Chapter 11- Eating Disorders Flashcards
What are the 3 kinds of Eating Disorders?
Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder
What are the characteristics of Anorexia?
Very low caloric intake, BMR may decrease, feels can never be too thin, depression, anxiety, low self-worth, perfectionism, control issues
What are the physical consequences of Anorexia?
Low BP, infertility, irregular periods, poor pregnancies, delayed puberty, low bone density, gets cold easily, dry skin, insomnia, dehydration, malnutrition, impaired thought process, fear of gaining weight, distorted body image, preoccupation with food, social decline, depression, hair loss, lanugo, loss of heart tissue, anemia
What are the emotional consequences of Anorexia?
depression, distorted body image, fear of gaining weight, preoccupation with food, social decline
What are the treatments for Anorexia?
Psychological Counseling (self esteem, weight, body shape attitudes, normalize eating behaviors, restore normal weight)
Does explaining need for calories help those with Anorexia?
How many with Anorexia make a full recovery?
1/3 of people
What are the behaviors of Bulimia?
Compensatory behaviors such as
- Purging/vomiting, laxatives, diuretics, enemas
- Non-purging: fast and excessive exercise
How often/long do behaviors last for it to be considered Bulimia?
2 times a week for at least 3 months
What is a Binge?
A large amount of food in two hours that lacks control. Often leads to feelings of guilt and worrying about gaining weight. Anxiety
What are the physical consequences of Bulimia?
Purging: swollen salivary glands, irritation of esophagus, stomach ulcers
others: abnormal heart rhythms, dental issues, UTI’s, guilt, shame
What is the treatment for Bulimia?
Psychological Counseling: Self-esteem, body attitudes, depression
Nutrition Counseling: Replace disordered eating with regular meals and snacks
How many recover from Bulimia?
Thought to be 2/3
Is Binge Eating more prevalent in men or women?
What percentage of the population has Binge Eating Disorder?
How do you get diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder?
Usually binging twice a week for 6 months
What is the treatment for Binge Eating Disorder?
Record food intake, group and individual therapy
How many people can recover from Binge Eating Disorder?
Most people can recover
What is REDS?
Relative Energy Deficiency Syndrome, it is low caloric intake leading to amenorrhea (irregular periods) and osteoporosis
What is the treatment for REDS?
Gaining calories, changing training volume
What can you do for someone with an eating disorder?
Offer love and acceptance, encourage them to seek help from professionals.