chapter 1 ( DON'T STUDY NOT ON TEST ) Flashcards
Buildings may appear different or be camouflaged to look similar despite differences in
Age, configurations and construction material pg. 11
Newer Buildings may use technology that may not be fully
Tested or include unexpected hazards
Building construction process may take weeks or years and require may resources including
legal expertise
technical knowledge
financial resources
management skills
creative talent
Reasons behind building design features may shift with
Time, availability and utility
the use of a single Org to design/build a facility to minimize risk for project owners
design build
Guidline applied to basic units of projects that cause the item to work together as a unified, completely finished item that services a purrs w/inbest parameters
design principles 13
a set of rules developed by a standard org and adopted as law by Gov’t body to regulate min requirements for construction
building code
engineering Doc may include
land survey
preliminary budget
soil test pg. 14
fire protection engineering
fire alarm
smoke control
building code compliance 14
during Inspection the following building features may be tested for function and compliance with standard and codes
materials ( concrete)
systems (fire pump)
components ( emergency generators) 16
Building depart should watch for any potentially dangerous changes including :
removal of penetration beam
mods to beams/trusses
overload of roofs
creation of mezzanine floors in attic
rooftop additions
remodeling or overloading that causes extreme hazards
subdivision of existing space that creates maze like floors p.17
Most widely used model of building code in U.S is
international building code ibc p. 18
Most prominent occupational safety regs come from
osha and nfpa p.19
who maintains a national map that indicates location and frequency of fire fatalities
U.S. Fire Admin p.19
occupant safety must be considered in the following areas ?
design of stairs
balcony railiings
overhead obstacles
electrical systems
elevator operations
life safety considerations for first responders and public during structural incident
annunciator panels should be easily view front of entrance
standpipe connection should work w/ FD equipment
Generator systems must have switch that take circuits off line
air handling units that recirculate interior air must address air quality during incident
Type 1-5 Building construction
1- fire resistive
2- protected noncombustible
3- exterior protected ( masonry or ordinary ) 4- Heavy timber
5- wood frame
pg. 20
total quantity of combustible contents of a building, space or fire area `
fire load p.20
total amount of heat produced or released to atmosphere from the convective lift phase of former
heat release rate p.20
federal statute intended to remove barriers, physical and otherwise, that limits access by individuals w/disabilites
Americana w/ disabilities act
space protected from fire in normal means of egress (sprinklers) . temp place to wait for assistance during fire
area of refuge p.20
a general rule , greater quantities of fuel or highly volatile fuels will generate higher ?
heat release rate p.21
building elements altered to improve access
parking /passenger loading zone
means of egress
areas of refuge include
stairways landing in smoel proof enclosures
balcony located adjacent to exterior stairs
protected vestibule adjacent to an exit enclosure
building that defy conventional planning and may require special resources in case of emergency
golden gate bridge
willis tower ( sears tower_
st. louis gatway arch
type of foundation used will be determined partially by
soil strength , resistance to strain and stability
natural and developed terrain features that may complicate access by emergency responders include
steep slopes
narrow roadways
security barriers
other buildings site factors that influence the overall building height and practicality of below grade sales include
level of water table
front line
presence or absence of a soil bedrock layer
configuration of a building refers to
shape or layout p.23
Automative fire protection system , especially automatic one is what ?
1st line of defense in many building s
Factors that influence a buildings condition at any given time ?
older codes
construction methods
maintenance over time p. 25
ex. of factors that may require maintenance over time include ?
physical systems such as electrical wiring heating plant
exterior proteins from weather roofs
settling foundations
whats buildings were often designed w/ greater structural mass than absolutely nessary ?
computer aided design ( CAD ) 25
older properties undergo extensively rehabilitation to satisfy desires of modern real estate
gentrification p.26
effort to increase energy efficiency of structures and their components materials is known as
green design p. 26
When doors an windows are tightly fitted the flow of air ro fire is reduced which results in
fire during in an oxygen poor environment
( may result in fire burning self out ) p.26
more likely to fail under fire due to engineered to be engerny efficient
green design .26
A Primary Hazard with green design is ?
Tendency of components to increase combustibiliy of overall building
Green construction is designed to be more what efficient ? which makes they more likely to fail in fire conditions
energy and material
process od restoring rundown or deteriorated properties by more affluent PP
Ex of building used for specific use
fire station, grain silos, airplane hanger , movie theater
what is essential consideration in design of fire protection
water availability.27
Fire loss MNGT is systematic and includes many factors including
Life safety, engineering and administrative controls to protect community resources
Before a fire, loss MNGT activities will
Min risk preset in specific occupancy classification
Identify violations in Business behavior
During and after fire, loss MNGT activities will
eliminate chance that a fire will reignite in structure
reduce time needed to reopen business
create goodwill for FD in Community
MIN financial loss for owners, occupant, insurance and community
When buildings are constructed without known occupants, they are referred to as
Spec Building
Exs of Spec Building
office plaza, malls, light industrial building
art of building design
whats frequently clashes with fire
aesthetics p.30
large uncontrollable fire covering large areas
movement of fire from 1 material ( source ) to another ( exposure)
fire spread
heat transfer through 2 methods ?
convention and thermal radiation
condition is a 3rd method but not usually considered a factor
Transfer of heat energy through movement of hot smoke and fire goes
Transfer of heat energy through space by electromagnetic waves
Thermal radiations p,31
Any number of surfaces that may ignited or damaged by heat of an external fire
known Ways fire spreads to an exposed building includes
vents pull in flames
Opening like doors allow conventions currents to enter structure
roof materials ignite ( convention)
sideing materials ( convention or radiant heat)
windows allow radiant heat to start fire directly inside
structures or fire loads placed in close profanity
lack of fire protection
3 levels of exposure
light , moderate or severe
fire Protection methods use to protect buildings from exposing fires include
clearing space b/tw buildings
Height limits/ area of combustible construction
eliminating /reducing space in walls
fire retardant /suppression systems
sprinkler systems ,
fire retardant
distribution systems
auto outside deluge systems
Passive barriers
self supporting walls b/tw fire building and exposure
blank walls of noncombustible construction p.32
Parapets on exert masonry walls
wire glass in steel sash windows
Active Barriers
Auto fire shutters or dampers on walls opening
auto fire doors on door opening p.33
building codes are limited in their scope because
can’t address every issue that will arise
political processes , coping interest and economic priorities
only provide a baseline level of protection
Occupancy type, industrial processes , Haz Mat in area, location/function of fire protection systems , building access routes and utilities should be included in what ?
Pre-incident planning
Computer Based software app that relates physical features on the earth to a database to be used for mapping and analysis.
Geographic info systems ( GIS)
what provides a means for determining exact locations for critical building elements such as foundation and structural steel
A Jurisdictions GIS can potentially provide tools for function including
Eval Department performance
dispatch emergency response
code enforcement
zoning and taxing
there are only 3 primary strategies in fore incidents which are ?
offensive, defensive and transitional
Offensive Strategies address
Life hazards
structural stability
risk/benefit outweigh
defensive strategies address
volume of fire
structural deterioration
risk ( risk outweigh benefits )
structural constions
In NFPA type III 2-0-0 and IBC TYPE 3 B , unprotective steel is something used to support
Combustible materials P. 48