Chapter 11 Muscles Flashcards
Structure that attaches muscle to bone
Term for less movable attachment of muscle to bone
Term for the attachment of muscle to bone more likely to move
Muscles that flex and rotate the neck
Muscle that helps you pucker your lips
Orbicularis oris
Muscle that helps you wink
Orbicularis oculi
Muscle that compresses the cheek
Muscle that pulls corner of mouth lateral and upward
Prime mover for shoulder flexion
Pectoralis major
Prime mover for flexion of vertebral column
Rectus abdominis
a muscle with two origins that flexes the elbow
Biceps brachii
Prime mover for elbow flexion
Prime mover for hip flexion
Most superficial abdominal muscle that rotates the vertebral column
External oblique
Deepest abdominal muscle that compresses abdominal contents
Transversus abdominis
Muscle that both flexes the hip and extends the knee
Rectus femoris
Muscle that helps with knee extension located lateral to the rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Thin long muscle that extends diagonally across the anterior thigh
Most medial long thigh muscle that adducts the hip and flexes the knee
Muscle found on the lateral side of the hip that flexes and abducts the hip
Tensor fasciae latae
Muscle of the anterior lower leg that dorsiflexes the foot
Tibialis anterior
Two parts of the iliopsoas
Psoas major & iliacus
Prime mover for elbow extension
Triceps brachii
Muscle of the rotator cuff that abducts the shoulder
Muscle of the rotator cuff that medially rotates the shoulder
Muscles of the rotator cuff that laterally rotate the shoulder
Teres minor & infraspinatus
Muscles that make up the triceps surae
Gastrocnemius & soleus
Name of the muscle that is the lateral hamstring
Biceps femoris
Nerve that innervates the buccinator muscle
Movement caused at the knee when the semitendinous contracts
Movement caused at the hip when the semitendinosus contracts
Movement caused by contraction of the biceps femoris at the knee
Movement caused by contraction of the soleus at the ankle
Plantar flexion
Muscle synergistic to the latissimus dorsi in shoulder extension and medial rotation of the shoulder
Teres major
Prime mover for shoulder extension
Latissimus dorsi
Prime mover for shoulder abduction
Posterior muscle that can elevate the scapula and extend the neck
Function of the gluteus maximus at the hip
Prime mover for hip abduction
Gluteus medius
Medial hamstring that is synergistic to the semitendinosus
Two muscles that attach to the scapula that can be fixators in shoulder movements
Serratus anterior and trapezius
White line created in the middle of the abdominal aponeuroses
Linea alba
Muscle that flexes the elbow and runs down the lateral side of the forearm
Most powerful muscle producing an action
Prime mover
Muscle that causes the opposite action
Antagonistic muscle
Muscle that helps to produce a desired action
Synergistic muscle
Muscle that stabilizes the origin of the prime mover
Third class lever
Most common muscle lever system
Muscle antagonistic to the gastrocnemius regarding movement at the ankle
Tibialis anterior
Muscle antagonistic to the biceps femoris at the hip and the knee
rectus femoris
Muscle that inserts into the iliotibial track on the lateral side of the thigh
Tensor fasciae latae
Collective name for muscles that extend the vertebral column
Erector spinae
How the head will move if only the left sternocleidomastoid contracts
Rotation to right
Shoulder rotation caused by the latissimus dorsi
Medial rotation
Type of muscle that makes up the diaphragm
Most common type of lever in The Body
Third class
Type of lever where the force is located between the load and the fulcrum (joint)
Third class