Chapter 12- Food Safety Flashcards
What are the common foodborne organisms?
Salmonella, Campylobacter, E-Coli, Hepatitis A, Staphylococcus, Botulism
How can you contract Salmonella?
Poultry, eggs
How can you contract Campylobacter?
Poultry, contaminated water, unpasteurized milk
How can you contract E-Coli?
Raw meat, unpasteurized milk, produce
How can you contract Hepatitis A?
Fast food workers
How can you contract Staphylococcus?
contact to contact
How can you contract Botulism?
Improperly canned foods
What does bacteria need to grow?
Warmth, moisture, and nutrients
What are foods that pose danger?
Poultry, raw meats, melons, honey, produce, cooked grains, unpasteurized juice or milk
What are vulnerable groups to food poisoning?
Infants, children, pregnant women, older adults, and those with weakened immune systems
How can you reduce the risk of food poisoning ? #1
Clean surfaces and food, wash hands for 20 sec, wash utensils (1 tsp bleach per quart of water). Clean rags and sponges often (sponge in microwave for 1 min)
How can you reduce the risk of food poisoning ? #2
- dont cross contaminate
separate cutting boards
- raw meat and cooked meat on different plates
-separate knives
-put meat on bottom shelf of the fridge
How can you reduce the risk of food poisoning ? #3
Cook Properly
- Fish to 140F
-Whole cuts of meat to 145F
- Ground Meats and eggs to 160 F
Poultry, Stuffings, Leftovers, Casseroles to 165 F
How can you reduce the risk of food poisoning ? #4
-Refrigerate food properly
What is the Temperature Danger Zone?
Between 40-140 F
What are the ways to thaw food safely? (in order of safest to least safe)
Meats in refrigeration (24hrs for 5 lbs)
Under cold running water
What is the 2,2,4 rule for Leftovers?
Dont leave out for more than 2 hours
No more than 2 inch deep container
dont keep in fridge for more than 4 days
What are food preservation techniques?
Pasteurization: heating to kill bacteria
Ultra-High Temp: longer and higher temp
Irradiation: passes through food to kill bacteria and stops their growth
What are the best ways to preserve nutrients?
Canning, Freezing, Drying
What does food processing do?
Increases food
-availability (shelf-life)
-nutrients (fortification)
There is loss of some nutrients
What is an environmental contaminant?
What are the pros of pesticides?
More crops, keeps food affordable
What is the CON of pesticides?
Contributes to pollution
How do we limit pesticides?
Wash fruits and veggies, peel the skin, discard outer leaves, trim fat from meat cuts, organic foods
What are the cons of Organic Foods
the cost
What are the Organic food rules for Crops?
No Genetic Engineering, no synthetic pesticides, seeds
What are the Organic Food Rules for Animals?
Fed organic feed, ruminants for grazing (30% feed from pasture), outdoor access, no growth hormones or antibiotics
What is the Organic Foods Timeline?
12 months without pesticides,
- Made With labels are 70%
-Organic Labels are (95%)
-100% Organic Labels are 100%
What are the organic and Conventional differences?
Nutrients, Pesticides, Environment, Food Safety, Taste
What do GMO’s do?
Obtain desired traits, suppress unwanted traits
How many GMO crops are there?
10, corn is the biggest one
What is selective breeding for?
Desired traits in food
What is genetic engineering for?
Can enhance drought tolerance
What are benefits of Genetic Engineering?
Nutrients, shelf-life, pest resistance, hardiness
What are the concerns of genetic engineering?
Nutrients, accidental drug ingestion, pesticide resistance
Can you use food additives to hide poor food quality?
Who determines if additives are safe?
the FDA
What are food additives used for?
Shelf-life, enrich nutrients
What are the specific food additives?
Nitrites, Sulfites, MSG, Non-nutritive sweeteners, fortification
What do nitrites do?
Preserve pink color, convert to nitrosamines, prevent bacterial growth
What do sulfites do?
Prevent oxidation for antioxidants, FDA prohibits use on raw foods
What does MSG do?
Enhances flavor, could cause flushing, burning, or headaches
Are there significant health risks for sweeteners?
No, not in normal amounts
What things are fortified?
Grains, juice, milk