largestgroup moved to tue New World
triangular trade
rotation of slaves to Americas, sugar from the carriabbean to the American colonies and goods back to Europe and other colonies
middle passage
route from Africa to the New World
Dangerous and led to deaths for many enslaved.
Centers of European trade
lisbon, Bristol,Antwerp, Amsterdam, and London
Commercial Revolution
Cash crops. Demand for sugar and other products. Land to grow it, and sugar plantations.
rise in capitalism
capital invested to produce more capital
Economic Changes
new ocean trade routes thst have spice, sugar precious metals.
New food led to Growth of the population.
New entrepreneurs: Merchant and bankers replaced guild workers.
New industry: Print press, ship building,
canons, and musket.
Economic effects
price revolution inflation of prices during 1500s. Gold and silver from New World, rising demand.
Nations- center economic system
Town and guilfd before 1500 national economic system.
Joint stock companies. Huge amount of capital needed for trips; investors brought shares
Mercantilist: Colonies exportstion, materials, and import of finished goods.