Chapter 13 - Water Shuttle Operations Flashcards
________ _________ operations are used to provide water supply to incident scenes where relay pumping is not a viable option.
Water shuttle
p 443
A shuttle operation relies on the constant movement of apparatus at the _____ and ______ sites, as well as on the route between the two locations.
fill and dump
p 444
- Location at which tankers / tenders will be loaded during a water shuttle operation.
Fill Site
p 444
- Location approved for water shuttle apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw during incident operations.
Dump Site
p 444
The most favorable aspect of a water shuttle operation is the ease with which it is ____________ when the incident is concluded.
p 444
The two primary types of apparatus associated with water shuttle operations are ______ ________ and _________.
water tenders and pumpers
p 445
A pumper located at the water source (fill site) is generally refers to as the _____ _____ pumper and has the responsibility of filling water tenders.
fill site pumper
p 445
In order to fill at maximum capacity, a pumper is usually required at the _________.
p 445
Another pumper is located near the fire scene and is used to ______ ________ from portable tanks that are filled by water tenders making shuttle runs to and from the fill site.
draft water
p 445
Fill site pumpers operating from static water sources and dump site pumpers must be equipped with ______ ________ hose and __________ in order to conduct drafting operations.
hard intake / strainers
p 445
In accordance with NFPA ______, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least ________ gpm so that pumpers assigned to the fill site must be rated at that capacity or greater.
1901 / 1000 gpm
p 445
Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of _______ gallons.
2000 gallons
p 446
For apparatus with a capacity of greater than 2000 gallons _________ rear axels, ____-axles, or ______-________ are required.
tandem / tri / semi-trailers
p 446
Water tenders that are used only for shuttle operations do not require a fire pump if they are equipped with a suitable ?
dumping system
p 446
Tenders featuring pumps of 750 gpm or greater rating are often called ?
p 446
- Mobile water supply apparatus equipped with a fire pump. In some jurisdictions, this term is used to differentiate a fire pump equipped mobile water supply apparatus whose main purpose is to attack the fire.
p 446
In order to be considered a tender under NIMS typing, an onboard or portable ______ ______ is required.
fire pump
p 446
Some fire departments operate _________ tenders to improve water shuttle efficiency.
p 446
There is no need for a separate pumper at the fill site if you are using a _________ tender.
p 446
The vacuum tender is able to self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to ________ gpm with a lift of up to _____ feet. These apparatus are also capable of discharging its water tank at a rate up to _______ gpm.
2000 gpm / 22 feet / 1750 gpm
p 446
The variables that can be controlled through equipment and training to increase efficiency are _________ and ______ times.
filling and dump times
p 446
Apparatus that use medium diameter hose for filling should have at least _____ external fill connections piped directly to the tank. If LDH is used, _____ fill connection is generally sufficient.
two / one
p 447
NFPA 1901 requires that water be capable of being dumped from the _____, _______, and _____ of the apparatus.
left, right, and rear
p 448
Multiple dump valves help improve efficiency and safety by eliminating the need for ?
backing at many dump sites
p 448
In addition to the vacuum tenders, there are two primary types of large tank discharges in use on water tenders: _______ and ____-________ dumps.
Gravity and jet-assisted
p 448
These dumps often use 8-inch or larger round or square piping with a valve that extends to the exterior of the vehicle?
gravity dumps
p 448
____ __________ dumps use a small diameter in-line discharge inserted into the piping of the larger tank discharge. The in-line discharge is supplied by the fire pump on the water tender and creates a _________ effect that increases the water flow through the large tank discharge.
Jet assisted / Venturi
p 448
With exception of the vacuum tenders, the onboard tank of water tenders must be properly ________ to avoid a sudden pressure failure if the tank during quick filling operations.
p 449
Fill and dump sites should be preplanned to allow for continual __________ movement whenever possible.
p 450
When possible a water supply source capable of supplying at least _______ gpm should be chosen in order to match NFPA recommended rate at which tenders should be filled.
