Chapter 12 Primary Words Flashcards
Integumentary System
Skin and its related structures, performs important function in maintaining health
Sebaceous Gland
Secretes sebum (oil) that lubricates the skin and discourages bacteria growth
Pertaining to the skin
Cutane means skin, -ous means pertaining to
Outermost layer of skin, made up of several specialized epithelial tissues
Epi means above or upon, derm means skin
Epithelial Tissues
Protective covering for all the internal and ecternal surfaces of the body
Squamous Epithelial Tissue
Upper layer of the spidermis, consists of flat, scaly cells that shed
Squamos means scale-like
Basal Layer
Lowest layer of the epidermis, new cells are produced and pushed upward
Fibrous, water-repellent protein, primary component of epidermis
Special cells found in the basal cell layer, produce and contain dark brown or black migment
Determines the color of skin, freckles and age spots, protects skin against UV
Thick layer of living tissue directly below the epidermis, contains connective tissue, blood and lymph vessels, and nerve fibers
Sensory Nerve Endings
In the Dermis, receptors for stimuli such as touch, temp, pain, and pressure
Means glue, tough but flexible material found in skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments
Mast Cells
In the connective tissue, respond to injury, infection, or allergy by producing and releasing substances
Released in response to injury, is an anticoagulant which prevents clotting
Released in response to allergens
Subcutaneous Layer
Located just below the layers of skin and connects to the surface muscles
Fat cells, manufacture and store large quantities of fat
Lip/o means fat, -cytes means cell
Sweat Glands
Sudoriferous Glands
Tiny, coiled glands on almost all body surfaces
Apocrine Sweat Glands
Found on hair follicles
Eccrine Sweat Glands
Open onto the skin
Openings on the surface of the skin that act as the ducts of the sweat galnds
Sweat, made by sweat glands and is 99% water
Production and excretion of sweat
Hair Follicles
Sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers
Arrector Pili
Tiny muscle fibers attached to hair follicles, cause hair to stand errect
Nails, keratin plate that protects the dorsal surface of each finger and toe
Pale, half moon shaped region at nail root, new Keratin cells form here
Lun means moon, -ula means little
Narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail, protecting new keratin cells as they form
Nail Root
Fastens the nail to the finger or toe
Acne Vulgaris
Acne, chronic inflammatory disease, overproduction of sebum
Vulgaris means common
Noninfected lesion formed by the buildup of sebum and keratin in a hair follicle, Obstructed opening is a whitehead, Exposed to air becomes blackhead
Epidermoid Cyst
(epi-ih-DER-moyd SIST)
Referred to as a sebaceous cyst is a closed sac that is found under the skin, contain yellow, fatty material
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Inflammation resulting from overactivity of the sebaceous glands that causes itching of the scalp
Seb/o means sebum, -rheic means pertaining to flow or discharge
Seborrheic Keratosis
Benign skin growth that has a waxy look, can be tan to black
Abnormal condition of lacking sweat in response to heat, at risk for heat stroke
An means without, hidr means sweat
-osis means abnormal condition
Profuse sweating, can be normal but also be the body’s response to stress
Dia means through or complete, phor means movement,
esis means abnormal condition
Heat Rash
Prickly Heat
Intensely itchy rash caused by blockage of the sweat cells by bacteria and dead cells
Heat Stroke
Medical emergency caused by prolonged exposure to high temps
Condition of excessive sweating on one area or over the whole body
Hyper means excessive, hidr means sweat
Sleep Hyperhydrosis
Night Sweats
Hyperhydrosis during sleep
Inflammation of the hair follicles, common on arms, legs, and beard
Follicul means hair follicle, -itis means inflammation
Trichomycosis Axillaris
(try-koh-my-KOH-sis ak-sih-LAR-is)
Superficial bacterial infection of the hair shafts in areas with extesive sweat glands such as armpits
Trich/o means hair, myc means fungus, axill means armpit
-ary means pertaining to
Pressence of excessive body and facial hair in women, hereditary or hormonal imbalance
Hirsut means hairy, -ism means condition
Partial or complete loss of hair, most commonly on the scalp
Alopec means baldness, -ic means abnormal condition
Alopecia Areata
Autoimmune disorder that attacks the hair follicles, causing well defined bald areas on the scalp
Areata means areas
Alopecia Totalis
Uncommon condition characterized by the loss of all the hair on the scalp
Alopecia Universalis
Total loss of hair on all parts of the body
Universalis means universal
Androgenic Alopecia
Most common type of hair loss, Androgenic is the hormones involved in the development of male characteristics
Male Pattern Baldness, Female Pattern Baldness
Abnormal curving of the nails that is often accompanied by enlargement of the fingertips
Known as spoon nail, malformation of the nails in which the outer surface is concave or scooped out like a spood
Koil means concave, onych means nail, -ia means abnormal con
Inflammation of the bed of the nail that often results in loss of nail
Onych means fingernail or toenail, -ia means abnormal condition
Also known as ingrown toenail
Crypt means hidden, -osis means abnormal condition
Fungal infection of the nail, can cause nails to turn white, yellow, green, or black
Separation of the nail palte from the nail bed
Onych means nail, -lysis means separation
Acute or chronic infection of the skin fold around a nail
Par means around, onych means nail, -ia means abnormal condi
Acanthosis Nigricans
Condition where one or more areas of the skin develop dark, velvety, areas of discoloration
Age Spots
Solar Lentigines or Liver spots
Discolorations caused by sun exposure, resemble skin cancer growths
Genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises
Albin means white, -ism means condition
Chloasma or Mask of Pregnancy
Pigmentation disorder characterized by brownish spots on the face, can occur during prenancy but goes away after delivery
Skin condition resulting from the destruction of the melanocytes due to unknown causes
Injury to underlying tissues without breaking skin and is characterized by discoloration and pain
Contus means bruise, -ion means condition
A bruise, large, irregular area pf purplish discoloration due to bleeding under the skin
Ecchym means pouring out of juice, osis means abnormal condition
Apperance of multiple purple discolorations on the skin caused by bleeding underneath the skin
Purpur means purple, -a is a noun ending
Very small, pinpoint hemorrhages, can result from high fevers
Swelling of clotted blood trapped in the tissues
Hemat means blood, -oma means tumor
Pathologic change to tissues due to disease or injury