chapter 12: eukaryotes - fungi, algae, protozoa, helminths Flashcards
what are fungal cell walls made of?
nonfilaments; unicellular
chemoheterotrophs; saprotrophic (sticks itself into food to consume it); aerobic or facultative anaerobic; chitin cell wall; produce spores (sexual & asexual reproduction); decomposers
dimorphic fungi
fungi that can grow as either yeast or hyphae /moldlike depending on temperature and carbon dioxide concentration
ex) mold in cold, yeast in heat
how does budding yeast divide?
how does fission yeast divide?
each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus
vegetative part of a fungus; network of fine white filaments / hyphae
septate hyphae
hyphae with cross walls included
aseptate / coenocytic hyphae
hyphae without cross walls; resulted from cell division without cytokinesis
saccharomyces cerevisiae
type of fungi; “brewer’s yeast”; used for baking and making alcohol
candida albicans
the yeast in “yeast infection”; skin-eating pathogen of humans that overgrows in body parts that are damp, immunocompromised, or has a disturbed natural bacterial flora
caused by different species of fungi (not worms); eat skin / keratin
live in the ground; connect to several plants simultaneously & shuttle resources between different plants; complex symbiotic mutualistic relationship
any photosynthetic eukaryote that is not a plant; more ecological importance than medical (make food needed by other heterotrophic organisms)
symbiosis in which one of the symbiotic organisms lives inside the other; one cell becoming a permanent obligate resident of another cell to the point that they become one organism
classifying organisms by their evolutionary relationships
algal bloom / red tide
temporary and rapid explosion of the population of algae in the environment; often results in colored scum on the surface
water molds
group of protists; produce spores with flagella; cell walls made of cellulose; plant pathogens
ex) phytopthora infestans caused the late blight that led to the potato famine
unicellular animal like protists; often motile (mobile); usually aerobic; ingestive heterotrophs (take food inside and digest it in vacuoles); have a pellicle (flexible protein outer covering)
{protozoan} cyst form
very tough resting stage that is used to endure harsh environmental conditions; similar to form of bacterial endospores
{protozoan} microscopic parasite that contains cysts that hatch / germinate when ingested and turn into trophozoites which feed and reproduce; causes diarrhea; when trophozoites and cysts re-enter outside world, trophozoites die and cysts continue to infect others
{protozoan} “looks like a blob”; moves by flowing part of cytoplasm in one direction (extend a pseudopod); surround and engulf cells; most are harmless
ex) entamoeba histolytica is a pathogen
{protozoan} contains multiple species that cause malaria
ex) anopheles mosquitos are the vector for malaria
secondary host
an organism that harbors the sexually immature parasite and is required by the parasite to undergo development and complete its life cycle
ex) human is secondary host bc mosquito parasite reproduces asexually there;
mosquito is primary host because sexual reproduction happens there
primary host
the host in which a parasite becomes sexually mature and usually spends most of its life cycle
parasitic worms; two phyla= platyhelminths (flatworms, flukes & tapeworms) & nematoda (roundworms, hookworms, pinworms & trichinella)
blood fluke / schistosoma mansoni life cycle
eggs shed from infected human → eggs hatch and release miracidia →miracidia penetrate snail tissue → sporocysts develop in snail → free swimming cercariae released from snail into water → cercariae penetrate skin → cercariae loses tail during penetration → circulation → migration to portal blood in liver and maturation into adults → worms migrate to bladder, bowel/rectum
beef tapeworm / taenia saginata life cycle
eggs in feces are passed into environment → cattle become infected by ingesting vegetation contaminated by eggs → eggs hatch and penetrate intestinal wall and circulate to muscles → develop in muscles → humans infected by ingesting raw or undercooked infected meat → scolex (sucker) attaches to intestine → become adults in small intestine
pinworm / enterobius vermicularis life cycle
eggs on perianal folds → embryonated eggs ingested by human → larvae hatch in small intestine → adults in lumen → female migrates to perianal region at night to lay eggs