Chapter 12-Social Psychology Flashcards
Social Psych-more than just common sense
the scientific study of how other ppl influence our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
automicitic processing
this is thinking thats unintentional , not controllable, effortless, and unconscious
automatic activation of knowledge structures…ex..activate schemas..the experiment of students completing a sentence of unscrambled task, of elderly prime words and not elderly prime words..example paragraph that labeled “doing laundry” easier to inerpret paragraph
intentional controllable, effortful, consocius thinking..
what determiines what we think?motivation
willingness to put effort…..controlled thinking…no willingness…automatic thinking results
process buy whcih we observe analyze and explain why someone did somehting…two types….perosnal(interal evens-mood, personality, values) OR situational(external events-rules, norms)
self serving(attributions)
if good or positive[—-then its ersonal attr..lif its negative or bad(its because of situational
fundamnetal attrib error
we explain others behaviors using personal attributions and our own behavior using the situational attrib
actor/observer discrepency
pple tend to make an atrib depending on whetehr they are the actor or observer
personal bias-n
not enough acces of info
little pics in our head…aloows easier processing of ppl,,,,they justify how we feel about other groups
psychodynamic approach-stereotype dev
we develop them bc it protects some from some typ of threat to persona that we feel so therefore they are ego defensive,,,derving from mechanisms
shifting the attn of emotion of one objetc to another
attributing neg aspects of the self to others…we notice it more on other ppl..this is bad at expalining how sterotpyes in socal groups develop
Socio-cultural approach
Social cognitive approach
We develop stereotypes about social groups in order to distinguish between them.,,ex,,paintings and asked which ones they liked or disliked..told they would be matched with ppl who also liked the same pics(ingroup) and there was an outgroup(other)
We favor ingroup members more than outgroup members
Outgroup derogation
We tend to devalue outgroup members more than ingroup members
stereotypes and perception
hanna study,,stereotyes associated with academic ability of those in poor vs wealthy neighborhood…ex…oscar grant…killed…ex..diallo..shot 44 times…led to study of police officers dilemma….Participants were more likely to shoot African-Americans, regardless of condition
shooter bias
Participants were more likely to shoot African-Americans, regardless of condition
– The psychological tendency to evaluate an object with a degree of favor or disfavor …3 components..object, evaluate tendency, valence(+, -, or neutral)ex..obejct tomatoe..valence..neggative
induced compliance paradgim
cognitive process-controlled deliberate, self report
automatic, spontaneros, indirect