Chapter #1 - Characteristics & Classifications of Living Organisms Flashcards
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What is the definition of an organism?
A living thing - a group of organ systems that work together to preform a specific function.
How do you remember the characteristics of all organisms?
What are the 7 characteristics all organisms have?
What is the definition of classification?
Grouping things
What the definition of movement?
The ability of an organism, or part of it to change position or place.
What is an example of movement in plants.
Change positions to respond to position of the Sun.
What is the definition of respiration?
The chemical reaction that takes place in mitochondria, which uses oxygen to break down glucose and other nutrient molecules to release energy for the cell to use.
What is the definition of sensitivity?
The ability to detect and respond to changes in the internal or external environment.
What are some external and internal examples of sensitivity?
Use ears to detect if someone is talking
Plants detect direction of sun and turn to face it
Temp in blood
Sensitivity to pathogens
What is the definition of growth?
A permanent increase in size and dry mass.
What is dry mass?
It is measured when an organism is dead. It is the mass of the organism when all the water has been removed.
What is the definition of reproduction?
The process that makes more of the same kind of organism. Not every individual organism can reproduce, but in general, the species can reproduce.
What is the definition of
The removal of the waste products of metabolism and any substance that the organism has too much of.
What are some examples of excretion?
- Humans excrete carbon dioxide
- Urin
- Plants excrete oxygen, and a little bit of carbon dioxide.
What is the definition of nutrition?
Taking in materials for energy, growth and development.
What is a species in the classification pyramid?
Species are the smallest group that biologists classify living organisms into.
What is the definition of a species?
A group of organisms which can reproduce with each other to produce fertile offspring.
What is the second most specific way to group animals?
The Genus
What is the binomial naming system?
A way to name animals. the first word is the genus and the second is the species it belongs to.
Why do common names not work?
Because species can have different named in different parts of the world.
What are the rules in writing a animal in the binomial naming system?
The genus name is capitalized
The species name is not
It is all written in italics
What is the definition of evolution?
Process by which living organisms have developed from earlier organisms.
How has using DNA revolutionized classification?
Each species has a specific number of chromosomes and a unique sequence of DNA bases which makes it possible to distinguish one species from another. Especially species which look similar but are ultimately different.
What is genome?
A complete set of genetic information for a specieis.