chapter 12 DONT STUDY NOT ON TEST Flashcards
special structures/deign
building more that 75 ft in height. ( any building with occupied stories beyond the effective reach of fire equipment)
high rise building
challenges of High rises
height to tall for aerial ladder
asses to fire floor takes longer
more resources /personnel required with more coordination
more pp /activites = more probability of calls p. 310
what 2 developments made high rises possible and practical at the end of the 19th century ‘’ theses innovations made what limitations obsolete ?
use of steel frame construction and elevators
- height limitation of masonry/wood construction
- unpredictability /brittleness of cast iron
- access of high floors w/o mechanical assistance
most significant and obvious feature of modern high rises
earliest high rises were rarley
more than
10 - 12 stories
empire state building made in 1930 had how many floors
modern building may be used for many individual purposes including:
assembly , institutional, mercantile, educational
buildings with modern Hvac systems are designed to use for ventilation and are often constructed w/o ?
operable windows p. 311
often high rise building will be constructed of a combo of
reinforced concrete and a protected steel frame
Typically, model building code requires ‘’ fire resistance for structural frame of high rises , depending on the # of stories .occupancy and ‘’ hour fire distance for floors
2or 3,
2 for floors
in reinforced concrete construction, the floors will be ‘’ in steel frame buildings the floor will be ‘
concrete slab
concrete placed over corrugated steel. 313
in early high rises fire protection was usually provided by what systems .
standpipes risers /hose beds are located in
stairwells `
one unavoidable problem with standpipes is
variation of pressure in tandem with building height( hydrostatic pressure)
nfpa 14 standard for installation of standpipes mandates what
pressure reducing values p. 314
( reduces the water pressure usually 100 )
Modern High rises have voice alarm systems that auto sound on alert tone followed by ‘’’’ upon Activation of any detector, water flow device or manual pull station.
Voice instructions
Voice evacuation system are often zoned by
detection devices in High rises, along with water flow switches are monitored via
fire alarm system
duct detectors to prevent recirculation of smoke to other floors
smoke detectors in elevators machine rooms/ lobbies to initiate recall
circuit breaker linked to heat detection system to disconnect electrical equip
corridor smoke doctors in residential
typically include in high rise buildings regarding ‘’
smoke detection
unique alarm feature in high rises is requirement for a ‘’, this system operates b’tw locations including :
fire command center
landing of enclosed exit stairways
areas of refuge
elevtors /lobbies
emergency generators
fire pump rooms p. 316-17
2 way fire dept communication
all model building codes require smookproofing in stairs serving floors
75 feet or higher
a common approach using mechanical equipment was called a
pressure sandwich ( vented the fire floor and pressurized the floors above and below to contain smoke )
typically a fire command center is located on ‘’
first floor
fire command center has min requirement of
separate from rest of building with 1 hour fire rating p. 317
emergency voice alarm system control panel
fire dept 2 way phone system
fire detection /alarm annunicaitor panel
elevator location/status panel
sprinkler valve/ waterflow annuciator
emergency /stadnby power status indicator
central status panel for smoke MNGT
control for unlocking stariways
fire pump status indicator
telephone for fire dept use with acess to public phones
These are typical features of
fire command center
in ‘‘configurations, building services such as elevators, stairwells, and service shafts are grouped in the center of the floor
central core floor plan
Hvac systems in high rises are designed to manage
products of combustions p. 318
circuit breaker used as a saftey device in an elevator system ( shuts down system b4 sprinklers are discharged )
shunt trip p. 319
only consider using elevator if the fire is above
5th floor
do not travel above fire floor in an elevator that serves ??
all floors
never take a elevator
below ground
do not use elevator for occupant Evacuation until the fire is
under control
power could fail
at any time during a fire
emergency operating mode for elevator , recalls the car to terminal floor lobby and opens doors
phase 1 operation
critical susceptibility factors of elevators include:
smoke , heat, water , flame
phase 1 operation can be triggered by Activation of ?
smoke detectors
manuel keyed switch in terminal floor lobby p. 320
requirement for recall does not apply for what time of elevator
freight elevators
emergency operating mode for elevators, allows emergency use of the elevator w/ certain safeguards and special functions ( operating from the inside by overriding the recall allowing FF to Operate it )
phase 2 operations
model code specify that all new elevators must be equipped with
phase 2 ops
what prevents the door from closing if there is a person or smoke in the doorway is disable during phase 2 ops to allow the doors to be closed and car moved if it inadvertently stops at a smoke filled floor?
