Chap 14 Flashcards
3 basic Secondary assessment components
Physical exam Patient history- History of present and past illnesses -OPQRST -SAMPLE Vital signs
O- Onset P- Provocation Q- Quality R- Region, relief S- Severity T- Time
S- Signs and symptoms A- Allergies M- Medications P- Past pertinent history L- Last oral intake E- Events leading to the injury or illness
a procedure for detecting changes in a patients condition. It involves four steps: repeating the primary assessment, repeating and recording vital signs, repeating the physical exam and checking interventions
building rapport with patient
- Get on same level with patient
- demonstrating empathy for problems an condition
- listen carefully
Open ended questions
a question requiring more than just a yes or no answer
Closed ended questions
a question requiring only a yes or no
Three techniques in physical exam
Respiratory assessment- History
- Dyspnea on exertion
- Difficulty breathing after exerting himself
Weight gain
-Does patient have recent, rapid weight gain or that clothes fit more tightly? This may indicate fluid build up (heart failure)
-Difficulty breathing laying down? This occurs in several respiratory conditions, including heart failure
Does the patient sleep on pillows? Has the patient required more pillows recently?
Does the patient have a cough? Has the cough been productive? What does the patient cough up?
Has respiratory conditions recently? (Flu, bronchitis, cold
Does the patient have a chronic illness that affects the respiratory system? (Asthma, emphysema (COPD)
Respiratory exam
Mental status
-due to hypoxia to brain
Level of respiratory distress
Observe chest wall motion
Auscultate lung sounds
Use pulse oximeter
Observe edema
- Lungs, feet
- Bedridden patients have edema in abdomen and flanks
-Infectious process such as pneumonia
Cardiovascular history
History of existing cardiac conditions and medications
Determine if signs and symptoms match previous episode
Obtain description of chest pain
Determine specific characteristics of the pain
Cardiovascular exam
Look for signs that the condition may be severe
- Skin color, temperature and condition
- mental status altered due to poor perfusion to brain
Obtain a pulse
Obtain blood pressure
Note the pulse pressure
Jugular vein distension (JVD)
- Heart failure or obstruction within chest
Palpate the chest
Observe posture and breathing
- Guarding chest?
- Shallow breathing indicate chest trauma
Two main elements to the nervous system exam
Mental status
-Decreased oxygen, low perfusion, stroke, tumors, dementia
Signs of dysfunction
-Facial asymmetry, slurred speech, weakness or inability to move extremities
Neurological history
Patients mental status
-AO x4
Patients normal state of mental functioning
-patients might not have normal functioning to begin with (dementia, Alzheimer’s
History of neurological conditions
- Prior strokes, transient ischemic attacks
- Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or Guillain-Barre syndrome
Patients Speech
Neurological exam
Perform a stroke scale
-Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale (CPSS)
Check peripheral sensation and movement
Gently palpate the spine for tenderness or deformity
Check extremity strength
Check the patients pupils for PEARL
Endocrine History
Obtain history of endocrine conditions
-Diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease
Determine medications taking, last taken and is doses have changed
Determine if patient has eaten
Has patient exerted himself at unusual levels
Patient currently sick
Has patient recently taken his blood glucose
Does patient have insulin pump
Endocrine Exam
Evaluate patients mental status
Observe skin
-Cool, moist skin may occur in hypoglycemia
Obtain glucose level
-Normal 70-100
Look for insulin pump
Unusual fruity breath mean hyperglycemic
Gastrointestinal History
Oral intake
History of gastrointestinal issues
-dark blood, red blood or coffee ground looking
Bowel movements
-Dark, tarry, or bright red blood
Gastrointestinal Exam
Observe the patients position
Assess the abdomen
Inspect gastrointestinal system
Inspect vomitus or feces
Immune History
Allergies and typical reactions
Exposed to something he is allergic to
Feel tightness in the chest or throat, difficulty breathing, or swelling around the face, mouth or tongue
Patient have medications for allergic reactions
Immune system exam
Inspect point of contact with the allergen
Inspect the patients skin for hives
Inspect the face, lips, and mouth for swelling
Listen to the lungs to assure adequate breathing