1000 gpm
p 452
A ________ route is the optimum arrangement for a water shuttle circuit.
p 453
Selecting the route of travel:
Fully loaded tenders should travel ______ _______ and empty tenders should make the return trip traveling ________.
down grade / uphill
p 453
When establishing a water shuttle operation, it must be integrated into the ________ _________ structure.
Incident Command
p 454
It is recommended that the Incident Commander make designations that adhere to the ?
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
p 454
- The U.S. mandated Incident Management System that defines the roles, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures used to manage emergency operations; creates a Unified Incident Response Structure for federal, state, and local governments.
National Incident Management System - Incident Command System (NIMS-ICS)
p 454
When a Water Supply Group is established, the person in charge is known as the ?
Water Supply Group Supervisor
p 454
- System described in NFPA 1561, that defines the roles, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures used to manage emergency operations.
Incident Management System (IMS) also referred to as Incident Command System (ICS)
p 455
Ideally, position the fill site pumper so as to allow a view of both ?
the water source and the water tender to be filled
p 456
If at all possible, fill water tenders at a rate of ______ gpm.
1000 gpm
p 456
Positioning the fill site pumper:
When operating from any hydrant, connect all available hydrant ___________ to pump ________ to maximize the potential from the hydrant.
discharges / intakes
p 456
__________ pumps may increase the options available to use static water supply at many incidents.
p 456
Fill site pumper
Regardless of the source, a booster line or other small discharge should be ?
continuously flowed in view of the D/O. This measure will help prevent loss of prime or overheating
p 456
Position the water tender so that a minimum amount of ______ is required from the fill site pumper.
p 456
Using hose clamps on LDH may be unsafe. Flow through LDH should only be controlled at the _________ or with _______ appliances.
pumper / valve
p 457
The fill site pumper should remain in ______ with a waste line flowing to prevent loss of prime and/or overheating.
p 458
Assign one firefighter to maneuver and connect each _____ _____ that is laid out.
fill line
p 458
D/O entering a fill site should proceed cautiously into position until the driver’s door is _________ to the traffic cone or other marking device that has been set as an indicator for the driver to stop.
p 458
The tender D/O should remain in the ___________ _____ to ensure peak efficiency in apparatus movement, allowing the vehicle to be moved as soon as the fill is complete and the hose is removed.
apparatus cab
p 458
Once the need for a continuous water supply has ended, the fill site must begin to shut down. All D/O of responding tenders should ?
fill their tanks before returning to quarters
p 459
The ______ site provides a continuous supply of water to the apparatus attacking the fire.
p 459
The following are primary methods for operating a dump site:
- ________ __________ operations
- _______ _________ operations
- ____________ _______ tank operations
- Direct pumping
- Nurse tender
- Portable water tank
p 459
Using the direct pumping method, water tenders pump the water from their _______ directly into the pump ________ of an attack pumper.
tanks / intake
p 459
Direct pumping operations:
This method is typically accomplished by having the attack pumper lay out a supply line that is equipped with a gated or clappered __________ in an area accessible to tenders.
p 459-460
Direct pumping is generally performed only when a minimal ?
volume of water is needed
p 460
- Very large water tanker (generally 4,000 gallons or larger) that is stationed at the fire scene and serves as a portable reservoir rather than as a shuttle tanker.
Nurse Tanker or Nurse Tender
p 460
The primary advantage of the nurse tender is the large capacity of its tank that may allow incidents to be ?
concluded before there is a need to refill the tank.
p 460
Portable water tank operations:
Once a tank is positioned, a pumper, referred to as a _____ _____ pumper, deploys a hard intake hose with a low-level strainer into the tank.
dump site pumper
p 461
The __________ _______ method is generally considered to be the simplest and quickest method to ensure a constant water supply for fire attack operations. The primary disadvantage is the substantial amount of _________ ________ required to operate the dump site.
portable tank / working space
p 461
Portable water tank operations:
The use of a discharge and hoseline is normally only used if the tender is NOT equipped with a ?
dump valve
p 461
When pumping into portable tanks, hoselines discharging into the tank must be secured. Firefighters should not attempt to manually hold the ______ ______ of a hoseline.
open butt
p 461
- End of a charged hoseline that is flowing water without a nozzle or valve to control the flow.