electric eye safety p. 321
a FF must remain in the car during what phase
building features that limit FF access:
solid walls ( no doors/windows )
obstructions on exterior walls , between buildings and road
banked earth of difficult terrain
limited access build must be
underground buildings may have occupancy areas’’ or lower that have primary exit
30 ft
Ex. of underground buildings include:
parking garage
emergency comm/command center
underground buildings follow the trend of ‘’ and many more are being built or planned theses include:
green design
industrial facilites
specific types of difficulty for FF in under ground facilities include
Access for FF
rescue and evacuation
ventilation of heat /smoke
water supply / draining of water
greatest single challenges in underground fires is difficulty
venting smoke and heat p. 323
’’ is required for buildings w/ levels below 30 ft below level of exit
smoke proofing
where buildings have more that ‘’ separation below The level of exit discharge separation of each level into two approximately equal size compartments may be required. Each compartment will be provided with at least ‘’ stair and access into the other Compartment
60 ft
below grade spaces often include multitudes of hazards including
use of natural gas or oil
high voltage electrical vaults
storage for chemical supply
water storage
diesel tanks used to power generators p. 324
most significant advantage to membrane structure is the ability ti provide a
large unobstructed interior spacep325
membrane structures that uses air pressure to develop its initial shape but may not use air pressure throughout it
air inflated structures
Ex of air supported structures:
sport staduim
tennis court
athletic field s
ice taking rinks
campus dining facilities
air inflated structures have several limitations including:
NO ‘’
1 story
vulnerable to high winds n
no fire rating
limitations that only affect air supported construction include
inside pressure can only be slightly higher than outside
have some type of air foundation to counteract force of air blowing
cables used to anchor the roof to the ground
( there is more but look at page ) p. 326
freestanding structure that uses suspension cables for support
cable membrane structure ( cable cover structure)
structure supported primary by a frame or skeleton rather than by load bearing walls
frame membrane structures p. 327
many states use ‘’ to store salt near highways
frame membrane p/328
in malls code require FDC outlets at ‘’
stairways , entrances and passageways
malls usually have how many levels
codes requires mall walkways to have a min of ‘’
20 ft wide
malls are designed w/ 1or more large well known , perimeter stores that are known as
anchor stores p. 329
anchor stores maybe separated from smaller stores by
malls must be ‘’
full sprinklered
malls must have a ‘’ hour rating
1 hour
smoke control systems are required in malls ‘’ stories or higher
3 or more stories
low profile sprinkler system and pendant used w/ concealed piping in correctional facilities are what type of sprinklers ?
institutional sprinklers p. 330
release of locking doors
smoke compartments
areas of refuge on either side of smoke barriers
smoke control system s
manual and auto fire alarm systems p. 331
THESE types of Fire protection features ARE FOUND IN ‘’’
open areas in the center of a building , 2 or more stories, allow natural light
model code for atriums include
auto sprinklers
1 hour fire rated
smoke control system
some codes wave the required sprinklers if
its more than 55 ft above the floor p. 333
for most occupancies what is not considered in the design
internal explosions
a rapid release of energy is a
this sudden release of energy produces outward pressure often referred to as
blast wave
the damage an explosion may inflict on a structure depends on
max pressure
rate of pressure rise
duration of peak pressure
resistance of the confine structure
chemical reaction ( mixture od air and flammable vapor)
uncontrolled chemical reaction in process plants
ignition of air and dust from grain or milling/sawing operations
boilers explosions ( no chem reaction)
These are conditions that occur because of ‘’
structural damage from an explosion can be mitigated through
containment or venting the forces
containment includes
building enclosure with adequate reinforcement to contain pressure
max pressure reached during explsotion may exceed ‘’ atmospheric presser.
10 x the atmospheric pressure p. 334
explosion venting is designed to Quickly
relieve pressure b4 it cause damage
open all the time p. 335
ideally explosion vent panels should not weigh more than ‘’ per sq ft
3 pounds per sq ft
Regarding explosion vents and industrial buildings several diff materials are used such as:
lightweight corrugated steel or aluminum sheets
types of ‘’’’ vents include:
louvers openings
hanger type doors
wall panells
roof vents
larger vent areas result in ‘’ within building.
lower pressure w/in building
international fire code section 911 allows for
brake away panels that blow out when building is over pressurized
In the 1970s model building code began requiring breakout panels and exterior walls, but HVAC and sprinkler systems were allowed to be substituted for breakaway panels
hvac and sprinklers were allowed to be substituted for ‘’ panels
break away panels p.336
areas of refuge must have room for 1-2 wheel chairs and must have
must have auto sprinklers or standpipes
what are logical locations for areas of refuge
stairways and elevtors lobbys
stair ways refuges must be ‘’ from building w/ ‘’ hour rating
separate from building w/ 1 hour fire rating
areas of refuge must be provided with what
2 way communication system p. 337
codes regarding industrial rack storage include considerations ‘’
whats S
height and style
what being stored
type of container
public accès
sq ft of storage area
rack storage is used for the following reasons
increases effeiceny of a building space
simple use ( forklift)
tech permits precise control of inventory
can have height of 12 ft to 100 p. 338
The use of racks for storage creates unique fire hazard such as:
high fire load ( when combustible )
narrow aisle ( pp can’t get in )
some spaces permit vertical fire travel through racks
newer ceilings mounted sprinklers tech include sprinklers that can operate in 2 modes ?
control mode
suppression mode p. 339
Underground structures must
Evacuated page 324
Underground structures must
Evacuated page 324
Two ways to mitigate structural damage from explosions is to
Containment and venting page 334