Chapter 1 FITB Flashcards
There are four ways of knowing about behavior:
authority, logic, intuition, and science
Logic plays an important role in science, but is secondary in importance to …
… plays a diminished role in science compared with other social institutions.
— often contradicts — , but ultimately it rests on a certain kind of common sense
Scientific knowledge , common sense
— is a way of obtaining knowledge based on objective observations
There is not one — method, but many — methods
scientific, scientific
Science has the following characteristics:
It is empirical, objective, self-correcting, progressive, tentative, parsimonious, and concerned with theory
Science has five major working assumptions:
the reality, rationality, and regularity of the world; the discoverability of how the world works; and the operation of causality.
Scientists assume that the world is —, but they do not assume that it is just the way it appears to be.
The assumption of rationality means that the world is believed to be understandable via
logical thinking
The assumption of — means that the world is believed to follow the same laws in all times and places
The assumption of — means that scientists believe that it is possible to find out how the world works.
The assumption of — means that all events are believed to have causes.
The criteria of temporal precedence, co-variation of cause and effect, and elimination of alternative explanations are critical to establishing a — relationship between two events
The goals of science include the
discovery of regularities and the development of theories