Chap 4 Flashcards
Scope of work (practice)
defines the scope, or extents and limits
Standard of care
expected care provided by and EMT with similar training in a similar situation
permission from a patient for care or other action by the EMT
expressed consent
consent given by adult who is of legal age, mentally competent to make a rational decision in regard to their medical well being
Implied consent
A unconscious, physically or mentally incapacitated patient would consent to care if they were conscious
in loco parentis
“in place of a parent”
someone who may give consent for care of a child when parents aren’t around
Emancipated minors
- married minors
- minor in military
- minor with a child
Involuntary transport
transport against their will due to threat of harm to himself or others. Decision made by police or mental health worker
Requirements for refusal for care
- legally old enough or emancipated minor
- Must be awake and oriented
- Must be fully informed
- asked to sign a release form
held legally responsible
placing a person in fear of bodily harm
causing bodily harm to or restraining a person
“Do not resuscitate” order
advance directive
a DNR order
Physician Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment
Negligence requirements
- EMT had a duty to act
- EMT failed to provide the standard of care or breach of care
- Proximate causation- result of action or inaction caused damage