Chapter 13 - Water Shuttle Operations Flashcards
________ _________ operations are used to provide water supply to incident scenes where relay pumping is not a viable option.
Water shuttle
p 443
A shuttle operation relies on the constant movement of apparatus at the _____ and ______ sites, as well as on the route between the two locations.
fill and dump
p 444
- Location at which tankers / tenders will be loaded during a water shuttle operation.
Fill Site
p 444
- Location approved for water shuttle apparatus to discharge their water for other apparatus to draw during incident operations.
Dump Site
p 444
The most favorable aspect of a water shuttle operation is the ease with which it is ____________ when the incident is concluded.
p 444
The two primary types of apparatus associated with water shuttle operations are ______ ________ and _________.
water tenders and pumpers
p 445
A pumper located at the water source (fill site) is generally refers to as the _____ _____ pumper and has the responsibility of filling water tenders.
fill site pumper
p 445
In order to fill at maximum capacity, a pumper is usually required at the _________.
p 445
Another pumper is located near the fire scene and is used to ______ ________ from portable tanks that are filled by water tenders making shuttle runs to and from the fill site.
draft water
p 445
Fill site pumpers operating from static water sources and dump site pumpers must be equipped with ______ ________ hose and __________ in order to conduct drafting operations.
hard intake / strainers
p 445
In accordance with NFPA ______, water tenders must be designed to be filled at a rate of at least ________ gpm so that pumpers assigned to the fill site must be rated at that capacity or greater.
1901 / 1000 gpm
p 445
Vehicle weight restrictions generally limit single rear axle apparatus to a maximum capacity of _______ gallons.
2000 gallons
p 446
For apparatus with a capacity of greater than 2000 gallons _________ rear axels, ____-axles, or ______-________ are required.
tandem / tri / semi-trailers
p 446
Water tenders that are used only for shuttle operations do not require a fire pump if they are equipped with a suitable ?
dumping system
p 446
Tenders featuring pumps of 750 gpm or greater rating are often called ?
p 446
- Mobile water supply apparatus equipped with a fire pump. In some jurisdictions, this term is used to differentiate a fire pump equipped mobile water supply apparatus whose main purpose is to attack the fire.
p 446
In order to be considered a tender under NIMS typing, an onboard or portable ______ ______ is required.
fire pump
p 446
Some fire departments operate _________ tenders to improve water shuttle efficiency.
p 446
There is no need for a separate pumper at the fill site if you are using a _________ tender.
p 446
The vacuum tender is able to self-fill from a static water source at a rate of up to ________ gpm with a lift of up to _____ feet. These apparatus are also capable of discharging its water tank at a rate up to _______ gpm.
2000 gpm / 22 feet / 1750 gpm
p 446
The variables that can be controlled through equipment and training to increase efficiency are _________ and ______ times.
filling and dump times
p 446
Apparatus that use medium diameter hose for filling should have at least _____ external fill connections piped directly to the tank. If LDH is used, _____ fill connection is generally sufficient.
two / one
p 447
NFPA 1901 requires that water be capable of being dumped from the _____, _______, and _____ of the apparatus.
left, right, and rear
p 448
Multiple dump valves help improve efficiency and safety by eliminating the need for ?
backing at many dump sites
p 448
In addition to the vacuum tenders, there are two primary types of large tank discharges in use on water tenders: _______ and ____-________ dumps.
Gravity and jet-assisted
p 448
These dumps often use 8-inch or larger round or square piping with a valve that extends to the exterior of the vehicle?
gravity dumps
p 448
____ __________ dumps use a small diameter in-line discharge inserted into the piping of the larger tank discharge. The in-line discharge is supplied by the fire pump on the water tender and creates a _________ effect that increases the water flow through the large tank discharge.
Jet assisted / Venturi
p 448
With exception of the vacuum tenders, the onboard tank of water tenders must be properly ________ to avoid a sudden pressure failure if the tank during quick filling operations.
p 449
Fill and dump sites should be preplanned to allow for continual __________ movement whenever possible.
p 450
When possible a water supply source capable of supplying at least _______ gpm should be chosen in order to match NFPA recommended rate at which tenders should be filled.
1000 gpm
p 452
A ________ route is the optimum arrangement for a water shuttle circuit.
p 453
Selecting the route of travel:
Fully loaded tenders should travel ______ _______ and empty tenders should make the return trip traveling ________.
down grade / uphill
p 453
When establishing a water shuttle operation, it must be integrated into the ________ _________ structure.
Incident Command
p 454