Open Butt
p 461
The tank _________ must have opening of sufficient size to allow free movement of water at the bottom of the tank and movement of air at the top during rapid filling or unloading.
p 461-462
- Intermediate partial bulkhead that reduces the surge effect in a partially loaded liquid tank.
p 461
NFPA ______ requires all tenders to have the capability to dump a minimum average flow rate of ________ gpm for the first ____ percent of its tank capacity.
1901 / 1000 gpm / 90 percent
p 462
- Collapsible storage tank used during a relay or shuttle operation to hold water from water tanks or hydrants; this water can then be used to supply attack apparatus.
Portable Tank
p 462
A simple dump site may feature the use of one _________ ______ that is supplied directly by water shuttle tenders.
portable tank
p 462
The most common style is portable tank ______ and is mounted and removed from the apparatus similar to a ground ladder.
p 462
Single portable tank operations:
Any tank, regardless of type, should be set up on a surface that is as _______ as possible and have a capacity of at least _____ gallons larger than the water tank on the apparatus that it will supply.
level / 500 gallons
p 462
Single portable tank operations
The dump site pumper should utilize a low-level strainer to allow for continuous drafting to a point of about ____ inches.
2 inches
p 462
Incidents that require a flow rate in excess of 300 gpm are best served by a _________ ______ operation.
multiple tank operation
p 463
Most multi-tank operations use from _____ to _____ portable tanks.
two to five
p 463
Multiple portable tank operations:
Each tank must be positioned so that water may be transferred from ?
one tank to the next in series until it reaches the last tank for which the dump site pumper is drafting.
p 463
There are several ways to transfer water between portable tanks. Some fire departments connect two tanks by their _______ __________. A more efficient method involves the use of _____ _________ to move water from one tank to another.
drain openings / jet siphons
p 463
For operations that require more than three tanks and jet siphons and flows over 500 gpm, _________ jet siphons should be used to transfer water to the tank supplying the attack pumper.
p 464
All attack apparatus and the dump site pumper should be ________ prior to concluding operations.
p 464
Overall tender performance is based on a number of factors, including __________ and ____________ time, ______-_______ capabilities, and tank ______.
loading and unloading / drive-train / size
p 464
Evaluating Tender Performance:
By dividing the amount of water the tender dumped by the time the round trip took, a ______ ________ can be assigned to that tender for a particular distance.
flow rate
p 465
Most tenders only dump ____ percent of their load before leaving the dump site; therefore, water tenders only refill ____ percent of their tank at the fill site.
90 / 90
p 465
- Private national insurance organization that evaluates and rates fire defense for all communities through the fire-suppression rating schedule. Also serves as an advisory organization to other property-liability insurance companies.
Insurance Services Office (ISO)
as know as Rating Bureau
p 465
Another method of evaluating water tender performance involves using a series of formulas originally developed by the ____________ _________ _________. These formulas are used to rate the water supply performance of fire departments that protect ______ areas. Shuttle operations are divided into two time elements: _______ time and _________ time.
Insurance Services Office (ISO) / rural / travel time and handling time
p 465
Calculating travel time
The formula assumes an average travel speed between fill and dump site of ____ mph.
35 mph
p 466
Handling time is composed of the ______ _____ time and ______ ______ time.
Fill Site Time and Dump Site Time
p 466
One of the most accurate ways to determine the amount of water left in the tank after being dumped is to ?
weigh the apparatus on a truck scale when full and again after being dumped
p 467